Supernatural • Harry

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"So do it." I said testing him.
Seeing if he had it in him to just go for the attack, or if he was different. Like I thought he was. His un-naturally green eyes were piercing, but they didn't compare to his set of jagged fangs. The fangs that still had a faint tint of red sitting against them. The blood steaming lightly from my neck.
"If I do...It's forever. You'll never meet death. Your family, your friends, everyone that you care about will age, but you won't. They'll die from diseases, or maybe even by your hands. (Y/N), if you become one of'll become a monster." He explained to you.
His explanation was grim, but I (it made my decision more clear.) could feel the truth behind it. Would it be worth it? Would I be able to leave everyone? To watch them all die from age, or out of your ravenous hunger. I had to decided weather to live an adventure with those heavy, hooded, eyes or to go back to your everyday life. Knowing that there are people, things...monsters like him in the dark.
"When you're living in the moment, do you think about forever?" I said.
In a deep whisper he said, "No, I don't suppose that I do."
I found myself smiling at him, and with full peace I told him "I want this live on forever with us."
He stared at me in a way that made me feel timeless. With his fangs retracted, and the blood that had been on his face, now wiped away, I almost forgotten what he was. If it weren't for those eyes, he would just be Harry. A handsome, British man, with the wisdom of the ages in his voice. He gave a slight nod, and prepared himself. I had it set in my mind that my change would be anything but unpleasant. His normal, controlled and love bites were exactly that. They would make me moan, and hum. The sensation, of him draining my blood was orgasmic. I would leave scratches up and down his back, and he my 'love bites'. My friends and family thought that Harry was a rough lover, or that he was abusive. Though I knew what Harry was really like, gentle and caring. The rest of our small town wasn't to sure. That didn't make him, any less passionate. I was thankful that nobody reported him, because there was no telling what he would do if he was locked up. I left my nude body exposed for him to control, and let out a deep sigh.
"It's not going to like before. It won't feel good, or pleasurable. It will be with-out-a-doubt the most intense pain that you will ever experience in your lifetime." He whispered, looking truly sorry.
I tried to understand, but I could never imagine what was about to happen. When his sharp, ridged fangs pierced the thick veins of my neck. I found myself in a mixed state of both gratification, and agonizing pain. The pleasure didn't last as long as anticipated, fading away almost as quickly as it had appeared. The torment of the bite caused my body to convulse uncontrollably, which in turn only drained my blood quicker. I felt like I was about to faint or maybe fall asleep. I locked my eyes locked on the movement of his bobbing brunette curls. Trying not to focus on what was really happening. I was terrified, but thrilled at the same time, wanting to reassure him that I would be fine, and that I loved him, but when I went to speak the pain, made me want to cry out, or to scream. When I tried opening my opening my mouth, my jaws were locked, I tried to life my hands, but they felt like they had been weighed down with one hundred pound wrecking balls. There was no going back now, I could tell. I wouldn't make it if Harry stopped now, there wasn't any blood left. Now there were questions running about my mind, things like 'What the survival and death rate...or rather what was the un-dead rate?' or 'How many times has Harold done something like this, because he seemed quite sure of what he was doing.' With the small seed of doubt in my mind, I slowly began falling into a dark abyss.
"So tell the counsel. Why is it that you wished to become one of us?" A voice boomed.
I found my eyes searching for a face that belonged to it, when another voice rang from the opposite direction, "Yes, young girl. Why is it that a human, whom is perfectly capable of finding happiness in this pathetic world, chooses to join one of the soulless and dammed?"
Still unable to speak, I stared blankly into the darkness. A calm, peaceful and soothing voice soon there after spoke to me saying, "Child of Earth, you may think your mind. We shall, always hear you, when you are speaking to us."
"I-I'm Y/N, I didn't go out seeking a world of secrets and mystery. It just sort of found me, in the form of Harry and I've never been so happy to see a 'monster' in my life." I told the so-called counsel.
"Why should the counsel allow you to continue your transformation?" The heavier voice rumbled.
"Maybe you shouldn't. I could understand why. I know virtually nothing about your kind, and here I am, barging into it like I own the damn place....You don't mind if I say damn, right?" I said with caution.
"No, child. It is perfectly alright." The sweeter voice cooed.
I could hear whispering among themselves, but could not make out the words. I suppose the debate had begun. Do I live or do I die? All I know now is that I wish Harry had spoken to me about this before 'putting me under'.

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