Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Through The Dark

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Harry: You know why he is calling. He wants to know absolutely everything that was said between you and his girlfriend. He obviously knew the story that he got from her would differ from the one he would get from you, hence the call. This is an inquiry, not a check in. "Hi," you answer softly. You haven't talked to him in weeks; you don't know how this is going to go. "How have you been?" He asks, and you try not to laugh. If only you could truthfully tell him how you have been. Telling him the real story would only send him into a fit of worry, the last thing he needs. "I've been fine." Lying was better in this instance. "So I heard you ran into someone the other day," he begins, and you're sure he could have opened up the topic better than that. "I guess you could say that," you reply, not wanting to relive the day for him. "What does that mean?" "That means she's the one that came up to me and initiated the conversation. You know I would rather fall into a well than willingly talk to that girl." He laughs, and you feel your heart skip a few beats. You've missed that sound. "Play nice," he insists, and you roll your eyes. Silence falls; you know the question is going to come. "So are you going to ask me what we talked about, or what?" He laughs, yet again, at your urgency to get this conversation over with. "Well I was going to ease into it, but since you are ready to spill, go for it." "Yeah, whatever." He's never wanted to ease into anything with you ever, what makes him think that you would believe he's ready to start now? "We didn't really talk about anything. She asked me how I had been and then invited me out to a show. She had been talking about what a great time she's been having so far and all the rest of it I tuned out." "Of course you did," he counters. "Well what else do you expect from me, Harry?" Just saying his name makes your heart flutter once again. "Nothing less," he insists. "Good, because that's all the talking I ever plan on doing with her. The next time she decides to show up I'm walking away." "I've missed your honesty," he reveals with a slight chuckle. "Yeah, well, sometimes it's necessary." "Honesty is always necessary," he begins. "And I wish you would have taken that into consideration when I asked you how you had been." Caught. You knew better than to think you were going to get away with that tale. "Harry, you didn't call to ask me about how I've been anyways. It didn't matter what my answer was." You hear him sigh in frustration. It had been a while since you had brought that out of him. "When are you going to get it?" He questions. "Get what?" "That I haven't gone anywhere. That I'm still always going to be here for you. (Y/N), I would do anything for you, and I know you know that. I know you know that you can call me whenever you need to. I am always going to answer. I can tell by the tone of your voice that you've been sad and I hope to God you haven't been like this long. I'm here for you, (Y/N), I'm always going to be here." His words are comforting, but it's the simple fact that he is telling you all of this over the phone, instead of face to face, that prevents you from believing him like he wants.
Liam: The knock at the door brings you back from your intense online shopping. The seasons were changing and it was time to stock up. You set your laptop on the coffee table and make your way to the door. You open it to find no one on the other side. Looking down though, you see a large vase full of gorgeous purple and pink flowers. You step out onto the porch and bend down to pick it up, taking a look to see if anyone was around. You hold the bouquet up, searching for a card. You find the card, but also notice a key tied around the neck of the vase. You bring the arrangement inside, sitting it down on the kitchen counter before opening the card. 'I think it's time for me to really start taking care of you. This key is to our front door - if you'll accept it.' You stand in shock at the offer from your doorstep gift. Another knock comes and you jump slightly with shock. You hurry over and open up the door. "So what do you say?" Mark inquires with a wide smile. "You want me to move in with you?" You question still in shock. "Yes," he answers simply, stepping into the house and wrapping his arms around you. "Don't get me wrong, this is a nice place. But I really think it's time we have a place of our own. And your parents are nice, they always have been, but I just really want us to have somewhere to call home." He is right. You are for sure old enough to not be living in the addition of your parent's house. No, they never bother you, but it is just the fact that you know you are still technically living with them that makes Mark's offer sound even better. "So what do you say?" He inquires yet again, still not having an answer from you. "Yes, yes, of course," you say, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your lips to his. "I just want to be able to fully show you that I am committed to taking care of you and I think this is a great next step for us." You nod in agreement, still not being able to say much as the shock still consumes you. You give him one more tight hug before pulling away. He can still read the surprise on your face and laughs at your expense. "When do you think you are going to actually be able to speak?" He questions and you push on his chest but he only laughs more. "Shut it!" You whine, trying not to smile. "I've just never had anyone ask me to move in with them, well except for Liam, but I didn't end up actually living with him and- " "(Y/N)?" "Yeah," you say, looking back up at him. Your eyes had drifted away from his as you had begun to think about that time in your life. Mark presses a soft kiss to your lips, and your eyes slowly shut. "Shut it," he says gently against your lips. You laugh softly and open your eyes up only to stare into his. Your life with Mark is in motion. Moving in together is a massive step in a relationship, a make or break step. You are ready though. You have confidence in your relationship and this seems like the clear option when thinking about moving forward. Mark says he wants to be the one to take care of you, that he wants to show you that he is taking everything between the two of you as serious as possible. You've never had anything like this before. Relationships have always turned out to be a sort of joke for you. Nothing serious ever came your way, that is until now.
Niall: "I saw you in the papers the other day." You knew this was coming; you had been preparing your speech for him for days now as you waited for him to call. "Hope I looked good," you joke, hoping to keep the mood of this conversation light. You have no idea what to expect from him. "Oh yeah, you looked great. What was the occasion? It looked like you were out with just a guy or something." You could tell he was trying his best not to start assuming anything and for that you were very thankful. "Yeah, he's a client. I am working on renovating a space of his and the only time he could meet me that night was around dinner time so we just decided to go out and discuss the project instead of being cooped up in an office." You weren't lying to him. Although what you had just explained to him would look different to anyone that had witnessed it a few days ago; he wasn't there so you could tell him what he needed to know and leave the unwanted details out. "What kind of space are you working on for him?" Niall asks, still not assuming the worst out of your interaction with Stephen. "He has a flat that he is wanting fully remodeled," you explain. "A flat? I thought you didn't do residential projects anymore?" His tone was starting to sound a bit suspicious, but you had the perfect answer to keep him at bay. "Yeah, I thought so too, but he is a regular client of Kati's, and she gave me the assignment personally because she trusted my judgment. She also knew I wouldn't do anything to scare him off or make him stop coming back in the future. Apparently he's got big money invested in a lot of the businesses Kati operates with." Problem solved. "Sounds like a pretty important client." "Oh yeah, for sure." "Is she going to give you any more residential properties after this?" "I'm not sure. I don't think so. I just think I got this one simply because she was too busy with the four or so major projects she has going on at the moment." "You would think she would find someone else for him, and use your commercial knowledge for her projects." "Yeah, you would think so," you reply, agreeing with him would help ease any worry he thought he had about the situation. "How are the shows?" You ask, quickly shifting the conversation. "They're going great. Wish you could be here. I feel like I'm going to have to do something big and elaborate for when you do actually get to see a show." "Why is that?" "I guess to show you how much I love you," he answers as if he isn't sure. "Well that's silly. I'm always going to know how much you love me." "Yeah, but it's just nice to be able to show you, you know?" "Niall, you don't have to do anything special. We're on the same page with all of this. I know you love me, and you know I love you." "Yeah, I know. Hey I've got to get to soundcheck, I'll talk to you later, okay?" "Alright, have fun! Tell the other boys I said 'Hi'." "I will. I love you." "And I love you." At that you hang up and get back to the paperwork on the table in front of you. You smile at the thought of Niall wanting to do something elaborate for you the next time you go to a show. But what didn't cross your mind, and what won't be crossing your mind is how you had shot that idea down because you were too busy with Stephen in the back of your thoughts.
Louis: It was a short stay, but one you definitely needed. The train station isn't busy which means the two of you can walk through without any hassle. His hand is tightly squeezed around yours, and you wish you never had to let it go. You don't want to go back to the sadness. You had been surrounded by happiness and laughter all week, something you hadn't heard in weeks. He stops beside you, and you weren't even aware you had reached the train. "Keep that smile on, okay?" He encourages. You nod, even though your mind immediately goes back to the night that you had fallen apart in front of him, sobbing as he held you close to him. It had been an emotional week, one you were so happy to spend with him. "You've got everything, yeah?" He inquires, looking down at the bags on your shoulders. "Yeah, I think so," you answer softly. Why is leaving so hard? He won't even be that far away from you, yet you feel like you're about to catch a flight across the world. "I've got to get back to the venue, but text me or leave me a voicemail when you get back home, okay?" You nod as your eyes fall. "Hey," he begins softly, and you slowly look back up at him. "It's going to get easier," he insists but you aren't sure how. This feels like torture. It amazes you how quickly the tables between the two of you have turned. It wasn't that long ago that you would be the one giving the positive speech and telling him that everything is going to be alright. Now you're the one acting hopeless. He opens his arms, and you step into them, pressing yourself tightly into his chest as you feel his arms wrap around you one final time. He lets you go and steps back, allowing the space between you to do the talking, telling you it's time to get on the train. "I love you," he says with a smile. You try your best to force a smile of your own, anything to show him that you are strong enough to handle this. "I love you too." He leans forward, pressing a kiss to your lips before pulling back, making the space between you larger. He is easing you into this. You don't want to turn from him but you know that it is necessary. You face the train and before stepping onto it you look over your shoulder to see Louis taking more steps backwards, still facing you though. He nods, and you step onto the train. You are officially going back home, and it hurts. You shouldn't be feeling like this. You just spent the last week feeling complete. The problem was that those feelings only confirmed that on the road with Louis is where you belong. You don't belong cooped up in a house succumb to depression. Your family would tell you otherwise, your brother for sure. No one in that house understood the effect they were having on you. You never showed your face. Didn't they realize that? The answer is obviously no, because the moment you mentioned leaving you were immediately deemed the heartless one. No one had said that, but you felt it through their looks as you walked out the door. You are returning now, and you're sure they will be glad about that. No one in this situation should get the chance to escape it and have time to recuperate, not while there are still others in the house suffering. Your thoughts are running ramped as the train begins to pull out of the station. What you would give to be able to jump off now, run after Louis, and tell him you never want to leave his side. It would be just like the movies, picture perfect. Your picture perfect life with Louis had come crashing down the morning you received that phone call from your mother. It has all been a nightmare since then.

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