She Looks So Perfect

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Harry: Your lip stick stain is a work of art. Got your name tattooed in an arrow heart...
"Harry what are you doing?" You asked squinting at you phone. Its 2 am your time, and he had something to tell you that, according to his text is, "EXTREMELY URGENT". But since you answered the face time call you've been starring at his naked chest, while he fussed over his hair or something. "One second.." He huffed, before his huge green eyes popped onto the screen. "What's going on? Whats so urgent?" You urged, blinking the sleep out of your eyes. "I want to show you something." The camera shook around a bit, before it stopped on the mirror in front of him. He stood with his back to the mirror. Nothing looked different, until your eyes landed on what looked like a spot on his shoulder blade. "What is that?" You prodded, bring your phone closer to your face. He got closer to the mirror, and you could clearly make out the spot as what looks like your name, in a beautiful script. "Oh my god Harry!" You gasped into the mic. He got your name tattooed onto his body. The camera is back on his face. "Do you like it? I put it on the spot that you kiss me at night," It was true you kiss him right there when you spoon at night, and sometimes you wrap your arms around him and rest your head on his back. Kissing that exact spot, "of course I love it."
Liam: His POV She looks so perfect standing there in my American Apparel underwear.
"What about this one?" She asked stepping out of the closet in yet another, completely different outfit. "You look beautiful love. Wear that one." I encouraged zipping up me jacket. She looked into the mirror on the wall, judging herself. "This makes my knees look fat." She whined walking back into the closet. I don't exactly know what fat knees look like, but I'm 99 percent sure she doesn't have them. "Why is it so important what you wear any way? It's just dinner with the lads." I questioned. "Aaaaannnddd their girlfriends. They are all so pretty. UGGH i give up!" She groaned from the massive closet. I guess this is going to take a while, so i lay on the bed, and pull out my phone. Sending a text to Zayn. 'Sorry bro, we night be late. Y/N cant find anything to wear.' I sent the text, crossed my feet and opened the twitter app. I'd barely began to scroll when i hear Y/N's quiet voice from the end of the bed. "I guess I'm going like this." My gaze shift to her, shes wearing nothing but a bra and a pair of my underwear. I know shes not serious but she looks so perfect. Her face flushed in frustration, and hair getting increasingly mess as she ran her hand through it. I scooted to the end of the bed and wrapped my hands around her waist, pulling her between my legs. "You look perfect," I whispered against her lips. "Your not helping Li." She smiled. I let my fingers explore the naked skin at her lower back. "You know, we don't have to go to dinner tonight, We can just like hang out here. I want to keep you and your perfect little bum all to myself."
Niall: They say were to young now to amount to anything else. But look around we worked too damn hard for this just to give it up now...
You stood off to the side as the boys were being interviewed by Sugar Pop. The woman had asked each of the other four boys about their loves lives before turning to Niall. His eyes on you, watching you laugh at the silly answers the boys spit out. "And what about you Niall? Do you have a girlfriend?" She prodded, putting her hand on his knee to get his attention. "Uhh, fiancee actually." He answered proudly. She sat back in her seat surprised at his answer. "Fiancee, that a huge step. How long have you been together?" The tone in her voice is actually insulting. "About a year, but in me personal opinion I don't think that matters how long..." He shifted in the chair and looked over at you again. He knew you hates it when people judge your relationship. "Don't you think the two of you are to young for this kind of commitment?" She followed his gaze to you. Standing there now slightly irritated. "Not at all. Sure, were both young. But I'm absolutely crazy about her. And she has been with me through some difficult situations..." "Like what?" She cut him off. "Rumors, surgery, touring, fans, hate. All of it. I love her, im not going to let anything ruin that."
Louis:  Cause all I really want is you...
You stood off to the side watching as your boyfriend signing autographs for yet another group of fans. All you wanted to do was spend some time with him, but he was always to busy doing something else. You don't want to complain, because it's his job and it means a lot to him. Today he spent the entire day going to interviews, making appearances, and hanging out with the boys. When he finally shuffled into your bedroom around midnight, you were still awake. He falls in bed next to you, "Do you want to cuddle?" He asked with a weak tired smile. Unable to stop yourself you let go what you've been holding in all day. "Isn't there something you would rather be doing?" But when you saw his face you immediately regretted it. "Sorry that's not fair—" "Don't apologize, it's true. I'm always doing something else. Sometimes i get so tired of it, and all I really want is to be with you." He interrupted. You immediately scooted as close as you could to him resting you head on his chest, and wrapping your arms round him.
Zayn: If I showed up with a plane ticket and a shiny diamond ring with your name on it would you wanna run away too.
"Do you eva get tired of all this" Zayn asked in a quite voice. The sounds of passing cars muffled in the background. He was on the tour bus, probably thousands of miles away, of course you get tired of it. But it's what he loves, and your happy when he's happy. "Of course I do, but your happy doing what you do." You murmured back curling up in the big bed. He was quite for a minute. You could almost picture him. Laying on his back, his skin glowing slightly nude his stubble, and his eyes slightly squinted. Staring at the ceiling but looking much farther than that. "Sometimes I think about, like just going." He stopped talk and you can hear him roll around In his small bunk on the tour bus. "What do you mean?" You replied with a yawn. He giggled at the tiny squeak that follows. "I mean like, me and you just get married, and run away. We could be out of the spotlight, And just sit somewhere, just us two, and like chill." You couldn't help but laugh at him. He sounds so cute and tired. "What're ya laughing about ?" You didn't have to see him to know that he was utterly amused by you. "Your tired Z." "Yeah I'm em' tired but I'm serious. If I picked you up one day, and there was no time to like think. Would you run away with me?" you were going to answer when you heard Louis' cheery voice, getting closer to the phone. "Awe Zaynie, your a proper romantic."

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