Soundtrack Series • FOUR • Where Do Broken Hearts Go

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Harry: Rainy days, you hated them. Los Angeles was not the place for rain, so when it came everyone's mood was shot. You sit at the breakfast bar, cereal in front of you, phone off to the side, as you review everything you had to get done today. Errands were no fun in the rain, but you had put them off for so long that you had no choice. You close the notes on your phone and get back to your breakfast. Your phone lights back up though, as it begins to buzz on the counter top. You move your finger across the screen and put the call on speaker. "Morning," you answer as you continue to eat. "I didn't wake you up, did I?" Harry questions, his voice slightly off. "No, I had to get up early today. What's up?" There was a long pause after your question. "Harry?" What was going on? "She's gone," he finally reveals, and you're even more confused. "What do you mean she's gone?" "When I got back home after rehearsal Friday...she was gone." "Friday? Harry that was a week ago," you tell him, as if he wasn't already aware. "Yeah, I haven't heard from her since that morning when I left." "Well do you know where she could have gone?" "No," he answers solemnly, he was getting emotional now. What was she trying to do to him? And more importantly, why was he letting her? "How many times have you tried to get ahold of her?" "More times than I probably should." Well, that was probably the truth. You try your best to refrain from having an 'I told you so' moment; that isn't what he needs right now. Harry is your friend, and he's calling you now because he needs you. He doesn't know what to do, but in all reality neither do you. If it were up to you, he would have been done with her a long time ago; none of this would even be an issue. He had stuck around so this, indeed, was now an issue. "You want me to try and call her?" You offer. You didn't want to, you want him to be done with her. But you remember back to the conversation you had with him a few weeks back about friends supporting each other. Calling her was all you could really offer. "Could you?" He asks. This whole thing had been so emotionally draining for him. "Yeah, I'll call you right back," you tell him before ending the call and scrolling through your contacts. Why did you even have her number? The only time you had ever called her was to get in touch with him. You select her name and wait. Once. Twice. Straight to voicemail. You roll your eyes. She knew exactly what she was doing. It's always just a game. "She didn't answer," you say once you're back on the line with Harry. He sighs, and your heart sinks. If you didn't like her before for cheating on him, you weren't sure what you felt towards her now for abandoning him like this. Whatever it was it wasn't good. "Why didn't you call me sooner? I mean, she's been gone a week, right?" "I don't know. I just didn't want to come to you with my relationship again. You're always on my case about her, but this time she's proving you right." You could at least thank her for that. Maybe he was finally coming around. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I still wouldn't be here to talk about it with you. Come on, Harry, you know me better than that, don't you?" There was more silence. "Of course I'm going to be critical of someone doing this to you, but I'm not heartless. Please tell me you know that." "Yeah, I know that." You needed to do something. He never liked you getting involved in his relationship but this was about to head downhill faster than it already was if you didn't step in. "Come see me," you suggest. It was the only thing you had to offer him. Time with you to clear his head, away from London and out of that house. "When?" "Whenever you can, just soon." You wanted him with you; it was always better that way.
Liam: "What do you mean you aren't going?" Liam's tone was at a level you rarely heard. "I can't Liam, I need to be here for my sister." Your explanation was not helping your cause, he wanted you with him. "She ended her engagement; she isn't in a hospital dying," he counters and now you're frustration is coming through. "I know that but this is a big deal for her. I can't just leave her." He had to think of something. He knew you weren't going to up and leave her no matter how strict his voice got. He has to get you out of the country. "Bring her with you. You both can come." He was biting his tongue now, but anything to get you out of Wolverhampton. "Seriously?" "Yes, now tell her to pack quickly. The plane is leaving in four hours." He hangs up the phone, and you stare over at your emotional wreck of a sister. "Pack your bags," you tell her. She looks at you in confusion. "We're going to Australia." You weren't sure how you had done it. Made it to the airport on time, that is. You were certain the running around the house like madwomen had something to do with it though. Thank goodness this was a private flight, otherwise you would have definitely had to stay in the UK. You climb the steps up onto the private plane that would be taking you to paradise and smile at the familiar faces that greet you once inside. "Weren't sure you were going to make it," Liam says as he extends his hand over to the two empty seats across from him. "Hey everybody," you greet with a smile, "You all remember my sister, yeah?" They all nod their heads and wave before settling in for the long flight. You turn back to Liam and smile. "Thank you for this." "Anything for you, you know that." You scrunch your nose up, he was so cute sometimes. You take your seat beside your sister. This trip was exactly what she needed to get her mind off of the drama she was about to leave at home. She had already started to loosen up and relieve the tension she had been feeling earlier. A new adventure did that to people. You were so grateful to see her in a better state. "So what did Mark say about you going on this trip?" She asks just as soon as the plane begins to move. Liam's eyes snap up from his phone screen. "He's really excited for me. He knows how long I've been wanting to go. He said he wants lots of bikini pictures," you say with a laugh. Liam tries his best to keep his comments to himself. "He's so cute. I still can't believe you wrangled him in. I'm still confused about all of that," she teases and neither of you pay attention to Liam tensing up across from you. He hadn't brought you on this trip for you to constantly talk about Mark. In fact, he had done it for the completely opposite reason. "When do you think he's going to ask you out? I mean surely you're getting close to that point, don't you think?" "You two want anything to drink?" Liam interrupts, not being able to keep quiet any longer. Anything to break up this conversation. You both look up at him, slightly thrown off by his intrusion. "No, I think we're good for right now," you answer with a smile and turn back to your sister. "You know, I don't know. I mean, there are times when I think he's going to ask, but he doesn't and then I'm just like, 'Am I doing something wrong?'" "So you want him to ask you out?" You smile as your cheeks flush, giving away your answer immediately. "Oh my gosh, you two are so cute," she responds. "You would make such a cute couple." Liam scoffs softly, and she turns to him. He only stares at her. He didn't want to hear about Mark this entire trip, and she had just been given the notice.
Niall: With the boxes still piled around you, you sit down in the middle of your empty living room as your computer tries to find the Wi-Fi you had just set up. Your first priority, honestly. You wouldn't be able to live here without it. You had started packing up your things in London a few days ago, while Niall got his real estate agent on the task of finding you an apartment. You were thankful for Niall's budget, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to find a place so quickly. You hadn't been able to talk with him since leaving the UK. You hadn't made it to the store to get an American phone yet, and the cable and internet guy hadn't been able to come until late today. There had been no contact between the two of you, but to be honest you had been so busy with the new place that it never crossed your mind during the day. You had visited your new firm a few times since the move, and everyone there was so welcoming of you. You were scheduled to start Monday morning, in two days. Your excitement had kept you going as you unpacked. You hadn't finished completely but you were done for the night; you were desperate for a Skype call. You leave the laptop on the bed (the first thing you put together) and walk to the kitchen to grab something to eat while you talked to your boyfriend from across the ocean. You log into your account once you return back to the bedroom, and wait for Niall to get on. You had scheduled this call before you had left, just in case you weren't able to get back into contact with him. "Hey!" You say happily once his face is displayed on your screen. You had gone longer than this without seeing him, talking to him, not so much. "Hey," he returns, but with much less enthusiasm. "What's wrong?" He shakes his head. "Niall, what is wrong?" "Nothing, it's just I heard the guys talking today," he admits and you wonder what he's hiding. "Okay, and?" You wanted to know more. "And they were saying that you ultimately decided to take this job and move because you're tired of the lifestyle." What? His words hit you hard. You had always thought you and Niall had a support system with the other guys, apparently not. "Niall, please tell me you didn't actually put any of that into thought?" He sighs and you watch as his head falls. "Niall," you urge. That was the most ridiculous thing they could have come up with, why on earth did he believe it? "It just makes sense, though." "What?! No it absolutely does not. I would not run from you. Niall, you were the one that sent the email! You said I should do this and that we would work on a system with me being gone. You were so supportive of this." He was obviously having second thoughts now that you had officially moved. "I didn't actually think you would do it," he reveals and your heart sinks. "How can you say that?" You question, none of this was making any sense. "You haven't even tried to get in touch with me. How is that supposed to make me feel?" "Niall we made this plan just in case I couldn't. You know I have to get a new phone, and the cable guy didn't get here until today. How else was I supposed to contact you?" "I'm sure there were other ways." Wow. You were really going to have to thank the guys for this one. It hadn't even been a full week ago since he sent you off, the brightest of smiles on his face. Had he forgotten that?
Louis: Traumatized wasn't even remotely close to how you were feeling in this moment. You hadn't even had his fan's attention for a month, but this was absolutely the worst thing they could have possibly done. Tears hadn't stopped falling from your eyes for the last three hours. Your world was shattering around you. There were pictures, and you were stupid. Stupid for taking them and even more stupid for sending them to who you did. But that was all in the past, yet here they were jeopardizing the future you had been looking forward to for so long. You knew exactly who had done this to you, but it was the fan base that was spreading the photos like wildfire all over the internet and to the news sources. You had no idea what to do. You hadn't gotten out of bed since waking up to all of this. There was no way you could go to your classes. You sit your phone back down on the night stand; it wasn't helping this situation in any way. You slide back down under the covers, tears continuing to fall as you bury your face in the duvet. You wanted this day over with. You lay in silence, only the sound of your breath hitching in your throat as emotion fills the room. You hear the lightest of steps enter the room, and the duvet shifts. Louis crawls under the covers with you, wrapping his arms around you, and your tears come faster now as you realize why he is here. He had taken the two hour flight over just to lay here. To be with you, to comfort you. He knew this was where he needed to be. This drama was the last thing your new relationship needed, but he was now here to hold you. To, at the very least, show you that you were not alone in this. "You said everything would be fine," you cry into his chest through your tears. He didn't have an answer for you. He had said that everything was going to be fine. That the fans would eventually warm up to the idea of you. That clearly had not happened yet. They were out having a field day at your expense, and it was painful. His grip on you only tightened. He didn't know how to go about addressing this either. He wanted so badly to be able to take you away from this. No one deserves to have their privacy stripped away like this. He would be having a few words with some people once he knew you were able to handle things once again. One thing neither of you had considered to this point was the impact this would have on him. He would be the one to get the questions about this, not you. He would be the one to have to talk about it, not you. He and his management team would be hard at work to get rid of this as quickly as possible. But right now all you could think about was how everyone outside your window was seeing these pictures of you and all of the nasty thoughts they now have of you. Even though a lot of that is just your mind imagining the worst case scenario, it still brings the tears down from your eyes. The betrayal and the insensitivity you had experienced in the last few hours was shattering. You were sure sobbing in bed wasn't the correct way to handle this and that his management team would be telling you how to address it soon enough, but right now it was all you could do. You didn't want to say anything. You didn't want to see anyone, apart from Louis. You didn't want to move. How could one relationship start off so badly?
Zayn: He was leaving, but you didn't care. You weren't going to see him for a month, but you just didn't care. You lay in bed as you stare at the clock; he would be at the airport right now. That is if he had actually woken up on his own. He didn't have anything packed, and you hadn't heard anyone come in last night. Security wasn't going to be happy about that one. You wondered if he cared at all that you weren't there to send him off. Probably not. He would have come back this morning before the flight. Surely, he would have. He hadn't though, and so you assumed you were still meant to be upset with one another. Hence why you were still in bed, not feeling an ounce of guilt as the time clicked by. Your mind goes back to the fight you had gotten into yesterday. It was always a fight; you couldn't do anything else. You hadn't picked him up from rehearsals, which wasn't a part of the plan. However, you had asked Louis if he could drop him home. You had set up a backup plan, but Zayn didn't see it that way. He saw it as you bailing on him and that was not acceptable. He had lit into you when he walked in the door. "Why the hell didn't you come and get me? It isn't like you've done anything all day." His voice had been loud and hateful, nothing you weren't used to. "I was washing your clothes all day," you explained honestly but it meant nothing to him. "And you couldn't stop for a half hour to come and get me?" "Louis had no problem dropping you off." At those words his open palm had swung in your direction. You had moved your cheek just in time. You stared at him in disbelief. "Get out!" You shout. He had never attempted to hit you before. His eyes immediately shifted from a strict glare to absolute horror. "Babe, no, I-" he stuttered as he tried to find an explanation, any at all. "Get out!!" You repeated even louder this time. "Fuck you!" He had shouted back, his eyes were dark again. You knew he wouldn't take you shouting at him like that, no matter how much guilt he felt for raising his hand to you. He had turned around at that point and left. No other words were said, and he took nothing else with him. In that moment you had completely forgotten about what you had spent all day preparing for: his flight. Things weren't always the best between the two of you, but every time he was leaving for a long period of time you were there to help him pack. You washed his clothes, packed his suitcase and retrieved his passport. His passport. He couldn't leave the country without it. You get out of bed as this thought fills your mind. You walk across the hall and into the office, bending down and opening the safe. You file through its contents but only come up with one passport. He had been by while you were asleep. Not even bothering to wake you up before he left the country for a month. This realization brings your anger back. He hadn't even tried. He didn't even want to see you before he left. You slam the door to the safe back, getting up from the floor and leaving the office. You get back in bed and return to staring at the clock. He should be taking off now. Good. It was just you and this empty house for the next month. No one to tell you that you couldn't leave the house. No one to walk through the door drunk and dangerous. No one to fight with.

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