Meeting Royalty • Louis

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"Your highness, it's time to begin your lessons for the day." You said pulling back the heavy red curtains that covered the large window, giving a wonderful view of the ocean.
Your family had served the royal family for centuries, but you had finally completed your maids training. Directly assigned to the next in line to the throne. A rather large task in any case, but with the prince it would prove to be much bigger. You decided to go start with confidence. Not treating him as your equal, but not as a god either.
"Uggh..." The prince groaned covering his rather scruffy face with a pillow.
"Prince Louis, I have your clothing for today..." You told him as you pulled it out from the large wardrobe.
"...Today you have fencing, and equestrian training. When you are done with those, we will have lunch ready for yourself, as well as the King and Queen in the garden."
His former care taker, who had just retired cautioned you that when you woke the prince, to keep speaking. Otherwise he would fall asleep again, and it would be even harder to wake a second time.
"Why is it that you insist on waking me up so early, every morning?" He mumbled from underneath his pillow.
"Because, it's my job your highness." You told him while laying his clothes down on the bed.
He lazily rolled over and propped himself up on his elbows. You couldn't help but stare at the muscles in his back, the way they moved as he ran his fingers through his hair. You cleared your throat, finally pulling your eyes away.
"Right, who are you then? Where is Martha?" He asked, sitting up.
"Oh, uhm, she has retired your highness. I will be taking care of you from here on out." You said laying his clothing at the end of his bed.
"Bullocks!" He shouted.
"I-I'm sorry?" You said in surprise.
"I can't have a child taking care of me! It's rubbish!" He snapped.
Taken back, you composed yourself before calmly pulling away the sheets that covered the princes leg.
"If, I may speak my mind..."
"I have a feeling that you would anyways, so yes." He sighed, clearly annoyed.
"...I am not much younger than you. If fact, I believe we are only two years apart." You told him.
He sat quiet for a moment, but as he went to speak, you interrupted him, "I have already run your bath. Now if you will excuse me, I will be cleaning up your room. Please call for me if you need anything."
He silently stood up, glaring coldly as moved into the bathroom. You couldn't have imaged your first day working for the prince going this poorly, but weren't discouraged either. You understood that it would take some time adjusting, after having someone take care of you for so long only to be replaced by a complete stranger. You pulled off the remaining sheets that cover his lush king sized bed, and put them in a pile on the ground. As you were pulling the pillow cases off, the prince's voice echoed from the bathroom.
"Oi! How am I going to call on you if I haven't even gotten your bloody name?"
"Quite right your highness. My name is Y/N." You said getting closer to the bathroom door, so as not to shout.
And as you walked away you could have sworn you heard him whisper your name.

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