He Refuses To Have Sex With You Because Of Values • Harry

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His hot skin presses against yours as you finish taking off his shirt smoothly, Harry's green eyes bore into yours as he gives you the 'shall we go further' look, you've never seen this look from Harry before...but somehow you know what it means. Instincts take over as you connect your lips with his, answering his question in a non-verbal way. You continue to make out, hands roaming in places they probably shouldn't when suddenly he breaks away, "I'm sorry-I can't do this." He mumbles running his fingers through the luscious locks of curls on his head, "What?" You ask raising your eyebrows questioning his sudden change of heart, "You're so-innocent and we're at your parents' house!" You sigh sitting up on your elbows, "I can't sleep with you right now." He adds, you shrug running your finger up his jaw-line, "How about now?" You ask with a smirk, showing him that you didn't care how innocent you were or where you were...you wanted Harry to be yours...you wanted to seal the deal.

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