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Harry:  "Trust me, it'll be loads of fun." He says in a hushed voice. Some how Harry convinced you in the middle of the night to sneak out of the hotel and down to the beach to skinny dip. He pulled his shirt over his head exposing his strong back, and stepped out of his shorts, slowly creeping his way to the water. His tan bum barely visible on the dark beach. As soon and the wet sand touched your toes, you stepped back. "C'mon, sweet heart I promise no one will see us." He begged, "plus I know for a fact that you want to have sex in the ocean." He was literally naked, in waist deep water and taunting you. You stared at him for a second before giving in. You untied your swimsuit and hurried to the water. Your hands covering your boobs. You got about mid thigh when it hit you how cold the water is. But it was to late, Harry picked you up throwing you over his shoulder. Taking you deeper into the water, before throwing you in. "It's freezing," you shriek, splashing him back. He pulled you flush against him. "I can think of a way to warm you up." He said, his lust filled green eyes glowing in the moonlight. And he was right, you already felt like you were melting when his lips crashed against yours.

Liam: For the past few weeks you and Liam would play pranks back and forth. Like air horns and snow balls nothing major. Untill the boys started video taping, And it turned into a full on twitter war. Team Y/N vs Team Liam. So tonight, you stand off to the side of the stage, watching as he bounced around. All the boys were sweaty and tires by the end of the show, the stage covered in confetti and water from the dozen of bottle they bring up. Liam danced around near the edge of the stage, singing the final lines in What Makes You Beautiful. When you turned around to take some pictures of the crowd. You snapped a few reading the signs the fans had made. Just as you could make out the words on a large red and white sign, "LIAM POUR WATER ON Y/N!" Some ice cold liquid fell from above, soaking your hair, and your entire back. You turned around and looked up, where Liam and Niall held a now empty bucket. "Liam," your scream drown out by the loud speakers. Liam's voice boom over the speakers. "I think that's one for team Liam."

Niall: You were standing with Paul inside the clothing and hair tent, on the pier. The boys were here filming something today, and Niall dragged you along. It was freezing outside so he told you to stay inside. Which was fine because you hate the cold. You can hear the fans from blocks away, and the sound of Ben talking to the boys clearly from the other side of the thin tent. But you stayed right were you were in the makeup chair with one /leg crossed over the other as your scrolled through twitter. You message a few one direction fans back, and re-tweet a few, before you feel two icy hands on your cheeks. The cold shocked you, causing you to yelp. Niall smiles at you, his blue eyes wide with amusement. You can see him in the mirror, his usual pale white skin, flushed red. His nose the same intense color. Compared to his skin his eyes looked almost gray. "Niall, your hands are freezing," You groan. He pulled his hands away, and picks up the orange hand warmers everyone had. He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, "sorry luv."

Louis: You rolled over in bed, the sheets cold underneath you. Even under the heavy blanket you were practically ice. Louis on the other hand, is warm. He lay next to you on his back, one arm tucked behind his disheveled bed head, the other near yours. You could tell he was sleeping by the way his chest rose, and fell slowly and evenly. "Louis," You whisper. "Lou," You say a bit louder this time. His sleepy blue-gray eyes fluttered open and landed on you. "Hmm," he breathed out. "I'm freezing," you explained through chattering teeth. His gaze was constant, when he let his head roll in your direction, and turned onto his side. He closed is eyes and reached out for you. "C'mere." He whispers tiredly. You into his arms, pressing your frosty hands onto his bare chest, enter twining you legs with his. "Christ," he hisses flinching under you fingers. "You're freezing." He pulls you tighter against him, your body quickly warming up next to his. "Thank you Lou," You say quietly, before you realized that he'd already fallen back asleep.

Zayn: After an unusually "rough night" with Zayn, he felt horrible. He was to hard on you. He was about 99 prevent sure you didn't even like it. Leaving bruises on you hips and thighs. As well as dark purple marks on your chest and collar bone. He felt bad and so he thought he would make up for it by making you breakfast. He got up early and pulled on a pair of socks sweats a tank and beanie. He shuffled into the kitchen dragging his feat across the floor. Zayn knows he's not an a+ chef, but he's so proud if the food. Waffles, eggs, toast, fruit, and juice all ready for when you want up. Except you slept longer than planned and Zayn didn't have the heart to wake you up. When you dragged your self down the stairs glowing from the previous night. The first thing you saw was the table of food. The a very tired Zayn dozing off in a chair near the back if the table. "Oh my gosh," you squealed picking up a plate of eggs and popping some in your mouth. " they're cold." You poke. "It's a I'm sorry present." He admits. "For what," you ask, you couldn't think of one thing he could have done. "The marks? Last night?" He said unsure if you were still talking about the same thing. "Last night was great," you burst his bubble. "Last night was so great!" You repeated picking up the plate of fruit and bring it to the bedroom. "But thanks," you shout from the bed.

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