Soundtrack Series • FOUR • No Control

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Harry: He was gone before you ever had a chance to wake up. You didn't know how he did it, partying all night and still waking up on time to make his meetings. He hadn't invited you out tonight, probably because you had turned him down all the other times. You didn't enjoy the London party scene, especially with the people he decided to associate himself with. It wasn't an atmosphere you wanted to be in. You sit on the kitchen counter, a cup of tea beside you and a book in your hand. You would much rather be doing this. Loud voices bring you from the words on the page. He's home, and with a guest. You look over at the clock on the stove; it was well into the morning. You keep quiet as you listen to him struggling to unlock the door. You feel no desire to help him. Once the door is open you get a good look at his guest. Blonde. They were always blonde. Neither of them see you as you remain perched in the kitchen and they stumble up the stairs. There goes your place to sleep. You roll your eyes and quietly thank the builders of this house for not making the bedroom above the kitchen. You bring your attention back to the book in your hands. You remain on the counter; you didn't really have anywhere else to go now. You do everything you can to block out the noises trickling down from the bedroom. It was hopeless though. You get down from the counter, walk across the living room to the office. You need headphones. You pull out the pair hooked into his computer and make your way back to the kitchen. You place them over your ears, hooking them into your phone and blasting music. You couldn't comprehend any of the words in your book with the music this loud, so you just listened, setting the book aside. Five or six songs go by before you dare press pause. The house was quiet. You sigh, taking the headphones off and picking your book back up. The sound of voices once again brings you from your reading and you roll your eyes in annoyance. This time it was just Harry's, he wasn't even trying to be quiet. He was being so courteous tonight. He drunkenly brings himself downstairs, the sheet from the bed wrapped around his hips. You would definitely be doing laundry later on. "Oh, hey," he greets, a little caught off guard that you're sitting in his kitchen. "Hi," you return, wanting to keep this conversation short after knowing what he had just finished doing. "Why aren't you asleep?" He questions, he clearly hadn't caught the short conversation memo. You show him your book and he nods, heading straight to the fridge for a drink. Well this is awkward. Probably not for him because he's still clearly drunk and has no idea what is going on. For you on the other hand you have no idea what to do. What do you say to him? Obviously nothing now, but what will you say to him? He had never brought a girl home with him while you were around, ever. He usually never even went out. His focus was always on you. Things had obviously changed. You watch him, wanting so badly to say something but not knowing how. This kind of behavior was terribly destructive, nearly as bad as what he was doing to himself by being in that relationship. You want to help him, but you just don't know how. All of this is still so new to you. So you let him go. Back up the stairs to be with the girl he had more than likely just met a couple of hours ago. This isn't him; someone else has taken over.
Liam: You look down at the clock on the computer screen, it was a wretched time. However, you hadn't spoken to him very much since getting back from Australia, and now he was back on the road. Japan to be exact. "How is everything?" You inquire, putting your earbuds in, trying hard to be awake enough to have a conversation with him, the kind of conversation you know he deserves. "It's Japan. It's always great here. We just landed, so we haven't had a lot of time to do anything, but tomorrow Niall and I are going to one of those robotics stores, so that should be a lot of fun." "That's awesome. You're going to take me to Japan with you one day, right?" You tease. "If Japan is where you want to go, then Japan is where I will take you." You smile at his words, he was such a sweetheart. "How is everything at home?" He continues. "Everything here is good," you begin, thinking back through the last couple of days. "I can't really think of any neighborhood gossip to tell you because nothing has been going on. It sucks." He laughs at your joking frustrations. "I miss that laugh," you remark, you hadn't heard it in so long. "I miss you," he counters and you smile. "You'll just have to bring me along more often," you tease. "Don't tempt me," he replies, completely serious. Just then a groan comes from behind you and you silently pray that Liam hadn't heard it. You watch the screen carefully for any inclination that he suspected anyone else other than you in the room. His expression remains the same and you let out the breath you had been holding in. You had to get out of the bedroom. You were stupid for answering his call in here anyways. You slowly slide the chair away from the table, picking up the laptop. "Where are you going?" A sleepy voice asks from the bed. You look down at the computer screen; Liam's attention had just been gotten. "Who is that?" He asks, his eyes looking directly at you. You sigh deeply. You didn't want to tell him. You watch as he rolls his eyes and rips his headphones off. "Liam," you say helplessly as he pushes the laptop from his legs. It was hopeless to try and talk to him, he couldn't hear you. The stare at the headboard of his hotel bed for only a moment before the screen goes back and the call is disconnected. "Fuck!" You shout in anger. He hadn't even given you a chance. But then again when had he ever given you a chance with Mark? Never. "What's happened?" You turn around to face the bed, the room was dark but the light from your computer screen illuminated the space enough. "The call was dropped. Lost connection, I guess." You had to lie. You couldn't tell him that your best guy friend acted like a jealous madman every time his name or even the thought of him came up. You wanted to keep Mark around, not have Liam scare him off. "Oh, well maybe he will call back. If not, there's always tomorrow." He had no idea, you felt bad for keeping information from him, information you knew he deserved to know. It just wasn't the right time for it though. You were sure he would be able to sense Liam's attitude if they met, when they met. Wouldn't that be the day? You didn't want to think about it. You set the computer back down on the desk, closing it, and taking a step back. You wouldn't be talking to Liam anymore tonight. You turn to face the bed. A smile from Mark quickly brightens your mood. You crawl under the covers with him, his arms wrapping around you as you turn the light off. You would never be able to understand how someone so sweet could be hated so much by a person that has never even met them. It made no sense. You had to step in and take charge of this situation and soon. Liam had clearly allowed his senses to take him over, and it was going to be a fight to get him back.
Niall: "It sucks you aren't down here with me," he tells you as you settle into bed, the laptop sitting on the bed while you finish up the work you had brought home. "I know, Australia was always my favorite." He was back on the road now, both of you would now have to work twice as hard to stay in touch. "What are you working on?" "Just trying to figure out the best window treatments for the Washington Square project." You had brought your work home with you so you could have this time to talk to him, having to work around the sixteen hours between you now. "How is that going?" You look up from the samples book in your lap, recognizing that all of his questions meant he actually just wanted your attention. "It's going great," you answer with a smile. "I miss you," he adds. "Oh, don't start that. You know I don't handle talk like that well." It was the truth. You had actually banned him from saying those three words all together. Clearly someone listens well. "What? I can't help it. I do." You shake your head, "I don't want to hear it." "Okay well what do you want to hear?" "I want to hear how excited you are to be back on tour." "I am loving it, so ready. But it would be much better if you were here with me." "Niall, babe!" You whine, he was doing this on purpose now. "What!?" He had a menacing smile that gave his intentions away. "Please change the subject." "I don't think I can do that. I want you here with me." "Niall." He was going to fight you on this, you knew it. "No. I do. I need you." "Oh, you need me now." His story was changing. "Yeah. I've been going crazy without you these last couple of weeks." "Really? Going crazy?" The tone of your voice had changed to intrigue. "Yeah, I miss you a lot." "What do you miss about me?" Two could play this game. "Everything. Your cooking, the way I always came home to you in the bath, the smell of your hair in my face when you're on top of me." "I certainly hope no one else is in that dressing room with you." "Nope, it's just me." Noted. "So you said you need me there. What would you do if I was there?" "You see that couch back there?" He questions, turning the camera slightly so you can see behind him. "I see that couch back there." "Well I wouldn't be using it, because you would be up against that door the second you walked in." "I love the sound of that. What else?" He was going to hate you after this. "You would scratch me up, like you do, but we would have to be quiet, so I would have my hand over your mouth because I know you like to let everyone know how good I make you feel." "I do, every single time, because you feel so fucking good inside of me." "Fuck." You were torturing him now. "Continue please," you urge with a smile. "You would have one of your legs on my chest while I held the other in my arm." "You have a lot of faith in my flexibility, it seems." "I've fucked you against a wall several times, I know how well you bend." "So wait, you would fuck me against the door first? When do I get to taste you?" "No time for that. It would be over in a second, and then I couldn't enjoy being inside of you. That gets saved for after the show." "Understandable, I guess. Still pretty disappointing." "Yeah, I know how you like me deep in your mouth." Damn, now he was getting to you. "So fucking deep." "Niall!" You hear over on his end, followed by a banging on the door behind him. "Why the hell is this door locked?" "You locked the door?" You question with laughter. He shrugs his shoulders, before looking down in his lap. "I fucking hate you, you know that?" "Hey don't hate me, you clearly had the same intentions I did Mr. Door Locker."
Louis: Thank God it was the weekend. You needed a break. Classes were picking up, and you were barely hanging on. You didn't want to open your eyes, certain it was far too early for you to be awake. You desperately wanted to fall back asleep. You roll over, eyes still closed, but your body is stopped. Your eyes shoot open. You let out a deep breath once you realize it was only Louis. Wait. Louis? What was he doing here? You had sent him back home not three days ago and here he was in your bed. What was going on with him? You slowly turn back over to your original spot, knowing you hadn't woken him up. You're wide awake now. Why would he have come back so soon? You had just told him that you wanted to start over and that he needed to go home. You hadn't told him how long to stay home, but you thought it was clear that he should stay over in the UK until he went back on tour. Did he not believe you when you said you could handle it? Apparently not. You get out from under the covers. It was pointless to lay there when you know you aren't going to be able to fall back to sleep. You take your phone with you to the living room, the time on the screen indeed showing you that it was way too early to be awake. You flip on the television and collapse onto the couch. What a lovely way to spend the morning. You get up from the couch, realizing you hadn't started the kettle. You drag your feet into the kitchen and turn the kettle on, desperately needing caffeine if you were going to be up at this time. You open the cupboard to get the tea out only to find a note stuck to the side of the box. 'Please don't be mad that I came back. I just want to spend time with you before the shows start up again'. Well, okay. How could you argue with reasoning like that? You move over to the fridge, pushing aside everything to find the cream. 'I know I'm probably just now starting to wake up, but know it was great to fall asleep with you beside me last night'. Another note, this one stuck to the carton. There had to be one on your mug then. You bring the cream out and sit it beside the kettle before walking over and opening the cupboard door to reveal your vast array of mugs. Sure enough there was another note, this one attached to the Port Jackson mug, your favorite. 'You better be making tea this morning or these are hopeless. I'm probably awake now if you want to come back to the bedroom'. He was good, you gave him that. You head back to the bedroom, each note stuck to a different finger. As his early-morning-self had predicted, he was indeed awake and smiling at you as you walked in the door. "You aren't mad, are you?" He questions as you crawl back in beside him. "No, I am not mad." It was the truth. You weren't mad. However, you weren't sure exactly what you were. Confused possibly. Yes, definitely confused. But why couldn't you express that? He needs to know that it isn't okay that he drops all of his responsibilities to come and be with you. You thought you had made that clear a few days ago, but you clearly needed more work in that area. You love him. He clearly loves you, but this is starting to become stifling. You weren't at all convinced that he was only doing this because he wants to spend time with you. It would be nice and a lot simpler to solve if that were the case, but it just isn't. "I missed you," he says, and you wonder how. You'd barely had any time apart since news broke that the two of you were together. Maybe this would blow over though. He did have to go on tour soon; that was something he would not be able to get out of, no matter how many phone calls he made. You could wait it out until then. Having him around wasn't a terrible thing. You should be enjoying these moments. He wouldn't be around for months once these last few days of freedom are over. What are you even worrying about?
Zayn: "Are you almost done?" He questions as you stand in the closet, in front of the mirror once more. This was the third night out with him this week; you had to make sure your look was perfect. "Yeah, let me just get my shoes on," you answer back knowing he had been lying on the bed for a while now waiting on you. "You look amazing," he says softly, getting up from the bed to walk over to you as you stand in front of the vanity. "I have to make sure I make you look good," you tell him in honesty. "You don't ever have to worry about not making me look good." He presses a kiss amongst your hair before picking up the diamond pendant necklace from your jewelry box. You pull your hair back and allow him to put it on you. You find the matching earrings and fix your hair back to see how everything looks together. "Perfect," he says in your ear. Your cheeks flush at his compliment. It had been so long since this side of Zayn had come out. These last few days had been such a surprise. You pick up your bottle of Chanel, but he stops you, "Wear this one." He picks up the bottle of Tom Ford and places it in your hand. "I like this one better." Of course, anything to keep this Zayn around for longer. You spray the jasmine scent on your neck and wrists before sitting it back on the vanity and taking one last look at yourself in the mirror. "Ready?" You turn and smile. He nods towards the door and the two of you head out to dinner. "Where are we going tonight?" You ask as you get into the backseat of the awaiting car. "Ledbury," he answers as he slides in behind you. "That place is amazing, it's one-" "Of your favorites, I know." You smile, he hadn't taken you to Ledbury in over a year. You take the short drive over to Notting Hill, Zayn showing you all of the places he has written and recorded with other artists along the way. You were surprised at all of the sessions he hadn't told you about, not recognizing any of the places he was pointing out. Once on Ledbury Road, the driver parks the car as close to the restaurant as possible before getting out and opening the backdoor. Zayn gets out first, holding his hand out for you to take. You stare at it and almost laugh. He was going all out tonight, and he obviously wanted you to notice. You take his hand and he escorts you onto the sidewalk. "Cheers man," he says to the driver, shaking his hand before turning back to you. "Alright, let's get out of the cold." He wraps his arm around you, keeping you warm, as the two of you walk to dinner. The moment you walk through the door, the hosting staff's eyes are locked on you. "Welcome to The Ledbury," the woman behind the hostess stand greets with a bright smile. "Your table is right over here, Mr. Malik," she assures, as she escorts you back through the tables, while the other two staff members remain beside the stand, one talking in his headset. "Is this alright?" She asks before placing the wine list on the table. "Yes, this is great, thank you," Zayn confirms with a smile after looking around to see that the area met his requests. You take the seat across from him, the candle burning at the center of the table illuminating the angles of his face. You weren't sure how things had ended up like this. How the two of you could actually be sitting here, smiling at one another and being genuinely happy to be in the presence of the other. "I love you," he says, reaching for your hand across the table. "I love you," you reply, exaggerating the last word so he knows you mean it just the same. This is the kind of relationship with him you had been missing, and these last few nights out had shown you that he was no longer allowing his negative emotions to police him. Instead, he was giving into the emotions he once possessed, the ones you fell in love with.

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