Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • They Don't Know About Us

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Harry: It was your last night with him, and he has finally convinced you to go out. He had a show in Dublin tomorrow night. You weren't going to see him for a few weeks after tonight, so of course you were going to give in. You will gladly go through the shouting, pictures, and next day media coverage to be with him for these last few hours. You had walked into the lounge fairly unrecognized. You knew that wasn't going to be the case now that you were getting ready to head back to your apartment for the night. Harry has a car waiting down the street for you, but it's that walk down the street that is sure to be the interesting part of the night. You had spent nearly four hours in this place. The new age music has been playing nonstop, and you've downed enough drinks to make this place manageable. You've seen your picture being taken a handful of times while sitting beside Harry; people have gotten very sneaky these days. "Ready?" Harry asks, standing in front of you with a smile on his face. You nod, and grab your bag, tipping your glass back and finishing off your drink. "Now just so you know-," he begins. "Harry," you interrupt. He turns back to you. "I haven't forgotten," you remind him. You know exactly what you are about to step into. You grip your bag tightly as the door is opened for you and Harry to exit. As soon as you come through the door the lights flash and the clicking begins. Before you can stick your other hand in the pocket of your jacket you feel Harry reaching for it. You look over and place your hand in his, his fingers tightening around yours. As you walk through the flashing and the shouting, you feel his thumb rubbing up and down yours. You had been in this situation with him before and not once did you ever feel nervous or scared. He always made sure to whisper something in your ear, or put his arm around you, or rub you hand to make sure you knew he was always going to take care of you. Everything is a blur as you walk to the awaiting car. You can't understand anything the photographers are saying as you keep your head down and walk side by side with Harry. At the beginning of your friendship with Harry you would have been nervous about the backlash you would be receiving being photographed holding his hand. The fans know you now. They know he holds your hand to protect you, and they accept that. "Almost there," Harry says into your ear. You keep your head down and trust his judgement. A few feet later, Harry is letting go of your hand and opening the car door for you. You climb in and he is quick to get in behind you. He doesn't even have time to fully shut the door before the driver is pulling out and leaving the flashes behind. "Proud of you," he says, yet again into your ear, and you feel your heart jump. You were never good at handling Harry being so close. He hasn't bothered to put his seatbelt on and is sitting as close to you as possible. If you were completely sober you would have told him to give you a little more space, but the alcohol wants him closer, closer than he should be. You rest your head on his arm as the car continues to make its way back to your apartment. You feel his fingers running down your arm, and you shiver out of excitement. You grab his hand with yours, holding it to keep him still. Your eyes drift as you remain against his arm. You feel him shift slightly, only to press a kiss amongst your hair. Your eyes are shut, and the alcohol has drained you, but you don't even want to react.
Liam: Taking his car was probably a mistake. But he had offered it, and you really didn't want to take an Uber all the way out to Bath. All you wanted to do was get out of the city for the day, and, well, now you're all over the internet. You've seen your face on these sites before, but Liam has always been by your side in the photos. You've managed it all by yourself this time. It had to have been the car. Everyone knows you're staying here, but they've never seen you come out of the garage in his car. You hadn't really thought about it being a big deal when you left yesterday morning. Liam had practically been begging you to get out of the house; if they only knew you were doing what he had suggested. "Do you see what happens when I actually do what you tell me to?" You tease as you hold your phone up to the computer screen to show him yet another online article with you behind the wheel of his highly expensive ride. "I don't see how it's a big deal that you went out in my car," he says honestly. "I think it's the fact that I've been staying here for so long, I went to all of the O2 shows, and now they've seen me in your car, without you in it. They don't know what to think," you admit. "Sure they do, they think we are dating," Liam says with a smile. A relationship between the two of you is always a story he loves to get behind. He's flipping through the articles now, a massive smile on his face. "Well aren't they all going to be disappointed," you reveal with a laugh. "No, because of course the comments on these stories are all terrible." He didn't have to remind you of that, you had read them for yourself. You were now the friend that was taking advantage of Liam and his money. Living with one him was one thing, but now you were going to all of his shows and driving around in his car. The fans weren't happy with you. You hadn't even been to another show since their run at the O2 had ended, yet they couldn't get past you being there six nights in a row. "Oh yeah, I've already checked those out. I think they've turned on me," you say lightly, letting him know that your feelings were not hurt. "They'll come back around; they always do," he assures you with a smile. You wonder how long that will take. You know they don't take very lightly to people who use the boys, not that you were using Liam. The fans weren't around to see him shutting your laptop every time he saw you looking at flats to move into. They also weren't around to hear him tell you that if you don't get out of the house for the day he was telling Andy to go over and get you. You absolutely were not going to let that happen. Sometimes you wonder if he would ever consider doing a reality show, just to show the fans that most of the 'stories' they hear are far from the truth. He would without a doubt make you a part of that show, so that's definitely not an option. "What else are you going to suggest to get me in trouble?" You tease and he laughs. "I don't know, maybe I'll stop by the Tiffany's when I get back into town. That'll cause a big mess." His cheeky smile lets you know that in this moment he is only joking. But you wouldn't put past him turning that idea into a reality just for the laughs. You groan with frustration and only get laughs from his end of the screen. "You are literally the worst sometimes," you whine and he laughs. "You love me, though." It wasn't a lie.
Niall: He's going home at some god forsaken hour in the morning. You don't want to think about that, though. You're holding onto him; your arms around his waist as the two of you lay on the couch. He's flipping through options, but nothing is standing out. You wish he didn't have to go. These last three days have been the best days you've had since moving to New York. Your heart is full, and it's all because of Niall, as it should be. He continues to change the channels, but when your face shows up on the screen he stops. "(Y/N) and the New York socialite met while she was working on renovating his Manhattan apartment. The two were photographed together, but no one thought too much about it simply because we thought everything was strictly business." Your eyes grow wide, there's no way they should be talking about you and Stephen. You haven't seen him in weeks. "We are learning now that we thought wrong. Sources are now telling us that (Y/N) and Stephen Harris had an actual affair going on behind the scenes of their renovation." Your heart just shattered. "Remember the morning we saw pictures of (Y/N) leaving his apartment in the same clothes she arrived in? Well we now have pictures from inside the apartment that night." Pictures you had never seen before in your life flash on the screen. You were naked, with Stephen's duvet around you. A slideshow of pictures begins and your grip on Niall's waist is loosened as he stands up from the couch. "Niall," you begin, but your voice is weak and full of emotions. He is staring at the screen. You look back over to the television only to see a picture of you straddling Stephen, your arms around his neck, in the middle of a very passionate kiss. You remember that one. You quickly look away, not wanting to be reminded. Your heart is in agony. "Niall, I-." "Don't," he interrupts harshly, holding his hand up. He sits the remote down. He picks his phone up from the coffee table and slips it into his pocket. He walks from the living area and is heading straight to the door "Niall, no! We can talk about it! Niall, please, no!" You rush to grab a hold of his arm, anything to get him to stay. Your sobs do nothing for him. He doesn't think twice as he shakes you off. He doesn't even look down at you as you collapse onto the floor. He reaches for the door, not even pretending to look back at you. "Niall, please!" You scream, your tears are out of control at this point. You are unable to see him clearly anymore, but your heart is still in a million pieces. Your eyes are closed tight as he walks out the door, and you jump as you hear the door slam behind him. He's gone. You've lost him. Your entire world just walked out of your life, for good you're sure. There's no way he's coming back. The entire world now knows how selfish you are, how you didn't put Niall first. You have spent nearly six years with him. And now look what you have done. Everyone was rooting for you. You were the ones that were going to last. The entire world was behind you. Now the entire world thinks you are trash. And you are. You took for granted the best thing that has ever happened to you, and now you are alone. You remain in the floor as you let your emotions take you over. You curl your knees into your chest and let your tears falls. Your selfish lifestyle had officially caught back up with you.
Louis: "Come on, get in the chair," Lou says with a smile. You had been on the road for a while now; it was time for a haircut. "I don't think I've gotten a chance to tell you this yet, but it's good to have you back here with us. I know me and Lot have missed you. Of course Louis did as well." You smile at her in the mirror as she begins to put your long hair into clips. "What are you wanting today, love?" She questions as Lottie walks into the room. "Oh, hair, what are you doing?!" She questions with excitement. "Whatever you want to do; I'm all yours," you tell Lou and can see the delight in her face. "Lot, I was just telling her how much we missed her while she was gone." "Oh my God, yes," Lottie adds in agreement. "It was so boring around here, and Louis was a nightmare," she jokes, but you can only imagine how much truth is behind her statement. "He really is like a whole other person when you aren't around," Lou assures you. "You all have something so special, it's so cute to see the two of you together." You smile at her in the mirror that stood in front of you. It hurts to hear her say such nice things, knowing everything she's seen out of the two of you since you've been back has just been acting. "Yeah, I mean yesterday when you were just sitting out on the catwalk with him, and he was trying to braid your hair, that was so cute," Lottie explains with a smile. "You saw that?" You inquire, unaware than anyone else in the camp knew the two of you were even out there. "Oh yeah, everyone did, because I took a picture and stuck it up on Instagram." Her devious smile made you laugh. "Of course you did." Well at least if anyone had been doubtful of your relationship, Lottie had helped with that post. "Should I not have done that?" She questions a bit concerned. "Oh, no, it's fine. I'll just have to tell him that there is no privacy around here, whatsoever," you explain and Lottie and Lou laugh. "When was there ever?" Lou counters. "True," you answer honestly. As Lou begins to work her magic on your hair, you can't help but catch your own gaze in the mirror. You are surrounded by friends, people that love you so much. You belong with these people; you are one of them. No matter what is actually going on between you and Louis, those are minor details when it comes to how loved everyone else around here makes you feel. You made the decision to stay, because you knew that not only would it help Louis, but it was going to help you as well. Yes, you feel bad for lying to everyone, but you need to feel their love more than they need to know your truth. You're sure they would understand if you told them, but there would be no reason for you to stick around if everyone knew you were no longer in a relationship with Louis. You need this family though, so you have to keep quiet. You feel Lou put her hands down. You look at her in the mirror and find that she's looking at you. "What?" You question. She had obviously asked you a question and you had been too far into your thoughts to respond. "What about colour?" "I don't know, what about it?" You counter. "I'm thinking something new, something different." Something new, something different, that's exactly what you were going through. It fit so well. "Go for it."

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