Alcohol, the Best MatchMaker • Niall

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"Niall, you look drunk off your arse there mate," Louis slurs as he points and laughs at Niall, whom in fact is rather wasted. After multiple shots of tequila, a couple beers, and now some wine, majority of you were a long way away from sober.
" 's not like you're any bettah," Niall retorts, trying to stand up to move towards Louis, falling back down in his seat. Everyone else laughs at his effort, as do Louis and Niall himself.
Tonight, Harry wanted to get the band and his close friends for a small get-together, since it had been so long since everyone had gotten to see one another. From everything going on in the press, Harry debuting his movie, Liam working on his solo project, Louis' appearance as a judge on America's Got Talent, and Niall flying under the radar, deep down Harry has missed the company of his friends, and band mates. Before each member became so busy in their own worlds, this was the best time to catch up with everyone. Harry invited Y/N, his childhood best friend, to tag along. She's been around all of the guys, and they consider her as their own best friend and sister. He invited everyone over to his flat in London, ordering pizza and booze for the festivities. Once the drinking commenced, there was no turning back whatsoever.
"Hey Y/N," Liam said, "how's everything been going on in your life, hm?"
"Rather nice, thank you," Y/N stated, "I've got my own flat close to my parent's house, I can never be too far away from them. Oh my job is going nicely too..." she trails off for a moment, taking a sip of wine. "I'm rather lonely, " she finally admits, taking another swig of her wine, swirling her glass around and staring down into it.
"We're all rather lonely now aren't we," Harry states rather than questions, taking a sip of his wine and connecting his eyes with Y/N's, staring deeply into hers. Harry has always had a flame for Y/N. Once the band took off, it had been hard to see Y/N. He invited her out to shows and red carpet events as his plus one, but never on any formal dates or ever expressed his feelings for her. Their connection seemed rather prominent with the help of their intoxication, intoxicating their judgement in turn.
"Yes, I believe so mate..." Niall affirmed, taking a swig of his wine. "Ya know, I've always thought everything would turn out okay with us bunch of idiots," giggling as he went on. "But now, I don't know..." Niall takes another swig of his wine. "Uh-oh, empty glass, what shall I do?"
Louis, finding this rather funny for no apparent reason, erupts into giggles at Niall. "C'mon mate fill up ya glass!" He can't contain his laughter.
Y/N, Harry, Liam, and the rest of them begin to laugh as well, not quite understanding why.
"Ya know, I really miss you guys. I'm glad we've been able to get together tonight. Maybe things will turn around, sometime," Harry begins. "Maybe we'll make it out of this and tomorrow will be different, perhaps," he slurs, taking a drink of his wine.
"You guys will make it," Y/N states, drinking her wine. Her mind is wandering at this point, about many things, all routing their way back to Harry. The way his hair looks now, grown out after a chop for his movie. So lush and beautiful, she thinks. How beautiful and kind he is.
As childhood friends, Y/N and Harry were inseparable. Throughout school, onto adulthood, and once the band made their big debut, Harry and Y/N remained very close. Harry invited her out to see him and the band all the time, buying her plane tickets. Y/N always thought in her mind that he didn't see her as something more than a friend. Unknown to her knowledge, Harry had the hots for Y/N, and always has. He has never known how to blatantly express such feelings.
"Haz, I'm gonna crash on ya couch, is that alright?" Niall slurs, already half asleep on the thing.
"Sure mate, go ahead. You're all welcome to stay; I'd rather you here than out on the road trying to get home," Harry states.
"Thanks mate, I love you," Louis slurs, giggling, coming closer to Harry and placing kisses all over his face. Harry tries to push him away, laughing at his goofy friend.
" 'Night mate," Liam states. " 'Night Y/N."
" 'Night Liam, Louis, Niall," Y/N smiles as she says so.
The others go up to bed, leaving Harry and Y/N alone.
"And then there were two," Harry says as he takes another swig of wine. He laughs, half heartedly, as does Y/N.
"How are you doing Haz?" Y/N questions.
"Not bad," he answers. "I could be better, but I could be worse." He drinks more wine, his stare wandering all over Y/N, eyelids half closed.
"Understandable," Y/N answers quietly. The tension between them is more than obvious at this point. Y/N feels it in her chest, heart pounding.
"I've missed you quite a lot, actually. You've been all over my mind..." Harry slurs, taking in more wine. "You never left me, even if you did actually leave me."
"You don't know what you're saying Harry..." Y/N said, in denial. This time, taking a sip of wine, she breaks eye contact with Harry, lifting her eyes toward the ceiling as she finishes her glass.
"Yes I do, love," He says as he moves closer to her. The look in his eyes is a drunken lust, or that's what it appears to be. "I know exactly what I'm saying Y/N, do you?"
Y/N is unable to answer, astonished at his behavior. He was her best friend, but of course she always felt something for him.
"Harry..." she trails off.
"Yes, love?" He questions, now inches away from her body. He moved from his chair to the sofa where she sit, his fingertips reaching out to touch her lips. "Use your words, darling," he slurs, toying with her lips once more. He's raking his eyes up and down her body, and she doesn't want it to stop.
Y/N remains silent, unable to make up her mind of how to respond.
"Y/N, I want to kiss you," he smirks, blatantly stating so. "I want to do other things as well, but I rather not spoil the surprise." The smirk remains on his face, his lips now centimeters away from hers. She can feel his breath on her skin, she can smell the mix of intoxication.
Y/N exhales, moving her gaze up to his. She moves her arms around his neck, fingers entwining with his hair. He takes this as a yes, slowing attaching his lips to hers. It's all a daze, where his hands are and where they're moving to. It's hazy, much like their judgement, or is it? Neither can tell. The only thing that can be determined is the relief.
He's stripping away her clothes as well as her restraint, her carefulness, her better judgement. She's pulling his hair while pulling at his love for her, pulling at his restraint and better judgement as well.
He's a moaning mess and she's got her mouth in an "O" shape, his name flowing out, over and over again.
Niall is the first one up the next morning, groaning at the feeling of his head. "Fuck, my head," he moans, stumbling his way to the coffee maker, and for a glass of water. Louis is up next within a few minutes, stumbling out of one of Harry's guest bedrooms in his flat.
"Ah, coffee," he states, physically and mentally easing to his presence. "How ya doin' Niall?"
"My head feels like a brick, or a brick fell on it," Niall retorts.
"You did have the most to drink last night, mate. I wouldn't be surprised."
Niall just groans, continuing to make coffee. In the other room lay a sleeping Harry and Y/N, clothes thrown about, with a mess of tangled bodies.
Y/N shifts, opening her eyes to see the mess around her. Bottles of tequila, beer, and wine all on the table in Harry's tea room. Their clothes scattered about, their bodies lying on the sofa.
"Fuck," she moans. Harry stirs.
Her eyes widen. She goes to cover his mouth with her hand. Once his eyes open, he seems alarmed at first, but then his gaze softens as he looks at Y/N.
She puts a finger over her mouth to symbolize "quiet". Harry nods, removing her hand. The two quietly gather their clothes and dress. Neither address the current situation.
Liam wakes up, walking down the stairs to enter the kitchen to see both Niall and Louis making coffee.
"Mornin' mates," Liam says sleepily. The two reply with groans. "Have you seen Harry or Y/N yet?"
"Can't say I have," Louis replies, thinking.
"Neither have I," says Niall.
Harry and Y/N can hear their conversation from the kitchen. Harry signals that he's going to go out first, and for Y/N to wait a couple of minutes. Y/N, understanding, nods. Harry leaves the room.
Harry walks out, in the midst of putting his shirt back on, while trying to maintain his composure. In his mind he's flipping his shit, but on the outside remains a drunken persona.
"There's the lad!" Louis exclaims, then holds his head. "Ouch, that hurt, not getting that loud again."
"Mornin' fellows, how's everyone?" Harry asks.
"Fine, my head is a brick," says Niall, sipping his coffee.
"Same as these two," says Liam.
"Hey, where's Y/N at?" Louis ponders.
"Uh, um..." Harry nervously stutters.
"I'm here," Y/N groans, walking into the room.
"There she is, sleeping beauty," Liam mocks, making the others laugh.
"Very funny. Coffee please?" Niall hands her a cup. She begins to sip on it while the others begin to talk.
"You know it was hard for me to go to sleep last night. I don't know about you lads but I heard some moaning and thumping bunny rabbits," Louis says, smirking and elbowing Niall.
Y/N blushes bright red and drinks more of her coffee. Harry scratches his head.
"Me too, Lou," Liam states, smirking as well.
Niall laughs, blurting out, "What are you two getting at? That Harry and Y/N had sex last night?" He pretends to look surprised.
"For fuck's sake YES!" Harry yells, making you jump, causing the others to grasp their heads in agony, Harry himself included.
"Y/N, will you step outside with me for a minute?" Harry asks you. You nod.
The rest of the lads are laughing. Harry turns to them.
"We haven't talked about it yet, thanks," turns, leading Y/N to the back deck.
The boys stop giggling, only for a moment until Y/N and Harry are outside.
"So..." Harry begins.
"I, uh..." Y/N beings as well.
"It was amazing," Harry blurts out, blushing afterwards.
Y/N is taken aback, wide eyed, smirking. "You're quite right about that, from what I remember."
"So does this mean...?"
"I don't know, Harry, it's just-"
"Look, Y/N, I've had this thing for you for the longest time, since I can remember you were the girl taking up my mind," Harry says, looking rather nervous and scatterbrained. "Can we just try this out? Give me a chance? You know me, you're my best friend, more than that now..."
Y/N sighs, looking up at him. She's always loved Harry, as her best friend. Sometimes she felt like she could love him more than that, but always unsure of how he felt.
She grabbed his hand, pulling him closer. He hugs her, her head on his chest now.
"I wouldn't mind, giving it a try," she replies.
She can feel Harry smiling, hugging her tighter to him. He kisses the top of her head.
"Dinner, tomorrow? Around 7? I'll pick you up," he says, looking down at her.
"Just not that seafood restaurant, you know I don't like it," she teases and laughs.

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