Soundtrack Series • One Way Or Another (The Interlude)

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Harry: You've been thinking about calling, of course you have. She needs you, but you don't know what to do. You're over here now; it would be so easy for you to stop by, to help her, but how can you help? Sydney says you're the only one that can, but you don't know how. Sleeping around to get you off of her mind? You never thought she even had a personality like that. You lay in the hotel, the desk lamp the only light in the room. There have been knocks on the door all night, but you haven't answered a single one. You have a full mind; you don't need any interruptions. You reach over and take your phone from the night stand. You're sure someone online is keeping up with her. You go on Twitter, hating yourself for checking in on her like this. '(Y/N) out in LA last night with another new guy.' Attached of course were four pictures of her leaving with a guy you hadn't seen before. Well you hadn't seen any of them before, but she was definitely not repeating with this one. You wonder what has actually gotten into her. Surely there is a better way of handing the situation than this. But there wouldn't be a situation if it wasn't for you lying to her. How could you have been so stupid to think that she wouldn't catch onto that? She hadn't even questioned you about it. She had just immediately distanced herself from you and started going out and sleeping around. Sleeping around, you don't even want to think about all of the guys she has brought into that bed that the two of you used to share. You scroll through the pictures of her last night, and get a good look at the guy she's holding onto as she walks to the awaiting car. He was tall, broad, and blonde. She had preached to you once about her 'type' and according to that conversation, the guy she took home last night matched it perfectly, except for the blonde hair though. You remember a time where she praised your growing hair, begging you not to cut it because she liked the look of long dark hair. You hate your mind for taking you back to those times. The good times do not exist anymore. She's out here doing this to herself, not listening to a soul, and here you've been dubbed the only one to save her. She's your friend though, she's your best friend. No matter how much she tries to distance herself from you, she's still your best friend. You aren't trying to lose that. No matter how you've acted, you never want to lose her friendship. You have to help her. Sydney said you just need to prove that you are there and not just by your words. You have got to get through to her. It's too early to call right now; she's most definitely asleep. You're going to Los Angeles soon, tour doesn't require it, but you will go there on your own, anything to help her.
Liam: You've woken up at ease for the last month. (Y/N) is staying at your house, and that is a relief you never thought you were ever going to be able to feel ever again. You are regretful that it came on the way that it did, but having her living at your house is very much worth it. You gladly consoled her for weeks because it meant she wasn't going back to him. Well, of course, she wasn't going back to him, the bastard's in prison. The hotel bed was a nice change from the bunk in the bus. You've got to get up though. You're sure you slept through breakfast, so that means someone will be banging on the door to get you for soundcheck soon. Before any more of your day gets started, you sit up in bed and grab your phone from beside you. You keep your phone in the bed with you now, just in case she calls, the vibrations will wake you up. You unlock the phone and go to your recent calls. She's definitely awake by now. "Morning," her voice greets you as she answers. You can't help but smile, it wasn't morning for her, but she was always thinking of you. "Morning, how did you sleep?" You ask her this almost every morning. You want her to feel at home in your place. "I slept just fine," she assures you with a slight giggle. She always thought you checking in on her was pretty silly. 'You know I'm doing just fine here,' she always says, but you just like to be sure. "Good, what are you going to do today?" You can't help but ask these questions. Almost as soon as she got to your house, you had to go back on tour. The timing was more than terrible, but there was nothing either of you could do. She didn't seem to mind being left alone, but your feelings were a different story. Checking in on her like this is the only way you've been able to handle not being there for her. She knows this, which is why she doesn't put up a fight when you start asking the same questions over and over. "I think I'm just going to hang around here today," she answers and you smile. She hasn't spent a lot of time out of your flat since being in it, but you can't say that bothers you too much. At least you know where she is at. "I'm glad to hear everything is going alright. I don't know when I'll be able to get back over there, but I promise it will be as soon as possible." She laughs at your urgency. "Liam, you don't have to do that. Enjoy your time over there. You know I am fine here." "I just want to be over there with you." "I know you do, and you will be, eventually. But you've got a responsibility to those fans over there to be present and put on the best shows you possibly can. You can't tell me you would be able to do that if you were traveling across the ocean every chance you got." You sigh, of course she's right. "We just went months without seeing each other, and that was by choice." You close your eyes and scowl at the thought as she tries to make a joke at the stubbornness between you. "I'll just stick to checking in," you simply say, not wanting to comment on your thoughts. She's back in your life now, that's all you asked for.
Niall: You want to see her. You're finally back in the States, which means you should be able to get to New York soon on a day off. There's one thing you have to know about before going to see her though. You have to know about Stephen. You've been debating for days about calling the woman at the front desk of Kati's office and asking about him. Everyone knows him. You just want to know the details, more than what you have already been told. "Kati Curtis Design, this is Diana." You shouldn't be doing this, but you have to know. You crawl out of your bunk and move to the back lounge as you begin the conversation. "Hi, Diana, this is Niall Horan, how are you?" "Niall, as in (y/n)'s boyfriend?" "Yeah, that's me," you say, reminding yourself that it was still true. "Oh, hi, how are you? I don't think she's in the office today. I didn't see her come in. I think she's out working on a project." You sigh, knowing now exactly where she is and who she is with. "I'm fine and that's okay, I actually wanted to talk with you." "With me?" She questions in astonishment. "Yeah, I was hoping you could answer some questions that I have." "I don't know, but I will certainly try." "Thank you. I was wondering what you could tell me about her client Stephen." "Well it depends on what you want to know. I know he's a big name around here. He came in a while ago wanting his apartment completely remodeled and Kati was swamped with other projects so she gave him to (y/n)." You had heard all of this before, you needed more. "Okay, and what else?" "Uh...I know he's in here every so often to see her, but he never stays long." "Have you ever been to one of his parties?" "Have I? Oh no," she responds with a laugh. "People like me don't get invited to parties like that. Kati and (y/n) are the only ones around here that ever get invited to those." "Is there anything else you can tell me?" There is a pause over the line as you assume she thinks of anything else she has left out. "Well there was one point, I think, where (y/n) had told Kati that she wasn't going to work with him anymore. It was like a month ago or something like that." "Do you know why?" "No, I'm not even sure I should know that much. But she's back to working on his apartment, so I don't think it was that big of a deal. Maybe a contradiction about a design or something, I'm sure it was something like that." You take in what Diana has said, and the line falls quiet. "If you don't mind me asking, are you worried about the two of them or something?" You roll your eyes. The last thing you want is for her to go and run her mouth to (y/n) about you calling and asking about Stephen because you were worried. "Worried? No, I just heard he was high-profile and just wanted to know a little more about him." "Oh, well sorry I wasn't much help," Diana laments. "No, you were a big help. Thank you so much."
Louis: You are back to getting used to this bunk again. It's actually more getting used to the bus and the silence. It's only you and the driver here, no one else wants to be on here with you. You feel the bus come to a stop and you know that's your cue to get up. Everyone around here was always on a strict schedule and you had learned your lesson a long time ago about staying on the bus after it had reached the venue. You climb down from your bunk and walk to the front lounge. The driver exits without saying a word. "Good morning to you too, mate," you say under your breath as the door shuts behind him. You look out the window to see yet another concrete lot surrounded by fences. Just another day. You slip on the house shoes that sit on the couch across from you and get off of the bus. You could probably sit in there another hour or so playing FIFA, but you don't want the annoying knocks to come and interrupt you. You get out into the hot sun, hearing screams from the fans that were already camping around the back entrance. You wave to them as you walk in. You may not like a lot of things about doing all of this, but you still have to show them they're appreciated. You walk through the back corridor until you start to see signs from the team. You walk past the vocal room, the dressing room as well. You head straight to catering. There was no real food on your bus, something you're sure you had control over, but just didn't want to have to deal with. "Morning, sunshine." You scowl at Liam and he only smiles, his eyes squinting as he laughs at your reaction. You smack the apple out of his hand and his smile turns to a frown as he watches it roll across the ground. "Well thanks for that, mate." The other two join you and Liam for breakfast. Is this actually breakfast? You aren't sure of the time. You grab a plate and find a table, spreading everything out so maybe the rest of the boys take the hint. Of course they don't, and all three join you, pushing your drink, and silverware closer to you so that they can have room. No matter how hateful you think you are, they never buy into it. "So I got up in the middle of the night last night, pretty sure I was sleepwalking. I went to the back lounge and the driver said I was back there belting." "Like you know how to belt," you comment on Niall's recount. He frowns at you, upset that you ruined his story. "When is (y/n) coming to a show?" Harry asks, changing the subject, but still focusing on you. You roll your eyes, and get up from the table. You had taken two bites from your food, but you didn't want anymore. You toss everything in the trash and leave.

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