Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Last First Kiss

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Harry: You can't help but smile as his name comes up on the screen. You pick up your phone and immediately put the call on speaker; no one is around to listen in anyways. "Morning," you answer, putting the phone down by your head. He was calling awfully early. "I didn't wake you up, did I?" He questions, and you can only pause to take in his voice. Your mind goes back to seeing him a few weeks ago. He was here, in this room, right in front of you. You could have told him. You could have said everything you've ever wanted to say to him, but you didn't. You just let him talk. You let him tell you everything you wanted to hear without returning any of it. But who are you trying to kid? You couldn't be with him anyways. He's already in a relationship; sometimes it's hard to remember that. She's never around, always in the background spending his money, using his influence. You hate it. "(Y/N)?" "Yeah?" You answer softly, your mind still in deep thought. Harry laughs. He knows your mind is elsewhere. "Do you have anything planned for today?" "Do I ever have anything planned?" You counter. You hadn't been back to the club all week. Harry's visit had gotten to you. "You should go shopping or something; you and I used to do that all of the time." "There's a piece to that puzzle missing at the moment," you tell him. "Yeah, I know. I will get back out there soon," he assures you. You kind of hope it isn't too soon; you still aren't over his last visit. "What are you thinking about?" He questions, after more silence comes from your end. "Nothing," you answer, knowing right away that wasn't good enough. "Are you thinking of me?" He continues. "What?" "We've been friends for a while, I want to know that when you smile, is it me? Are you thinking of me?" A wide smile immediately comes across your face. "Are you quoting your own lyrics, Styles?" You question him with a laugh. "Hey, sometimes they come in handy," he admits. "And it's not cheesy at all," you add sarcastically, causing you both to laugh. "I had to do something. You've got a smile on your face now, don't you?" "Yes." Of course you did. When he wanted to, he never failed at making you smile. "Then that's all that matters." You think back on the song he was quoting. If only he knew how perfect it was. It described your situation perfectly. Well minus the whole part where he has a girlfriend; that's been left out. "I've got to get to an interview, but I'll call you again after the show. If that's alright." "Of course it's alright," you assure him, knowing it was only a few months ago this ambiguity didn't exist between you. He would call you whenever he wanted to, never asking if it was alright. The same went for showing up at your place. You miss those days. You want them back. You aren't sure if you'll ever see those times again. "I'll send you a picture of the venue when we get there," he tells you and you smile as your heart jumps. He hasn't done that in months. In every venue he played in, he would always take a picture of the empty seats to show you were he was playing that night. Maybe this is slowly coming back together. It's never going to go back to the way it was; you've felt that for a while. It's taken you all of that time to accept it, and it still upsets you to put those thoughts in your mind. "Can't wait," you tell him with honesty. "Alright, love, I'll talk to you soon." "Bye." "I love you," he adds in, now making sure you aren't going to forget. "And I love you," you respond, making sure he knows you mean every word. You end the call and bring the covers back up to your face. You have missed conversations like that with him. You could have phone calls with every single guy you've brought home from the club, and they could be like the one you just had with Harry, but the truth of the matter is they would mean nothing. You can try your best to hide or block your feelings for Harry, but they are always going to come back. You've got to tell him. You know he isn't happy in his relationship. You can be the one to save him from that. Everyone keeps saying they know how much he cares about you, and you know how much you care about him. What is really stopping you from being together? You don't want to ruin the friendship? Well that friendship is still in shambles at the moment, and you're going to spend the rest of your life picking up the pieces by yourself if you don't make some sort of move, any kind of move, to reveal your true feelings.
Liam: It was a hot one in London today. The heat felt nice though. You had spent so much time in Liam's air conditioned flat that you would gladly accept any sort of warmth. You felt eyes on you the moment you stepped out of the complex. How is it that so many people in this massive city know who you are? You've been stopped by fans of his and even taken pictures. This is a crazy life he has, and you are only a very small part of it. You step into a coffee shop for a snack. It's the middle of the afternoon, and you've already walked off your lunch. Something you learned is very easy to do is a city this size. You get a coffee and a scone and take a seat by the window, probably not the best place for you to sit. You might as well just be putting yourself on display for everyone. "You're (Y/N), aren't you?" A girl close to your age asks as she stops before walking out the door. You finish chewing, covering your mouth, and nod so she doesn't think you are ignoring her. "Oh wow, it's nice to meet you," she says with a bright smile. She wasn't from England, her American accent was on full display. "It's nice to meet you too, what is your name?" "Lacy," she answers with a smile. "It's very nice to meet you Lacy." "Can I sit here?" She inquires, pointing to the empty seat beside you. "Yes, of course," you answer. You're sure she wasn't going to take the time to drink her coffee in the shop until she came across you, but you don't mind the company. You haven't had a lot of it since Liam left. And of course, as your luck would have it, the moment your mind falls on Liam, your phone begins to ring. You see Lacy's eyes fall on your phone screen. Her eyes grow wide. You smile at her and pick up the phone. Whatever rumors were flying around about you and Liam, they were now amplified in Lacy's mind. "Happy Birthday!!" You answer cheerfully, prepared to make this the best conversation you've ever had on the phone with Liam. This is going to be an experience for Lacy. This is something she is going to go on every social media site and talk about. The last thing you want is any negativity. "Well hi," he responds with a chuckle at your enthusiasm. "How are you?" "I'm doing very well, how's Michigan, birthday boy?" "It's awesome, so far. We just got here, so some of us are about to go out and see what's around." "Sounds fun. How was the show in Cleveland?" "It was awesome! So much energy in that place. I really wish you could be over here to experience all of this with me." You look over at Lacy, unsure if she is able to hear what he is saying. By the look in her eyes though, she can. You smile at her. "Hey, Liam, I've got someone here that wants to say 'hi'," you tell him. Lacy's eyes grow wide as you hand her the phone. "Hi Liam, Happy Birthday," she greets cautiously, unsure of what to do really. "Hi, who is this?" "This is Lacy, I met (Y/N) in this shop and she let me sit beside her," she explains. "You mean she actually got out of the flat?" Liam teases and Lacy laughs. "Yeah, she actually came out." You roll your eyes. "What have you two been talking about?" Liam asks. "Nothing really, you called as soon as I sat down." "Oh, I'm sorry about that," he laments. "Oh no, it's fine." "Listen, Lacy, do you think you could do me a favor?" "Oh, yes, of course," she quickly responds. "Well first, make sure (Y/N) can't hear me," he begins. She smiles and turns from you. You scoff, not upset with Lacy, but with Liam's influence over her. "Can she hear me?" "No." "Okay, so I'm sure you know that I've been trying to get (Y/N) to go out with me for a while now, right?" "Yes, I think everyone knows that," she teases. "Exactly, so while you're with her, and while you've got the chance, I want you to be my wingman. She hasn't been out a lot since being in London, and I've been the only person she's been talking to I'm sure. But if you could at least get her to consider staying with me through Christmas, it would be the best birthday present ever and I would love you forever." It was a big task, one you would have immediately written off, if you would have been able to hear the conversation. "I will try my best," Lacy responds. She says a few more words to him and then hands the phone back to you. "Whatever you've told her to do, the answer is no," you joke. "I didn't tell her to do anything. I just wanted to talk with her and knew if she moved away from you, not being able to hear what I was saying would bug you." "Well you succeeded at that," you admit. "Good. I've got to go; soundcheck is soon." "Alright, I'll talk to you later." "I love you," he tells you. "Love you too, Happy Birthday, for the millionth time," you respond with a laugh before hanging up. You turn to Lacy, knowing Liam has given her a task, of what, you have yet to find out.
Niall: "Tile is down," the contractor says as he walks back through to the kitchen where you are standing, emerged in dining room plans. You look up and watch him wipe the sweat from his forehead. "Can I go and look?" He nods. He follows you back into the master bathroom, and you stand in the doorway to take in the newly laid tile floor. "I love it; it's perfect," you respond. "My guys will get the stone in for the shower tomorrow," he explains, and you nod. "That's perfect. This looks amazing, thank you so much." "You act like this is your place," he reveals as the two of you walk back to the kitchen. "It might as well be. I've spent most of the last few months here." "You're a great designer; he's lucky to have gotten you." "Thank you," you say with a smile as you watch him pack his things up. "I will see you tomorrow at seven, right?" "That sounds great, thank you again." He leaves the flat, and you are left in the space alone. Stephen is at his office for the day, having not been able to work from home today like he usually does. You look around at the transformation that has been taking place over the last couple of months. You have put your heart and soul into this place for Stephen. You've never been more proud of a design. Not even your own flat could compete with this. Being allowed to put your own touches into this place probably wasn't the best idea. You could definitely see yourself living here, and the fact that Stephen lives here doesn't even bother you. It should though, it should definitely bother you. This situation wouldn't have even made it this far if it wasn't for him. Him threatening to tell the media about the drunken night you spent with him was the only reason you came back. Of course it was. You didn't want Niall finding out whatever it was Stephen had to say about that night. You couldn't remember a thing, but you know whatever was going to come out of Stephen's mouth was not going to help your relationship with Niall. Truth be told though, Stephen's threat hadn't crossed your mind in weeks. You were perfectly content now working on his space. You are comfortable being here. You are comfortable being around Stephen again. The companionship towers over the threat. You gather all of your papers strewn over the kitchen counter. You were going to cook in this kitchen tonight. It was time to break it in. You remove every trace of work from the space and head straight back to the refrigerator. You hate yourself for being here. For staying longer than you needed. Stephen isn't even here; you hadn't seen him all day. You could be on your way back to your own place. You could be calling Niall. He isn't that far away. He's literally only a few states over. What is wrong with you? You know what it is. You can see yourself in a life like this, cooking for someone who is on their way home. You've never really known what that was like, but with Stephen you know it's possible. You know you wouldn't be missing out on anything you are already used to with him. He can give you it all. You don't need the recognition, and you certainly don't need the constant flashing lights everywhere you go. You've spent the last five-plus years in a life like that, and it's only taken a few months here to make you question if Niall is actually the one you are meant to spend the rest of your life with. You continue getting ingredients together for dinner. You know by now what Stephen likes, just like he knows what to order you for take away. The two of you have become close, and you have to admit it's strange. No one in their right mind would willingly hang around someone who is blackmailing them. You've never been in your right mind, though. You've spent the last five-plus years in a relationship with a member of the biggest boyband in the world. You hate questioning decisions that have worked for you for so long. But when something new comes along, you can't help but think about what your life would be like with a fresh start. Niall doesn't deserve your wandering mind. He has done nothing but be supportive of this move and of this job. The guilt sets in and your accepting attitude of your new surroundings diminishes. The lock on the door turns, and you know it's time to remove all thoughts of Niall. You don't want to; you do still love him so much. But it's the only way you are able to make it through spending time with Stephen. Yes, you enjoy his company, but you can't think about Niall while in his presence. It just hurts too much.
Louis: You look down at the ring that still remains on your finger. "This means forever, right?" You question out loud. There's no one else in the back of the bus but you and Louis. No one else was ever in the back of the bus other than you and Louis. He nods, but his focus is on the television screen in front of you. FIFA was more important than any other conversation you were thinking about having right now. The two of you hadn't been doing a lot of talking while you had been on the road with him. At first, you thought he was just unsure of how to comfort you after losing your dad. You willingly followed him around, quietly of course, doing more talking with the other boys and crew members than you did with him. You were still enjoying your time though. Anything was better than being at home. So you accepted the silence. But you had been quiet for long enough. You and Louis were yet to discuss the ring on your finger in person. He had given you a whole spiel about it over the phone, but that was months ago. "I mean, I know you've been busy, and I know a lot has been going on with me, but we haven't really even talked since I've been over here." He says nothing and continues to play. "We wake up, go into the venue, I watch you during soundcheck. Then we go to get lunch with the group, maybe, and then we come back here until it's time for the show. We've done this for weeks." You're expecting him to say something now. You've expressed your concerns; surely he can take a moment away from his game to address them. Nothing though, he does not say a word. "Louis, are you listening to me?" The last thing you want to do is fight. He has a show in a couple of and even though that would be plenty of time to get over anger, Louis holds a grudge like no other. The last thing you want to do is send him on stage in a mood. That's a good way to ruin 50,000 people's night. He says nothing. How can he just not respond? You are sitting right across from him. You have the mind to just take the controller out of his hand. To really stick it to him that you mean some sort of business with this conversation. It isn't worth it though. The fight would outlast your desire to talk about this with him. Instead of fighting, or continuing to prod him with questions, you get up. There's no need to be back here if there's no one to talk to. He doesn't even acknowledge your movement as you leave the back and close the door behind you. You just want to know what is going on. You thought he was over hating on this lifestyle. You thought he was back to enjoying himself, the self you saw while he was with you in France, the one he would call you and tell you about when you couldn't be around. His silence tells you otherwise, and you have no idea what to do. "Ready to head out?" Louis's driver inquires as he walks onto the bus to see you walking past the bunks. "Yep, ready to go," you respond, putting on a fake smile for him. The last thing you want is to give him any reason to think something is wrong between you and Louis. You're sure he's been able to pick up on some of the things going on. How could he not? He's around the two of you more than most anyone on this tour. You grab some cereal from the cabinet and walk to the very front. "Can I sit up here with you tonight?" You inquire. He looks up at you from his seat and smiles. "Of course you can, young lady," he responds, leaning over to move some of his things he had laid in the passenger's seat. "Not tired, yet?" He questions as he starts up the bus. "Not yet," you respond. Truth is, you know Louis isn't going to come looking for you once he gets tired of his videogame. You don't want to be in the bunks when he comes to lie down. "Well we've got eight hours ahead of us to Philly. Think you can make it?" "I'm sure I can," you assure him as you put your feet up on the dash as the bus begins to roll out of the lot. "He's back there playing FIFA, isn't he?" You turn to look at him, hoping the sadness in your eyes isn't obvious. "Yeah, and he's already beaten me four times, so I had to quit," you tell him. Truth is, you hadn't picked up the PlayStation controller once since being on the road. You just had to say anything to make your situation seem alright. "Yeah, I've never seen anyone play the game like him," he admits as he stops before getting onto the road to make sure the other buses were behind him. "Yeah, he's really serious about it, and it's a great way for him to unwind after a show." "You two are really good together; I'm sure everyone here has told you that. You work well together." Work well? That doesn't really sound like a relationship, that sounds like an obligation.

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