Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Live While We're Young

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Harry: You had snuck another one in tonight. You know Syd is going to kill you in a few hours when you tell this one goodbye in the morning, but you'd rather not think about that right now. The sex was great. Yeah, really great. And in the moment that was all that mattered. You're lying beside him now; he's asleep and you aren't. Typical. Harry's in Kansas City now. Wait, stop. Why the fuck are you thinking about Harry. The whole reason this random guy is in your bed right now is to keep your thoughts on him. You turn to observe him. He's a hot one, but it isn't like you pick anything other than that. If you're going to be photographed bringing someone back to your place, you certainly want him to be on the same level or better than the one you're trying to replace. If this wasn't Los Angeles that would be a daunting task, but there are plenty of juice heads and fuck boys walking these streets. You continue to look at your prize. He's got Harry's curled brown hair. Stop it! That is not the point of this at all. You are not supposed to even have a trace of Harry in your mind after the sex you had just had with Jon, or was it James. Who even knows? Who even cares? He will be gone come morning, and then it's a completely new day. You turn from whatever his name is to face the ceiling. This is dangerous territory. This is thinking territory. You're done with thinking. You get out of the bed and go straight to the kitchen. You get into the liquor cabinet to find a friend. No one in the house is awake, so they won't mind you drinking. You had lost your buzz from the club while in the bedroom, and it was definitely time to get it back. You pull out a bottle of Grey Goose and a shot glass and walk straight over to the living room. No need to find anything to chase it with. You turn the TV on and settle into the couch. You immediately remember you need one more thing to make this midnight drinking session perfect, popcorn. It's not the best drinking food, but if you were going to sit in front of the television, you wanted popcorn. You take a shot of the vodka and head back to the kitchen to search. It doesn't take long for you to get your hands on a microwavable bag of movie theatre style popcorn. You sit on the counter and wait for it to pop before heading back to the living room. You quietly send up a prayer that the buttery smell doesn't wake anyone up. You don't want your mini slumber party for one ruined. You're back on the couch enjoying a late night Orange Is The New Black marathon when you hear a door creek open. You roll your eyes and take another shot. You pray for it to be the guy you had brought home, but you know he is most definitely passed out in your bed. "You are pathetic," Sydney says once she has made her way around to you. "Well it's nice to see you, too," you say, trying to avoid the shade she had just sent your way. "Why are you doing this to yourself? When I moved in here I couldn't even imagine you doing something like this? Drinking straight vodka while your one night stand is passed out in your bed? Are you serious?" You look from the television for the first time since she had appeared. Turning to her your face is expressionless. "People change," you tell her. She rolls her eyes. "You haven't changed, not like that at least. You've just given up on yourself, and to be honest it's sad to watch. You're so much better than this." You now wonder what you've done to deserve Syd on her soapbox at four in the morning, but you guess still being up drinking while a random guy sleeps in your bed is probably what she would give as her reasoning. "I talked to Harry," she reveals and your eyes grow wide. "Why?!" This is the last thing you need. The two of them in cohorts together and against you sounds like your worst nightmare. "Because he's the only one that's going to be able to get you out of this. He's the entire fucking reason you're doing this to yourself. I tried to explain to him everything that you're doing, but I don't think he understands the severity of it. You're dragging yourself down because of him and he isn't even willing to believe it. The two of you are so fucked up. I don't even see how you have or, well, had, a friendship or whatever it is that you like to call it." "Shut up!" You shout at her. "Don't you ever talk shit about what Harry and I have." Her eyebrows raise at your outburst. That's the first time she's heard you defend Harry in who knows how long. A smirk comes across her face and she nods. There's still something there, and whatever it is it's strong. But why is she the one seeing it instead of you?
Liam: You'd watched him like this before. It's definitely nothing like being at an actual show, but you weren't about to hop on a plane to him, not yet at least. The livestream of tonight's concert was a decent one. You've watched ones in the past where you were basically just listening to him and the boys sing because the person recording was so far away they all looked like ants. This one was closer. You could actually see him and the smile on his face. His smile brings on your smile, it always has, and even though it was incredibly late, it felt good to smile. He's been the only one to get that out of you these last few weeks. Life has done a complete turnaround, but Liam's the one that's been there through it all, well, over the phone of course. If he knew you had been sitting here all night watching his concert instead of going out he would be very upset with you. He had given you strict instructions to get out of the flat, but you just can't find the motivation. You aren't sure if it's the intimidation that the city you are now in gives off, or if it's the fact that being in Liam's flat gives you some sort of comfort that you just don't want to give up. You're sure it's a mix of both but more so the latter. You'd spent the beginning part of this tour with him, the middle part, watching him via YouTube, and now you're back in front of the computer. This time it's different, though. Things between you are better. He isn't trying to send you messages through the fans anymore, and he isn't on stage wondering how he's going to get you back. He's focusing on his responsibilities. Which just so happens to be the thousands of people standing in front of him at the moment. "Kansas City, I love you!" He shouts and you smile. "You all are so incredible tonight. Wow, look at you." He walks further down the catwalk before continuing. "This next song is a party song, our first one I'd say. I want you all to go crazy, okay? Absolutely mental. This is 'Live While We're Young'!" He runs back to the boys as the music starts and you laugh loudly, covering your mouth quickly, as he nearly falls over his own two feet. Clumsy boy. You aren't going to deny that you miss him. You want to be in the States with him, but you aren't willing, just yet, to admit that to him. You miss the atmosphere of his shows and you can't help but sing along. You get up from the barstool where you had watched the show up until this point. You are embarrassing yourself now. Thank goodness there isn't anyone else here with you. The irony of the song and your situation hits you as you spin around. You can't help but laugh. While Liam is over in America singing about getting out and living in the moment, you are here in his flat singing and dancing around to his music. Although he would laugh at you, he would not approve. "Why aren't you going out? You rarely make it down to London and now you're going to coop yourself up?" You've heard it from him several times while staying here. You know he just wants you to enjoy yourself during your stay. If he was there you know he would have you out in the city every chance he got, showing you around and making sure that you are enjoying the more lavish part of his lifestyle. You never liked that part, in all honesty. He is still the same Liam you have known for years and his money and fame have only been things you have to be reminded about. You are at his mercy now, staying in his flat. You don't want to become a burden, and you know Liam would never tell you that you've overstayed your welcome. The only problem is with wanting to give Liam back his own space you have to find space of your own. That's not happening at the moment. You can't go back home, well, you could. You just don't want to, not with Mark getting arrested up there. Drama like that stays around awhile in a town like yours. You know you can't stay here long, it isn't fair to live off of Liam. You've thought about making the move to London, but it's just too expensive. You know Liam will offer to help you out, but you can't take any more of his handouts, even though you know he means well by them. You don't want to feel indebted to him. The boys end the song, and you realize you completely checked out after the second verse. You return to the barstool to finish out the show, pushing back the worries of the future and taking the 'live in the moment' advice, as best you can at least.
Niall: This party isn't going to help your situation, and you know that. The reno on Stephen's flat was going fine. You weren't stressed about it at all, so you can't blame going out on that. You honestly just want to go out. With Niall in the States though, you can't exactly walk out hand in hand with Stephen. Not that you would on any other day, because after all you and Stephen are not in a relationship. You aren't sure what it is, but it definitely isn't a relationship. You're still in front of the mirror when you hear a knock at your door. You had actually spent a night in your own flat for once, another thing you've been keeping from Niall. "One second," you call out as your grab your earrings from the jewelry box. You put them in as you walk to the door and can't help but smile once you open it. "You clean up nicely," Stephen says as he brings a bouquet of flowers from behind him. "What are these for?" You inquire, taking them. "No reason," he answers, walking in and shutting the door behind him as you walk to the kitchen to find a vase. "They're beautiful," you admit, looking them over. "Well I'm not going to bring you anything ugly, now am I?" "I would hope not," you tease as you fill a glass vase up with water. "You're looking nice tonight, too," he compliments, leaning up against the kitchen counter. "I always look nice," you counter with a smirk. "I know," he admits, grabbing your hand and pulling you closer to him. You're standing face to face with him, looking him square in the eyes. Your heart is pounding but you know better than to give in. "Ready to go?" You nod and take a step back, walking back to your bedroom to get your clutch. "We've got to go through the garage," you tell Stephen as he presses the button for the lift once out in the hallway. "Yes, I know," he says with a smile. He's used to this. Now that Niall is in the States you can't just go parading around together, no matter if Stephen is your client or not. There's a greater chance of Niall showing up out of the blue now. Stephen doesn't mind it though, why would he? The thrill of the chase, right? You're sure he would love for the two of you to get caught doing something you shouldn't. On the other hand though, that means he can no longer hold telling Niall about the two of you over your head. You would be free. You wonder if he's thought about that. Maybe that's why he's so cooperative with your demands of keeping a low profile. You follow him into the lift, making sure to keep your distance because it's no secret lifts have cameras and people behind them willing to rat anyone out. "You really do look very nice tonight," Stephen compliments once more. You smile and bite down on your lip as your cheeks begin to flush. How is it that a simple compliment from him brings a reaction like this out of you? You can't even remember the last time Niall made you blush. The lift chimes, and you and Stephen walk out into the parking garage at the bottom of your complex. His car is parked beside yours. You still aren't sure how he got himself a parking pass to your building. Money can do anything, you suppose. You follow him out of the garage and onto the street where he has a driver waiting. You see what his plan is. He has the driver here so he can drink, and he has his car here, so he has an excuse to stay over tonight. As soon as you step into the street you see the flashes. You keep your head down as you roll your eyes and get into the car, Stephen following behind. You're going to have to find a new way to get out.
Louis: Louis out partying? You hadn't seen a lot of it while in a relationship with him, but these photos are showing you a different side. 'More pictures from the party a fan in Kansas City invited Louis to...still can't believe he actually went!!' You couldn't either. The last place you ever thought you would find Louis would be a party with fans. You look over the pictures. It's a house party and everyone looks older. Which is a good thing, you observe. He's not partying with teenagers, you would expect more from him than that. Good thing he's proved you right on that. You click through the newly surfaced pictures. It looked like they had set up a photobooth for anyone who wanted to take a picture with him, although you know that wasn't the case. He had pictures with literally everyone at the party. That would be something that would have absolutely annoyed the Louis you once knew. He was there for a party, not a photoshoot. But he has a wide smile on in every single shot you scroll through. 'Louis with Alex (the girl that invited him to the party).' She is gorgeous; you don't at all blame him for saying 'yes' to her. Of course he's got his arm around her and of course she's kissing his cheek. Onto the next one. Another girl, another brunette, with a vise grip on him like if she lets go all of her hopes and dreams will be ruined forever. Next. 'Louis with Alex's brother, Jake.' It's good to see that this wasn't actually a gangbang on Louis and that he was, in fact, not the only male at the party. Next. 'Louis and Julia (Alex's best friend) at the party in KC.' "Who is she?" You mother asks as she walks up behind you. This is what you get for looking at these pictures outside the privacy of your room. "I don't know," you answer honestly, but without concern in your tone. "Is she a fan?" She continues to prod. "Yeah, I guess." "She's hanging onto him awful tight, don't you think?" "They all do that, mum," you assure her and her eyebrows raise. "You've got a more trusting heart than I do," she admits as she walks into the kitchen to start your dad's lunch. "They're just pictures," you say, unsure what makes them so untrustworthy. "They're also only about five or ten seconds of whatever it was he was doing there." "What exactly are you trying to say? You loved him not too long ago." "I'm just saying that people like him and parties like that aren't exactly temptation free." "So you think just because I'm not by his side he's cheating on me. Mum, I have a ring on my finger." "In this day and age dear, that means very little." You scoff and roll your eyes. You don't want to hear any of this. "I'm sorry, but it's the truth. I'm not saying that he is out there doing those things-...." "That's exactly what you're saying," you cut her off, closing your laptop and getting up from your seat. "Come on, (y/n), you don't have to leave. You're rarely out of your room anyways," she pleads as you begin to walk away. "Yeah, well, with you talking shit like that, it's no wonder I don't ever come out." "Hey, watch the language," she counters, her tone not as apologetic as it just was. You roll your eyes once more before walking out of the kitchen. "You need to lose the attitude, young lady. No one in this house is against you." "Yeah, right," you say as you shut the door to your bedroom behind you. Everyone in this house is against you. You feel it every single day. You lay down on your bed, nothing else to do now. You don't want to keep looking at pictures because now the words from your mother are in your head. There's no way Louis would cheat on you. You've seen pictures of him with fans clinging onto him before. You've taken pictures of him with fans clinging onto him before. There's no difference from then to now. You look down at the ring that is around your finger. A smile comes; he loves you. He's proven that over and over and has given you no reason not to trust you. You shake your head at your mother's ignorance before moving your laptop away and crawling under the covers. You don't have much else to do today but to sleep the hours away. Just as you do any other day. You wish you could be a part of the seemingly amazing and happy life he is having over in the States. Instead you're surrounded by ignorance and questioning that is trying it's best to find its way into your thoughts. You cannot let that happen.

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