Catches You Doing Something Stupid

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Harry: Catches you pretending to be pregnant
After having dinner with Lou and Tom, you and Harry were finally home.
"I'm going to hop in the shower." He said kissing your temple.
"Alright, I'm gonna get ready for bed." You told him already heading for the bedroom.
You felt like an overstuffed turkey. You had eaten so much, and Lou always made the most amazing meals. After brushing through your hair and plugging in your phone, you started pealing off your shirt and pants. You groaned, catching a glimpse of yourself in your full-length mirror. You rubbed you're full stomach, and found yourself think about if this is what it felt like to be pregnant. You pushed your belly out a bit more, creating 'the bump'. You smiled thinking about a baby growing inside you and about you and Harry becoming parents.
"Ah-hem." Harry coughed, causing you to shriek.
Harry had snuck into the room, catching you with your arms wrapped around you belly.
"Wh-What were you doing?" He asked, his hair still dripping wet.
"Uhm...n-nothing." You said attempting to cover your already reddening face.
"Didn't look like nothing." He grinned.
He walked over to you kissing your cheek, "You'll make a great mother one know that?"
You peeked through your fingers to see Harry still staring at you, and for a moment the two of you just looked at each other. Saying nothing, until Harry finally broke the silence by saying:
"I love you, even when you're doing weird shit."
Liam: Catches you singing in your underwear
While getting ready for work, you were dancing around to the music you blasted from Liam's IPod. He wasn't due to back from the gym for an hour so, you had the house completely to yourself. You shuffled through a few of them, before picking the one song you couldn't resist singing along to.
"Little black dress just walked into the room..."
You grabbed a hairbrush off of your dresser and began singing your heart out.
"...Can't stop looking at you!"
You began sliding across the floor like Tom Cruise. Underwear and all. Your head bangs were probably excessive, but you didn't really care. In an hour you were going to bored out of your mind. The least you could do was go in happy.
"It's so right. It's so right. It's so right, you know!"
"IT'S SO RIGHT. IT'S SO RIGHT. IT'S SO RIGHT, YOU KNOW!" You belted, rolling your shoulders back.
"LITTLE BLACK DRE-" You began singing before the music came to an abrupt end.
You spun around to find Liam standing at the stereo, IPod in hand and a cheeky smile plastered across his face.
"This what you normally do when I'm not around?" He laughed gesturing at your disheveled appearance.
Straightening out your hair, you were only able to manage a soft, "Uhm, no.."
"I thought you had to work." Liam laughed.
"I thought you had to gym- uh I mean I do, but..not..yet." You mumbled.
"HAha, I am going to gym, but I forgot my IPod." He mocked, pulling you in for a hug.
"Hey, don't make fun of me!" You smirked.
"Sorry sweetheart, that's my job, but I'll see you when you get home, yeah?" He chuckled pecking your lips.
"Yeah." You nodded.
"Good, see you tonight babe." He said, before humming 'Little Black Dress' as he walk out the door.
Niall: Catches you playing the 'Chubby Bunny' Challenge
Being on tour with the boys could get boring every now and again, and spending a lot of it in various hotel rooms didn't help. Thankfully, you and Niall would always stock up on a few things from home to keep in your room. Digging through the box of stuff you found some marshmallows. You laughed thinking back to Harry and Niall's 'Chubby Bunny' Challenge.
Niall told you how much harder it was, then it looked. It couldn't be that hard, could it? You found yourself glancing around your empty hotel room.
'Might as well' you thought.
Standing up, you were sure to place the 'do not disturb' sign on the front of the door. You sat down on the bed and tore open the top of the marshmallow bag. You laughed realizing just how stupid you must have looked already. You shrugged, stuffing the first, fluffy white marshmallow into the corner of your cheek.
"Chubby Bunny." You said aloud.
So far, so good. You grabbed yet another, placing this one into the other side of your mouth. Giving a noticeable change already, you said, "Chub-by Bun-ny."
Minutes later you are going on your ninth marshmallow. Pressing the marshmallow into your mouth, you sighed.
'Holy Shit' you thought, understanding just how difficult the challenge really was.
"Hey babe? Why did you have the sigh on the doooo...." Niall said practically busting into the room.
He tilted his head in confusion, you could only imagine. What was running through his head. Without thinking you took a breath and mumbled, "uBBy UnNy".
This sent Niall into an absolute fit. He was gasping for air as he pulled out his IPhone from his pocket.
"AHAHAHA! You have to let me tweet this!" He laughed, snapping the picture before you could say no.
Louis: Catches you trying to get out of clothes
You had spent your day sorting through your old clothes, decided what to keep and what to give away or sell. You were almost done and only had a couple more shirts to go through. You picked up one off of the pile. An old band tee, that you never remembered liking. It went on easily enough, when you slid it over your head and brought an arm through each sleeve.
"Shit!" You grumbled, when you notice that the end of your shirt barely reached your belly button. You sighed, knowing you'd have to place it in the to go pile.
Crossing your arms over your torso, you tugged at the cotton and pulled it upwards towards your head. Once your elbows reached shoulder height, they wouldn't go any higher. You tried to bring them back down, but that wasn't happening either. A sudden rush of panic flooded your head. You're only choices now where to wear the same shirt for the rest of your life, or to cut it off.
"Dammit.. COME ON!" You grunted, still struggling for freedom.
A fruity laugh echoed from the corner of the room, which only meant that Louis was home early and God knows how long he had been standing there.
"Lou..?" You asked.
"..How lon-"
"Long enough to feel a bit sorry for you." He chuckled, his voice getting closer.
"How's it that you've even managed this?" He asked, grabbing the part of the shirt still caught on your elbow.
"I don't know, just help me!" You whined.
"Alright, Alright." He giggled, finally releasing you from your cotton death trap.
"That was the best thing I have seen all week." He laughed.
"Well I am so glad, I could amuse you." You huffed.
Zayn: Catches you Masturbating (His P.O.V.)
"How excited is Y/N gonna be when she finds out you got to come home early!" Liam laughed patting my shoulder.
"Very. I hope. I've been waiting 3 months to see her!" I confessed.
The SUV we had been picked up in at the airport, felt like it was just inching along. Every mile we got closer to the house, the more I want to text her. But I wanted it to be a surprise, maybe find her sleeping, and curl up next to her. Kissing her soft smooth skin. Seeing her in nothing, but an oversized sweatshirt and a thong.
After what felt like ages, we finally made it to the house. The car was there, so at least she was home. I lugged my bags inside, closing the door as quietly as possible. I hear the low hum of music coming from the upstairs bedroom. Kicking of my shoes, I started up the stairs. As I got closer, I recognized the song.
'Baby let me ride your body, rock your body. Kiss your favourite spot...'
I could hear a whimpering coming from behind the door, at first I thought that it was our dog wanting to get out of the bedroom to go outside, but he soon came prancing over to me, tail wagging.
"Wha-" I whispered, patting the pups head.
I reached for the handle, hearing her cry out again. I wasted no time bursting through the door, I had to make sure she was okay.
"AHH WHAT THE FUCK!" Y/N screamed, sprawled out naked on the sheets of our bed.
We both collectively took a few seconds to process what was happening. It was until I saw a pink, cock shape object in her hand. Her face was flushed, as she ran to find her robe.
"UHm, wher-" I said rambling.
"ZAYN WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME YOU WERE COMING HOME EARLY!!" She shouted, clearly embarrassed.
"I, uh wanted to surprise you babe. But I guess you surprised meh." I said trying my best to hide my laughter.
"Not. Funny." She sighed.
"It's...a bit funny babe, you have to admit..." I shrugged.
Y/N covered her face with the arms of her robe, shaking her head back and forth. Her face was now beaming red, as well as her chest.
"Aw, come on babe. You're just warmed up now, yeah?" I joked.
"Zayn!" She chuckled, giving my arm a good smack.

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