Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Kiss You

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Harry: "You don't usually get coffee with the guys you bring home, do you?" Aston asks as he sits across from you in the café down the street from your complex. You shake your head. Not once had you ever actually used the numbers you were given the morning after. There was just no need for them. That is, of course, until Aston came along. There was just something about the smugness he possessed that made you pick up the phone this morning and actually select his name. The fact that he insults Harry helps as well. Anything to make you feel better about the situation you have gotten yourself into. "Didn't think so," Aston remarks as he takes a sip of his steaming drink. "So what does it mean?" You look up from your drink at him. "What does what mean?" He smirks at you trying to play coy. "What does you calling and asking me to come out this morning mean?" "That I wanted someone to come get coffee with me? I don't know." You honestly have no idea what it means, you just wanted a companion this morning. Sydney certainly wasn't coming out with you. The two of you have been on the rocks for a week now. "Just wondering," he comments as he takes another drink, the smirk still on his face. "I honestly don't know. I just didn't want to sit here by myself." "That's fine, I'm not opposed to meeting up with someone just so they won't feel alone." Alone? That's a great way to describe how you feel. Your eyes shift over as your phone begins to buzz on the table. What the hell does he want? "Just a second," you tell Aston and he nods as you get up from your seat and step away. "Hello?" "Hi." Is that all he has to say? "Do you need something?" You push, wanting this conversation over with. "I just wanted to check in with you." Is he serious? You haven't talked to him in weeks and he's just 'checking in'? That's something Niall would do with his girlfriend, or Liam with his friend back home. Harry doesn't just call to 'check in'. "I'm fine," you tell him with little emotion in your voice. "Are you sure, you don't sound alright." You roll your eyes, wishing he could see your annoyance. "Why the fuck do you care?" You snap, letting your built up emotions get to you. "Whoa, calm down. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You don't have to get so hostile." You roll your eyes yet again. "I've got to go," you say hanging up before hearing another word from him. You return back to the table where Aston still sits. "Everything alright?" He questions and you scoff. "What is with people asking me if everything is alright? Why wouldn't it be alright?" Aston's eyes grow wide at your outburst. He hadn't heard any of your conversation with Harry so he knew nothing about the frustration you were feeling. He holds his hands up in innocence. "I'm sorry I asked." You sigh, knowing you shouldn't have ranted to him like that. "No. I'm sorry." You take another drink from your now warm coffee. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" Aston asks, and you look up at him. A smile is on his face, one you know he is giving you in hopes to fix whatever you aren't willing to tell him about. "Nothing," you answer shrugging your shoulders. "Want to go shopping down Melrose?" "Shopping?" "Yeah, I hear spending money can heal a lot of things," he teases only slightly. It's been a while since you've been shopping, and even longer since you've been down Melrose. "So is that a 'yes'?" He inquires when you don't respond. "Yeah, sure," you say with a nod, pushing your coffee away from you as he takes the final drink of his.
Liam: You're cleaning, even though you don't have to. Liam has a cleaner come twice a week to clean his flat, but since you've been staying here you've been doing most of her job. She's really just been someone for you to talk to. The sun has been down for a few hours now and you're still working on the kitchen. Not that you've made a big enough mess to spend the day picking it up. His show plays in the background. You can't remember where he is tonight, but you're certain he will shout it out here sooner or later. You've been watching his shows like this when you get the chance, which is every night since you don't go out. "Oh I just want to take you anywhere that you like, we can go out any day, any night...-" The song you've always loved to dance to. You've got your hands in the sink, the sudsy water up to your elbows. You didn't have to wash the dishes by hand, but it was something to do. The water splashes around as you dance to the song. You want to be there, like you've wanted to for weeks now. You take your hands out of the water and spin on your toes in front of the sink. But just as your luck would have it, there's water on the floor. Your spin quickly turns into a fall, with your ankle turning underneath you. You hit the tile floor hard, the glasses in the cabinet shaking. You groan in pain, well in this case more like agony. You look down at your ankle as it already begins to swell and bruise. "Amazing," you growl in frustration. This is the last thing you needed. Alone and in a city you have no idea about, the perfect equation for a disaster. You scoot yourself over to rest against the cabinet. You can hear Liam talking to the American fans from your laptop that rests on the counter. You have no idea what to do. Who are you even meant to call when the only person in this city that you know is across the ocean? You look back down at your ankle that is now black, this is definitely more than a sprain. You've got to go see the doctor. You turn to face the counter and pull yourself up. You wince as you put slight pressure down on your ankle. Walking won't be a thing tonight. You hop over to your phone and order an Uber. You aren't bleeding or falling in and out of consciousness, so you don't need to call for an ambulance. After your ride to A&E is sorted, you hop over to turn your laptop off. It's time to say goodnight to Liam. You're going to have to do a lot of reassuring to keep him over in the States after this. You hobble over to the door, slowly opening it and hopping into the hallway, pulling the door behind you. You're sure with the time it's going to take you to get down the corridor to the lift and down to the lobby your ride will be waiting for you. You slowly make your way to the lift, one baby hop at a time. "Oh dear, what happened?" The woman at reception asks as you limp off of the lift. "I'm not the most graceful," you admit. She comes from behind the desk to help you. "Oh, you don't have to," you assure her as you are almost at the door. "How do you expect to get down those stairs?" She asks with a concerned smile. You had forgotten about those to be honest. You accept her help and she assists you in walking to the awaiting car. "Take her to A&E," she tells the driver and he nods. "They'll fix you right up, dear," she says as she shuts the door once you are in. You smile and wave as the car pulls off. "So what did you do?" The driver asks. "I slipped on some water in the floor while I was washing dishes," you explain. "Where's your boyfriend?" You look at him in the rearview mirror. He's smiling. You aren't sure if he recognizes you or if he just assumes you have a boyfriend. It's not a question you really know how to answer. "He's out at a show, isn't he?" He recognizes you. You nod. You aren't going to correct him, though. If he thinks Liam is your boyfriend then maybe the more intrusive questions won't come. The ride goes silent and you are thankful. Once you pull up to the A&E entrance the driver gets out to help. "You want me to take you in or get a chair?" "A chair please," you request with a smile. You wait in the back of the car as he goes in to get you a wheelchair. "I'll wait outside for you," he tells you. "It may take all night," you say, astonished at his offer. "Someone's got to get you home." He smiles as he helps you sign in and find a place.
Niall: "You have to admit this isn't a bad way to live," Stephen comments as you walk into his now halfway finished living room. You were slowly but surely getting this place renovated. "What do you mean?" You inquire, sitting down across from him on the dark leather couch you had picked out for the space just yesterday. "I mean, you cannot tell me that you aren't enjoying yourself while you are over here. I see a smile on your face every day." "Just because I smile doesn't mean everything is great," you reveal. You've smiled plenty of times while you've been over here working with him, but things in this situation were far from perfect. Stephen sighs. "Listen, I know what I did was shitty, but how else was I going to get you to realize that being with me is the better choice? I mean I'm the one that is here for you, am I not? You see me every single day, and I'm not quite sure it's one hundred percent because you have to be for work." You think about his words. He's right. You need his company, no matter what sort of threat he brings to your relationship. "I knew I was right," he continues with a smile after you say nothing in return. The cockiness is still there. But for some strange reason you're attracted to that. You're attracted to all of this. The life he has, the companionship he brings to your life, you crave it. You know you shouldn't; of course you shouldn't, but he's the one that has been around when Niall hasn't. You look over at him once you are finished with your thoughts. "Come here," he says softly, his eyes compassionate. For someone with such questionable motives, he seems to understand you more than most. "I don't know why you won't let me take care of you. You can have a life just as wonderful with me, and I'll be around. I don't travel the world ten months out of the year, and I don't have people constantly following me asking questions about my life." The life he was describing was one you weren't used to. You can't even remember what having Niall around and not being stalked by the media feels like. You had never questioned it though until Stephen came along. Having everyone interested in your life and Niall always being somewhere you weren't was just the life you had adapted to. You don't know what to stay to Stephen. You've moved across the couch to him and his arm rests around you. You're comfortable. You know you shouldn't be here; you finished work on the flat an hour ago. He had ordered curry for dinner before you had even finished with the master bathroom. He knew that if dinner was ready by the time you were finished for the day you wouldn't say 'no' to staying a little longer to eat with him. He's played that game many times, and you've allowed him to. "Does the silence mean you're thinking about it?" You turn to him. "No," you answer, but it's a lie. He looks at you, a half smile present on his face. "Stop," you tell him, turning away. "What am I doing?" "You're right, everything you're saying is right. Yes, I enjoy being over here because I enjoy being around you. I enjoy the company. Yes, you can offer me just as good of a life as I have now, material wise. Yes, you are around more, and no, you don't bring as much attention. I would be crazy to not be with you, and I would be a liar if I said I don't think about it on a daily basis. I'm only human, and I'm not sure what else this world expects of me." You feel his grip around you tighten and you lean into him as your eyes begin to water. "No one expects anything more than what you are already doing. Like you said, you're only human." Of course he's going to say that. All of this is playing well into his favor. "I'm not just saying that." He must be reading your mind. You look up at him as a tear starts to fall. He gently moves his thumb to the top of your cheek, wiping the tear away before it has a chance to go any further. He presses his lips to your forehead and your eyes close. Crying in front of him means you're breaking, you're giving in. You aren't supposed to give in. This is supposed to be for work only. This is far from work. There are feelings involved now.
Louis: You still aren't used to the fresh air. You've been walking around the town for an hour now. You haven't found a thing to do other than look in the widows of the shops you are passing. A bright green clutch catches your eye, not that you could afford it, but it is nice to look at. You open the door to the store and walk in. The aroma was very nice, definitely better than the street you had been walking down. You begin to look around; everything far too expensive. You're sure if Louis was here that wouldn't matter. You would have that green clutch sitting in the window in a heartbeat. You continue to walk around, certain the clerks are watching you, unsure if you're actually going to purchase anything but knowing exactly who you are. Everyone around here knows who you are, even though they haven't seen you in a while. You look over to see one go through the door to the back, a smile on the other's face. You walk over to the scarves but before you can run your hand through the first one your attention has been gotten. Your eyes move from the scarves in front of you to the speaker in the ceiling above your head. We're they really playing this song? You suppose it's all with good intentions but right now is not the time. You turn to the door and quickly exit. The last thing you need is a reminder that Louis hasn't called in two weeks. You've sent him messages throughout the weeks but they've gone unanswered. You don't want to worry, but you can't help it. You make your way back down the street you had been walking on. You've got to get back to your car. The clerks in the shop didn't mean harm by turning on Louis's song; you know that. You open the car door and quickly get inside. Taking a deep breath, you grip the steering wheel tightly. You rest your head on the wheel, fighting the urge to cry. A tap on the glass makes you jump. You look up to see your brother standing outside of the car. You roll your window down. "Are you alright?" He inquires. "What are you doing here?" You counter, not bothering to answer his question. "Well it's the only shopping center we have around here, which means it's basically thing only thing around here to do. Did you forget that?" You roll your eyes at his attitude. "What?" "Why are you so fucking mean to me?" You question. Neither of you have actually had a conversation with one another in months and this isn't exactly how you pictured the first one to go, but you have to know. "What are you talking about?" You open the car door and get out, no need to do this separated by a door. "You have treated me like shit ever since Dad got sick and I want to know why," you growl. "Maybe because you came home and went straight to your room and never came out. You locked yourself in there day in and day out when everyone else in the house was hurting." "And I wasn't?!" You counter before he can add anymore. "I am dealing with the same situation you are," you remind him. "You ran away though, no one else did that." "Well I'm sorry I can't stay in a house where every fucking person is depressed. I don't know if you remember but I'm just getting over mine. Louis helped me with that and I needed to see him." He rolls his eyes. "Ethan what is wrong with you?" "You're delusional." "What is that supposed to mean?" "He doesn't love you. That ring means nothing, it's all for show. I've heard you talking about how he isn't happy on the road and he spent all of that time with you in France. He's just using you to get away from his own fucked up life." On impulse your hand finds his face. "And you wonder why I hate you all," you seethe. Tears begin to fall from your eyes. You had never considered your brother a truly hateful person until just now. Listening to those words come out of his mouth was painful. Your heart is broken, and once again it's coming from a family member and not Louis. They haven't ceased to stop making him seem like the problem here. You get back in your car, rolling the window up and locking the door. You watch Ethan walk away. You'd be alright if you never saw him again.

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