Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Alive

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Harry: The music is so loud, but you're used to that now. You've been out every night this week and don't have any intention of skipping out on the weekend. The bartender hands you another drink, and you walk back to the booth you had reserved for tonight. This never used to be your scene. You used to be all about staying in and letting the partygoers do their own thing without you. One partygoer in particular was a certain friend of yours that hasn't been around in weeks. This is his scene. This is what he does. You remember all the nights you sat up waiting on Harry to get in while he was out partying to forget about the drama his on again, off again, relationship brought him. It's your turn to forget him now. You've been going at this for almost two weeks now. You aren't sure if it is actually helping you forget about Harry, but the alcohol definitely keeps him out of your mind for longer periods of time. "Hey, are you coming to dance?" The girl that had been sitting beside you asks as she slides out of the booth. She was one of the ones you had told Harry you wouldn't get along with. But look at you now. The tables have turned. You down your drink and follow behind her into the crowd of people jumping up and down and grinding to the beat of the loud music. You have already convinced yourself that an environment like this is what you need. You feel like a completely different person. A situation you once found insanely stressful can easily be pushed aside just by walking into a place like this. You feel a hand grab yours and you turn to find the owner. A bright smile greets you, and you return the gesture back. You've never seen him before, but damn he is gorgeous. He brings you into him, and the two of you match your movements to the beat of the club. Your hand finds its way around his neck as his arm tightly grips around your waist. Your heartbeat is beginning to speed up; the rush is coming. It's the feeling you get when someone other than Harry brings an overwhelming amount of emotions to you. These brown eyes and dark black hair are doing just that. You lean your head back once his lips find their way to your neck, your weakness. You feel not only his tongue, but also his teeth, trail down to your shoulders and you shutter with lust. He knows he's doing everything right by the smirk on his face. You want to take that smirk home. You want it in bed with you right now. Syd's home though, and you're certain she is beyond over you bringing a different guy home every night. Well not every night, but you must admit it was pretty close. She had already fussed at you a few days ago about it, but you had clearly chosen to ignore her words. You grab the hand that was running up and down your side and bring Mr. Tall Brown Eyes back over to the booth you had been at. "What's your name?" He asks loudly in your ear. You introduce yourself, and he smiles. You grab your bag from under the couch and pull him along to make your way to the exit. "I'm Aston," he tells you once you were outside in the darkness of Los Angeles. "Like the car?" He smiles and nods. "That's really hot," you admit, pulling him in and smashing your lips into his. You pull back as you feel your phone buzzing in your bag. You unzip it and check the message. 'Please leave him at the club. Please.' How is it that she even knows you're with a guy? You roll your eyes at your roommate and turn back up to Aston. "So your place?"
Liam: "Wait, what?" "Yeah, drug possession." "But that doesn't make any sense. We were around each other all of the time, except for his school and work." "Yeah, well apparently even with that he found time to become a drug dealer." "That still doesn't make any sense." "He hasn't said anything about it, but I bet you anything it was to get your attention. He wasn't just going to let you storm off to Liam's without doing something." "He didn't even know I came here, though." "Oh, come on, of course he did. Where else would you have gone?" Your sister has a valid point. "Not to mention you haven't been over there in a week. That's plenty of time to take up a life of crime," she acknowledges with a laugh. "None of this is funny," you scold. It really wasn't. How is it that your boyfriend is now in jail for drug possession? You had just fought with him a week ago. But it was a fight that came out of nowhere. Was that some sort of sign you should have picked up on? You aren't sure but all of this is almost too much to try and take in. "I'm going to go, I've got to call Liam and talk to him about all of this." "So I guess the two of you are good now?" Your sister questions, wanting to take this time to get as much juice on the situation as she could knowing it would be a while before you decided to call again. "Yeah, we're fine," you answer quickly, knowing exactly what she is up to. "Yeah, but isn't he back on the road? How is that? Are you just staying at his house by yourself?" She was always the nosey one out of the two of you, way worse than your mom. "Yes, he's on tour, and yes I am staying at his flat. This isn't the first time I've done this, you know." "Yeah, I know. I just wanted to make sure my little sister was being taken care of, that's all." "Well you don't have to worry about that, you know Liam always takes care of me." "Yes, I am certainly aware of that." "Good, now I've got to go." She sighs, knowing you are finished with her twenty questions. "Okay, well let me know what Liam says about all of this." You promise to send her a text with answers and end the call before taking a deep breath in and pressing Liam's name. "Hey, what are you up to? You usually don't call at this time, everything okay?" You take another deep breath and get on with the purpose with the call. "Do you have a minute?" "Yeah, of course, what's going on?" You hear the background noise subside as he finds a quieter place to take your call. "My sister just called," you begin, easing into this. "Yeah, and what did she have to say?" "She told me that Mark got arrested back home for drug possession." You're sure this is news that he won't hate to hear. Mark being physically removed from your life, yeah, he won't hate it. "Wait, are you serious? Did you say drug possession?" "Yeah, I'm still in shock." "What a bastard. I knew he didn't have it in him to take care of you. He can't even get past his own selfish addiction." "Liam, you don't know anything about the situation, and no one even knows if he was an addict." "Well with what you told me about the fight you all had last week, something like this isn't very much of a surprise." You knew you should have picked up on that sign. You sigh, this is all too much. "I'm sorry," Liam laments, knowing he isn't helping the situation. "I'll be in soon, and if you want to come out to a show you know all you have to do is ask." "Yeah, I know." He had extended that offer to you several times. "I just don't know what I'm going to do." "You can stay at my place for as long as you want," he offers and you smile slightly into the phone even though he cannot see you. "Thank you."
Niall: Being back in this apartment makes you so uneasy. You have no choice though. "When did we pick those out?" Stephen asks, walking into the room, two steaming cups of coffee in hand. He hands you one, and you take it, needing the boost to make it through the rest of the afternoon. "A few weeks ago," you remind him, turning from the window to face him. "You said you liked the design." "Yeah, I like the design, it's just the color I don't like. It doesn't go with the rest of the room." "Yes, it does," you counter, knowing you know the color schemes better than he does. "Yellow with gray?" "Yes, it goes, trust me." You feel his arm slip around your waist. "Whatever you say," he tells you, dropping the subject but not dropping his arm. "What are we going to do for dinner tonight?" "Something delivery, I've got to get work done around here," you tell him as he brings his arm down and you walk into the kitchen. "I can do that," he says, following you. The kitchen was finished, yet nothing had been cooked in it yet. You're assuming he wants you to do the honors, but you aren't ready for that yet. You're just now starting to accept the fact that this blackmail he's got against you is really happening. Those thoughts are always in the back of your head, but you can't help but play a little house with him. He's been your companion for weeks now. He's still the one that's been around. You watch as he opens the drawer beside the fridge. He had designated this drawer as the takeout drawer. It was already full of restaurant menu's from all over the city. "What are you thinking?" He questions, and you turn to face him, your back against the island, coffee still in hand. "Italian," you suggest. "I like the way you're thinking," he tells you and begins to pull out the Italian menus. "Come with me," he says, holding his free hand out. You take it and he leads you into the still unfinished living room. The lone piece of furniture was still his arm chair. He sits down first and you know what he wants. You sit across his lap, your legs draping down across the side. He opens the first menu and the two of you browse together. "See anything in this one you like?" You take a sip of your coffee and shake your head. "On to the next one." He puts the first menu in the floor beside the chair and moves on. "Oh, that looks good," you point out. "The chicken with the white sauce or red?" "White," you answer. "Agreed. Will you hand me my phone?" You lean over to the makeshift desk he still had sitting in front of his chair and get his phone. He dials the number on the front of the menu and you listen as he orders dinner. "Yeah, I need an order for delivery." You look over the menu, pointing out to him what all you wanted him to order. "Can I get an order of garlic knots, the chicken parm with white sauce instead of red, a large mushroom and sausage pizza, and the original cheesecake." You take the menu from his hand once he is finished looking at it and telling the guy on the other end his address. "Thanks, man." "Well he officially think I'm a fatass," he comments as he hands you his phone to put back. "Where's the issue?" You question with a smirk. "Oh, really?" Stephen counters playfully. A genuine smile stretches across your face to match the one on his. You wish you could have this life with Niall, but right now, this life only comes with Stephen.
Louis: You've been waiting for this phone call all day. Well, you've been worrying about this phone call all day. After the talk with Liam, you aren't sure how Louis has actually been. You're going to trust Louis though, this is his life. "Hey, babe," you greet as happy as you can. "How are you?" He asks. His voice doesn't sound as tired as it usually does. Maybe he's been getting more sleep. "I'm fine, how is everything with you?" You're hoping he gives you the truth. "Everything's great. I'm really loving it over here," he answers with a positive tone. "Yeah? So everything with the guys is good?" Louis hadn't said a word about their reaction to him buying you a ring, but with Liam's call, you know there were some issues and you wanted to hear it from him. "Yeah, things are fine, why wouldn't they be?" "I'm just checking in. Just wondering how they took our news." "Oh." He pauses to think back to the talk they had. "Yeah, things are all good now." You have to believe him. You have nothing else to go off of. "Great to hear. Are you still in California?" This isn't much of a conversation. "Yeah, we're here until tomorrow. San Diego was crazy, seriously one of the best shows." "Awesome, I'm so glad that they started off the tour right." "Yeah, I'm loving it so far." This is a Louis in rare form. A positive Louis isn't one you've spent a lot of time talking to on the phone. You're used to complaints and hearing about the negative side of being on the road all of the time. He hasn't had a bad thing to say though, and you can't help but find it a little strange. "It's so great to hear that you are enjoying yourself again," you tell him, wishing you were there with him. "Me too. It's kind of like I forgot what I was doing a while back, that my life was somehow awful and I was being suffocated and needed to get out." "I'm glad you aren't feeling that way anymore." "I've actually got to go now. We've got a special meet and greet with some Make-a-Wish kids that I've got to get to. I'll talk to you later, okay?" "Sounds good, have a great show tonight." "You know I will, I love you," he says and the line goes dead before you can tell him you love him the same. You sit the phone down on the kitchen counter, having actually taken the call outside of your room for once. No one was around but it was a step. "Was that him?" Your mother asks as she walks into the kitchen for the first time today. "Yeah, just checking in," you answer. "Where is he at today?" "California." "Everything going alright?" "Yeah, he seems to be having a really great time." Your voice was still unsure. "Seems to be? Is he not supposed to be?" "I'm just trying to get used to a happier Louis. I know that sounds bad, but it's like he's a different person." "But a happier person isn't a bad change," she reminds you. "Yes, I know. You just don't know the situation." "No one knows your situation because you won't let anyone else but Louis in," she says, her voice salty. You get up off of the barstool, rolling your eyes before returning to your room. You wish he didn't have to go. You needed to be with him now. This place is stifling. You want to be happy too, like Louis. You want to be traveling, like Louis. You want to wake up knowing it's going to be a great day, like Louis. You're starting to turn into him, the old him. Negative thoughts are consuming you and all you want to do is be with him. But he's across the ocean and out of reach.

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