Walking Dead • Zayn

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"Owwww," the cry comes out more as a groan, than an understandable word. A deep throbbing pain behind my eyes is the only reminder of last night. "I'm never drinking again."
When I open my eyes I'm surprised to find that my surroundings are familiar. Pristine white couches, minus the colorful throw I probably tried to sleep with, but ended up bunched up near the opposite arm of the couch. The matte white walls, covered in paintings and prints from all over the world. The windows high up near the ceiling allow light to stream in and light up the room naturally. The last thing I noticed was the gargantuan, metal, front door. I've been here before, many times. I'm in Zayn's house. We must've come back here after the club last night. So where the hell is everyone else? Where is he?
"We are in a state of emergency. This is not a drill. This is not a test. The National Guard recommends all civilians lock their doors and stay within the safety of their homes. I repeat this is not a test. Do not leave for–" The voice of the news anchor is barely audible from across the room. But from the look of it, something serious is going on. Shots of people boarding up their homes and raiding shops in town pan across the screen. Big red banner sits at the bottom of the screen, with bold white letters,'EMERGENCY'
'BANG BANG!' Two loud knocks on the front door, distract me form the impending doom on the television. Before I can even grab my phone to check the time, three more loud knocks erupt and echo through the house. From the back hall, Zayn emerges, shirtless, sleepy, and obviously as equally hungover as I am.
"Who is it?" He yelles, squinting through the peep hole in the door. "Oh shit." The stunned look on his face was only wake up call for what was going to happen next. He fiddles with the lock and chains until the door swings open. "Pez, what happened to you?" He asks reaching out for her. Perrie pushes past him, and stumbles into the living room. Her hands tight against her neck.
"Jesus, what happened to you?" I can't help but blurt out. Her fingers are coated in blood. Its running out from between them. Red and angry, down her shirt and onto the pristine white carpet.
"Sit down, Jesus Pez." The panic was clear on Zayn's face. He keeps glancing back and forth from the stained carpet to her bloodied neck.
"I woke up this morning in my car. Me and Jessie slept there last night... I guess. We were both to drunk to drive home and we couldn't find you so we crashed."
She kept talking, shuddering the whole time. Keeping her eyes lowon the floor.
"When I woke up she wasn't in the car. The door was wide open. You know li-like she got out or somthing."
Zayn is buzzing around the house. Listening quietly and dropping things off on the modern white tea table as he goes back and forth. So far he's gathered bandages, rubbing alcohol, and a bottle of unknown pills– probably painkillers.
"I thought she might have gone inside the rest stop. So I got out and as soon as I did, thi-this crazy man charged me. I guess it didn't register because was a few feet from me when I ran back to the car. Before I could get in h-he he b-bit me." She blubbers out.
"He bit you?"
She went into how it went down. It sounded horrible he just attacked her. She wouldn't have gotten away except, a passing car hit the crazy man and knock him into the street. She said ever since then she felt horrible. And asked if she could lay down.
"Of course baby, come on you can lay in my room." Zayn piped up after a long silence. He helps her down the hall until they both disappear.
The room is so quite all of a sudden. The news is still quietly playing in the background. The news! That's right something happened. You cross the room to the flatscreen and run your fingers along the side looking for a volume button.
"Remember if you come in contact with someone infected, isolate yourself to prevent further spread. This is the fastest spreading infection the world has ever seen. Stay safe stay indoors." The woman on screen prompts.
"So what was the big emergency?" Zayn asks emerging from his room after about 45 minutes.
"Some kind of infection, they say its unstoppable." Seconds of silence pass. "How is she." I do my best to pretend we don't actually hate each other on a regular basis.
"Good I think. She just settled down enough to fall asleep. I'm going to make some tea, do you want some?" He seems more sketched out then usual. I mean he's always stressed, but today more than usual.
"I'm good," silence isn't weird for us. So we don't talk. My hangover hasn't subsided yet, and a nap sounds great. I curl back up on the couch and close my eyes. Maybe I'll be able to sleep for a bit before I have to adult today.
It seems like an hour later I'm woken up to gun shot. A spray of warmth hit my face. When I open my eyes Perrie is falling to the floor, with a hole big enough to see Zayn straight through her head.

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