Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Diana

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Harry: Since when had getting out of the apartment been such a struggle? You hadn't found yourself wanting to leave the comfort of your bedroom for days, and that was a problem. Today you were fixing that. You have no idea what you are going to do, but you know you have to get out. There is nothing healthy about lying in the bed, with a bag of salt and vinegar chips on a nightstand and an Oreo mint milkshake on the other, gorging everything down while you watch endless hours of television. That may be some people, but that isn't you, at least not for four days straight. You stand in front of the mirror; you hadn't even been over to this side of your room since before Harry had started acting like an asshole. Harry. He was the last person you needed to be thinking about right now. He's the one that put you in this mess in the first place, a mess you were drowning in, with nothing or no one to save you. Maybe it was a little harsh to blame him for all of it right out of the gate, but it wasn't like he was around to defend himself. You hadn't seen your reflection in a while. How was that even possible? You stare at yourself. There's something different. It's the exhaustion. You look in desperate need of a nap. But you needed to get out; a nap can happen later. You grab your wallet and keys and quickly get out of the apartment before your mind changes about leaving. You had almost forgotten how amazing the Los Angeles sun felt. You close your eyes as soon as you get out into the fresh air and take a deep breath in. It wasn't the cleanest air, but you hadn't taken it in in days. You decide on the coffee shop down the block to be your first destination. Breakfast was a must if you were going to make it through this day. The bell hanging over the threshold jingles as you open the door. You feel lots of eyes immediately on you once you step in. It was no secret around here who you were. Everyone knew you and who you were associated with. "Yeah, I've been in town for a few days, still no place to stay. So if you know someone looking for a roommate, let me know." Oh great, you had gotten behind the girl who likes to do more than order food at the counter. Might as well get comfy. Wait, she's looking for a roommate. You have an extra bedroom. But do you even want a roommate? You don't even know her. You were thinking a few days ago about how you needed someone new in your life. Could it be a roommate? You slowly reach your hand out as you try to think of a reason to not tap her on the shoulder. She turns around to look at you after you have gotten her attention. "You're looking for a place to live?" You inquire, hoping she wouldn't mind you eavesdropping on her conversation. "Yeah, do you know a place?" She questions excitedly. "I have an extra bedroom and bathroom in my place," you reveal and her eyes light up. "You can pick a table and I will get my order in and we can talk," you suggest and she nods enthusiastically, taking her breakfast from the counter. "That was very nice of you, she's been in here every day for the last few days asking if I know anywhere she can stay, sweet girl," the lady behind the counter explains. You smile and put your order in, sitting down at the table the girl had chosen a few minutes later. "My name is Sydney, but most everyone calls me Syd," she greets once you sit down. "I'm (Y/N)," you return, even though you are sure she already knows. "So tell me about yourself," she insists as she takes a bite of the muffin she had gotten. You weren't sure you had ever had anyone ask you to tell them about yourself, most everyone thought they already knew. Is it possible she doesn't actually know? If that's the case, you aren't going to let her in on any of the drama. This is a fresh start. Sydney is going to be the one to save you.
Liam: You had been on the covers of magazines before. You remember the first time seeing yourself on one. You were with Liam, of course. It was your first time on tour with him, the Up All Night tour, and everyone thought you were dating. He ate up that assumption, he loved it. You had only laughed it off though; in the days that followed everyone eventually discovered who you were. You had never graced the cover by yourself. Why would you? You certainly weren't important enough to people to do that. This time was no different. You sit in the living room looking over the three magazines on the coffee table with your face on them. Alongside you in the photos is Mark. It's safe to say he had never been on the cover of anything. "Here's another one," he says, walking into the living room, tossing yet another magazine on the coffee table. All you were doing was shopping in these pictures, what was so special about that? "The guys at work are getting a kick out of it," he says, leaning over and kissing you before collapsing into your lap. "Long day?" You ask as he turns around to rest his head on your legs and you lean back into the couch. "Yes," he simply says, his eyes closing slowly as you comb through his hair with your fingers. The two of you sit in silence for a while; it was the peaceful kind, the kind you can enjoy. "When was the last time you talked to him?" Mark asks, bringing his hands to cover his eyes before running them down his face. He looks up at you for an answer. "Who?" He stares at you as if to say "try again". You shake your head slowly, "I don't know, a couple of weeks?" "Why so long?" "Why does it matter?" You weren't sure why he was asking about Liam in the first place. It wasn't like they were friends. "It matters because he is your friend, one of your best friends, and you haven't talked to him when I know he's been trying to get ahold of you." "How do you know that?" "Your phone rings constantly. You don't think I don't notice you looking at it during dinner only to turn it over and ignore him. Babe, he's trying to say he's sorry, and you aren't letting him." You aren't sure where any of this was coming from. This is Mark saying this. Why is he sticking up for Liam? Does he not remember all of the hell he caused your relationship? "I'm only trying to help," he continues, once he realizes you were battling your thoughts. You look down at him once you notice his sincerity. He was genuinely trying to help. "The last thing I want is for you to lose a friend like him. He's a good guy, and he's proven that many more times than he has proven to be a bad one." How can he possibly be this understanding? You weren't even this understanding. You had been ignoring everything Liam had sent your way, just to continue staying mad at him. "You need to give him another chance." You shake your head, you can't do that. The Liam you used to know is gone. The one you last talked to on the phone, the one asking to get back to the way things were, was only a cover. You couldn't possibly give that person a chance. "Can you do it for me?" Mark asks, you weren't saying much and he was trying his best to get any sort of answer out of you. You stare down at him. The half-smile you loved so much was present and you can't help but smile slightly, nodding in agreement and leaning down to kiss him.
Niall: "You're going to love this place," Kati assures you as the two of you walk into the bar she had suggested for the night. She had noticed you were acting a little down after getting back from Los Angeles and wanted to take you out to get your mind off of the distance between you and Niall. "Hey ladies," the bartender greets as you take a seat. "This is my favorite place to go to just forget about life." You aren't sure you want to forget about life, but you will go with it. Kati knows best in situations like these and you really did need to get out. You spend the next hour drinking and telling Kati about your time in California. "Have you noticed that guy over there?" She inquires, nodding across her shoulder and your eyes follow in the same direction. Your eyes instantly meet another pair and you assume this is the person Kati is talking about. "He's been looking at you ever sense we got here," she acknowledges. You hadn't even noticed. He smiles at you and you return it, but quickly look back to Kati. "Don't be ridiculous," you comment, after she smiles brightly at you. "What? What is wrong with a little fun? It's harmless." You look back over her shoulder but the guy is gone. Thank goodness. "Ladies, can I get you a drink?" A voice asks and you immediately recognize the face. "Not me, no thanks," Kati says, getting down from her seat, "but here, you can have my seat." Your eyes glare at her. What was she doing? "It's harmless, remember that," she says into your ear as she walks off. "Stephen," he greets with a smile. He did seem nice, and there isn't any harm in him buying you a drink. "(Y/N)," you say back. "Steven, my dude," the bartender shouts, his hand outstretched across the bar. "Not my name, asshole," Stephen laughs and shakes his hand. "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I won't always call you that." They must be friends. "What can I get you?" He asks. Stephen looks at you and you just point to your glass. "Get her another amaretto sour, and I'll take a Jameson." Irish whiskey, interesting choice. "So he calls you Steven just to get on your nerves?" You ask. "Basically. He knows I hate it when people don't give me the chance to tell them that's not how you pronounce it." Were you really talking about phonetics with this guy? "Maybe you should just start spelling it with an 'f'," you suggest, taking the last sip of your now empty drink. Yes, you were really talking phonetics with him. "You have no idea how many times I have thought about that." This conversion was nothing to worry about though. No one could say either of you were doing anything wrong here. "So you're the new girl in town," he says as the bartender hands you a new drink. "I guess you could say that." Of course he knew who you were. Hanging out with Kati wasn't always the best way to be discrete. "You've got that boyfriend that travels the world, but can't ever find the time to see you. Don't you? If I was in his position, I wouldn't leave your side." You had so much hope for this conversation. You were actually enjoying his company. Now he's gone and ruined it. "See that's where you are wrong. You know nothing about me or my relationship," you counter in a calm tone. He only smiles at you as you climb down from the barstool. "Thank you, Stephen," you begin, making sure to say his name correctly and with emphasis, "but I think it's time for me to go." "Suit yourself," he says, raising his whisky as you walk away.
Louis: "He's been doing fine, surprisingly," Liam tells you over the phone as you sit in the same hospital room for the fifth day in a row. You had watched your dad's health rise and fall throughout the week, and it was taking a toll on your emotions. You had to check in on Louis. Doing that meant calling Liam, because Louis certainly wasn't going to tell you the truth about it. "He still has that smile on his face from LA, and he's yet to complain about all of the traveling we've been doing." These were the words you desperately needed to hear. You've talked with Louis most of the days you've been apart so far, and by his tone you took it to mean he was feeling down. But Liam's observations told you otherwise, and it is such a relief. You were so worried about him the day you left. The look he had given you, despite knowing the circumstances for you leaving, had been haunting you for days. "Really?" You question in disbelief almost. "Yeah, I know, we are all just as surprised. He's laughing again, and joking around just like he used to. I don't know what you told him before you left, but whatever it was has kept him happy." You hadn't told him anything. Just that you loved him and to cheer up; he had been a mess at the airport. "I will admit when he told us that morning that you were having to fly back home and wouldn't be able to come on the road with us for a while we were all worried and quiet honestly annoyed. Not at you, of course, but at the person we thought he was going to be once you were gone." You understand where he is coming from, you wouldn't have wanted to be in their shoes either if Louis was going to return to his old ways. "But he was out playing football today, and in front of the fans of all places. He hasn't done that in years." You aren't sure how to process all of this that Liam is telling you. Yes, it is a wonderful thing that Louis is reverting back to his old habits, his happier habits, but it was such a contrast to the Louis you had left at the airport. You shouldn't be questioning it though. If he is acting like this without having you around, that is excellent progress. Why can't you be satisfied with that? You suppose it's because he spent so much time telling you that he needed you around, but now Liam is telling you that he's fine without you. It would hurt most anyone in some way you assure yourself on the inside. "That's so great to hear," you comment almost robotically. "How is everything going back home?" Liam inquires, concerned. Louis hadn't been telling them much you're sure. "I'm not exactly sure. It's been up and down ever since I got here. Dad's resting now, and Mom is at home. She's supposed to be resting but I'm sure she's cooking dinner to bring to the rest of us." You had been sitting here in the room for the last hour and half watching your older brother pace the floor, it made your more nervous than watching your dad fight for his life in that bed. "You stay strong, okay?" You close your eyes tightly to fight back the tears. You had heard those words repeatedly over the last couple of days. So much so that they had lost all of their meaning. How could you be strong in a situation like this? This is the worst thing you have ever had to face, you can't be strong. You had spent all your strength on Louis, getting him back to being himself. By Liam's report you had succeeded, but now you have nothing left for yourself.

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