Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Truly, Madly, Deeply

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Harry: You're in love with her. You can look down at her right now, as she sleeps in your lap, and know that. You've known it for a long time. She's just so stubborn. You know she wants more; you've been able to read that on her face for a while. She's never been good at hiding her true emotions. You've let her think what she wants to, though. If she says she doesn't want to be any more than this with you, then you have no choice but to accept it. It hurts. You wonder if she would change her mind if she knew her decision was hurting you so much. That's taking advantage, though, and you would never do that. She's been asleep in your lap for the last hour and a half, and you wonder when she is going to wake. It's not like her to sleep in the middle of the day like this, especially when all of the good television shows are on. You're thankful for this time off in between these last performances and appearances. Having her over here with you has been exactly what you needed. Even though, if she wasn't in your house right now, you would be over in LA in hers. You just can't stay away. It isn't like she's anxious to have the distance between you again. She's been with you practically everywhere around this city since being here and not once has she said she misses America. You really need to move, your leg that is. But she looks so peaceful and calm. Of course as soon as you carefully move your leg so you don't wake her, but still maintain blood flow, your phone rings out from the kitchen. You look down, cautiously placing your hands under her head to lift her up from your lap. You slide out from under her and grab a pillow as your replacement. You get up from the couch, looking back to make sure she is still asleep. You take the call in the dining room, far enough away as to not wake her. "Yeah?" "Hey Harry, can you come in for a meeting at three? There are some execs here that are wanting to speak with the group about some things." Of course management had to call and try to ruin your day off. You look at the clock hanging up on the wall. You would have to leave in five minutes in order to make this meeting. That means leaving (Y/N) asleep on the couch and inevitably having her wake up to an empty house, yet again. You've done that to her a lot while she's been over here. Calls like this making trying to spend enough quality time with her impossible. "What are they going to talk with us about?" You inquire, seeing if there was any way the topic wasn't of importance. Highly unlikely though. "I am not sure, it's all very hush." "Have you called the other guys?" "Yes, you were the last on my list." You sigh, rolling your eyes. "Okay, I'll be in when I can. I'm not guaranteeing it will be right at three, though," you warn, making sure it was known you weren't in any hurry. "Okay, I will let them know you will be in attendance." You hang up the phone with no proper goodbye, the only people in your call history that do not experience that courtesy. You walk out of the dining room and head straight up the stairs to change clothes. If you're getting out of the house today, you can't do it looking like this. You get your black jeans and boots on, keeping the sweatshirt that you had been already wearing. You come back down the stairs after receiving a message that there was a car outside waiting. They weren't going to give you a choice on this one. You walk to the living area; she's still asleep. You know it upsets her to wake up and find you gone, no matter how many times she tells you otherwise. It upsets you just the same to leave her. But you won't be gone long, and you will bring back dinner from her favorite spot in town as an apology. Hopefully she will accept it. You lean over the back of the couch and press a kiss to her forehead. "I love you," you whisper before heading out the door.
Liam: You've waited until the last minute to pack, as usual. It's a good thing you have help. You smile as (Y/N) walks in carrying a folded stack of your clothes. "Fresh from the dryer," she says with a smile, sticking them in your suitcase for you. You can't wait until the day this isn't a regular occurrence. You leaving, not having her around, that's been the best part of your life this last month. There's a plane at Heathrow though, and there's a seat with your name on it. This will end soon, so you just take it in stride. You can't help but watch as (Y/N) puts away the clothes you aren't taking with you this time. Who would have thought that this would be the two of you after nearly fifteen years of friendship? Certainly not you. You want her here. Even though the world is absolutely against it. You had a meeting yesterday with management and they had even pulled you aside to discuss her presence in your life. You had completely written them off the moment her name was brought up. There's no need for them to ever discuss her. She is a part of you, there are no exceptions. "How long is this one?" She inquires and you come back out of your thoughts to answer her. "Only a few days," you assure her. "So two weeks?" She teases, and you hide your hurt in knowing she's aware of how your schedules usually work. "Nah, hopefully a week at the most." This is a lie, but you know she will be understanding when you're away for close to three weeks. Final performances, you just have to keep reminding yourself of this. "Did you tweet out that link for the meet and greet competition in New York?" What would you do without her? You look up at her with a small grin. "Where is your phone?" She questions with a laugh. You point to the nightstand on your side of the bed. She crawls onto the bed and over to you, reaching to grab your phone in the process. "Done," she says a few moments later with a smile. She remains lying across the bed, her head resting in her hands beside your suitcase. You look down at her and smile. "Thank you." "If only they knew," she jokes. "Well they don't ever have to, now do they?" You question, grabbing a hat from the wall. "You're a sneaky one Mr. Payne." God, could she have said that any more seductively? You're sure she didn't mean for it to come across like that, but now you can't take your eyes off of her. "What?" "Come with me," you blurt out. "What?!" She repeats, only this time it's a completely different question. "Come with me," you say again, this time less urgent. "I can't just come with you, Liam, don't you have to tell someone?" Logistics haven't even crossed your mind. You just want to spend every moment with her, no matter who is against it. "I can get that worked out, come to the States with me." "Liam," she begins, but pauses as she sees you smile at the sound of your name rolling off of her lips. "You have to be out of this flat in five minutes, and I have nothing packed," she informs you. "Next week," you say quickly. "Mum and Dad are flying out for the show. I'll get you a seat on that flight." She laughs at your spontaneity. "You've got to go," she tells you, showing you the time on your phone. You pull your bag from the bed and she hand you your phone. "Next week...I'll get the details sorted on the flight." You press a kiss to her cheek, wishing it could be her lips.
Niall: Her voice sounds like nothing you have ever heard before. She is going through hell. But that is nothing compared to what you have been going through since walking out of her flat. You've answered endless questions from family, friends, and countless interviewers. There was no need to put the subject on the black list. People were going to hear things from all over the place. You might as well be the main source. You definitely wouldn't trust that asshole she slept with to say anything in your favor. Just thinking this way brings a pain to your chest. You hit 'end' on your phone and shut the screen off. You've listened to her voicemail enough this week. You get the message. She has to continue to work for him, so he is still going to continue to be around. Surely there is a way around this. You could absolutely have management's legal team figure a way to get her out. She wouldn't have to be around him anymore, she could be happy again. Wait. What the hell are you even on about? She is the one that has caused you so much pain and heartache this last month. Why would you want to do anything to help her? You got on that plane and out of that city for a reason. She cheated on you. Your heart and soul replaced you, even for just one night, with someone else. He was better for her. He was there for her. While you were halfway around the world, he was there for her. Fuck him. Fuck him for being everything she needs. She's the love of your life, he should not be the one that got to have her like that. It's been years since you had her like that, and now you won't ever have her again. Or will you? It hurts so much to think about not having her in your life. She was the only thing that kept you sane during all of this, and she wasn't even around most of the time. What has this life done to you? You walked out the door on the one true thing that brought you happiness, only because she found someone who could do what you haven't been able to for the last five years. You aren't going to let your emotions get to you though. Crying in an airport is reserved only for people who are leaving their families or returning after being gone for a while. You don't want to go to New York. It's actually the last place on earth you want to be. You don't want the memories. "Niall," you hear and you look up from your phone. "You ready to go?" Security inquires. All of the rest of the guys had already left the lounge. You hadn't even noticed. "Yeah, man, ready," you assure, grabbing your backpack from the seat beside you. He follows you out of the lounge. You see the rest of the group ahead of you. The corridor is empty other than your entourage. With each step towards the awaiting private plane you remove the thoughts of your destination. This is a business trip. You're going to perform and leave. There is nothing more and nothing less to the situation than that. You're sure everyone around you can sense your uneasiness about this trip. That's why they've been giving you so much slack. Taking your usual questions in interviews, only telling you about the meetings you have to be at, all in hopes to see you smile again one day. Getting back in front of your fans will bring that back. Just not in New York.
Louis: "Your passport," she says with a smile, handing you the small leather bound book. You return her smile. The two of you had been at this for the last hour. If you didn't have her around this would have taken a mere ten minutes. You would have left half of the things you needed, like usual though. So you're sure it is a good thing that she is around to help you out. You never liked packing anyways. If it were left up to you, you would have a bag by the door that had the essentials in it and you would never have to pack. But the clothes inside would never get washed and that would more than likely be an issue for some people. Present company included. You had expressed that idea to her and she had simply laughed. You hadn't thought it was that bad of an idea. So she had promised to take care of your packing for you if you hated it that much. She was always looking out for you, no matter how large or small of a task that was. You wish you loved her, in love with her to be more specific. She deserves to be loved like that. She has thrown away all of the emotions she has felt for you this past year, just so you can feel better about yourself. How selfish can you be? You hate yourself for doing this to her. But you need her, you need her here with you. You need her in this bedroom, packing up everything and coming to the airport with you. You need her at these shows and you need her at the hotel once all of the lights go out. And she's going to be right there, no questions asked. You had told her about these shows as soon as tour had ended and she has been prepared for them ever since. Yeah, she deserves a lot better than your punk ass. "Louis, babe?" She says softly, and you raise your eyes to meet hers. You do like the way she says that. "Yeah?" You question, matching the innocence in her tone unintentionally. "Is everything okay?" You simply nod, no need to tell her what is actually going on in your head. It would hurt her. "Okay, well we've got to go," she informs you, her hand softly running down the back of your arm. You nod again, grabbing your bag and hers from the bed. "I'll get mine," she says, and you turn your shoulder so she can't take the bag from you. It is the least you can do. She grabs her jacket and yours as well before allowing you to follow her out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the awaiting car. You aren't sure what you're going to do when this break actually comes. Traveling around to perform is what keeps conversation between you; it's what keeps her knowing that you need her around. How is she going to feel when you no longer have the stress of the job on your shoulders? She's going to pick up on that quickly. She opens the front door for you and you step outside, but wait for her to lock the door behind you. "Do you have everything?" She checks, as she turns the lock. "If I don't, then we'll go shopping," you answer with a smile. She jokingly scoffs and rolls her eyes. Another idea of yours that she does not understand. "In the car," you urge playfully and she takes the steps to get back in front of you. You put the bags in the back of Security's SUV before getting into the backseat. "Can't wait to sleep on the plane," you say, turning your body around and laying your head in her lap. She runs her fingers through your hair, knowing it's the quickest way to calm you and get you to rest. For not being your girlfriend she sure knows every little thing a girlfriend would know about you. You're going to overlook that fact. Because right now, her nails feel amazing as they try to put you to sleep.

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