Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Little Black Dress

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Harry: "How have you been?" "I've been fine." "Are you here by yourself?" You nod, "Yeah." This was the last place in the world you wanted to be, the last place in the world you ever thought you would be actually. You don't want to be standing in front of her, but that's how the universe had planned your day. You had made a mental reminder to thank it later once you somehow got out of this situation. You hadn't seen her around in a long time, but to be fair you hadn't been looking. You just started getting out of the house again, and she was meant to be with Harry. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages," she comments with energy, and you wonder if you could borrow some of it. You weren't feeling this conversation at all. Not because she's with Harry, well probably somewhat because she's with Harry, but you are completely defeated physically and emotionally. Seeing her and having this conversation is not making your situation any better. She had come up to you, of course. You weren't about to initiate a conversation with her. You had the mind to be hateful, but quickly realized when she walked over that you didn't have the energy. You had smiled and nodded through most of this interaction. You envy her in a way. She always gets him back. Even after him saying he wanted to be with you out of the two of you, she still has him. "You should come to a show," she says, and you can't help the surprised look that comes across your face. "What?" She questions with a laugh. "I just didn't expect you to invite me out to a show." "Well I don't see why not. You're Harry's friend, aren't you? I know he would want to see you." You genuinely do not believe a word that is coming out of her mouth. She has never liked you. This has to be another one of her games. You smile and nod, as you have done throughout this entire exchange, and begin to look around for ways to escape. You're getting antsy, and her weaving lies right in front of you makes you not want to play so nice anymore. "I've got to get back to the apartment," you say before she can think up anything else to pretend to invite you to. "Oh, okay," she responds, her voice sounding sad. What is up with her? "I hope to see you around again. Maybe we can get to know each other more, you know since I'm in a relationship with Harry and you are his friend." There it is. There's the cynicism. You knew it had to be somewhere. Neither a smile, nor nod comes from you as you blankly stare at her, walking away without another word. You quickly get your phone out. You needed an actual person to talk to. As you walk out of the shop you had been in, you realize how many eyes had been in the pair of you. Just great, this will make some sort of news tomorrow. "Oh my God," you say immediately, not allowing Syd a moment to greet you. "You will not believe who I just spent the last like fifteen minutes talking to." "You don't sound excited so it has to be someone you don't like." She's got that right. "The ex." "The ex, that isn't really the ex, but you just call her the ex because she's a horrible person?" "Yes." "Really? How is that even possible? Isn't she meant to be with him somewhere in Europe?" "Yeah, supposed to be, but no, she's here. And of course on a day I choose to get out of bed I have to run into her and talk to her. I'm never getting out of bed again."
Liam: "Black?" Mark questions as he walks into the bedroom to find you in front of the mirror holding up your options for tonight. You turn around to him, "Yes, black." Both dresses were the same color, and nearly the same style, the only difference being one was a little more revealing than the other. "Whatever you want," he says with no further inquiries before walking back out of the room. He had spent the entire week working on tonight. He knew you needed a break from the stress and emotions you had been feeling lately and tonight was going to be the night where you forget about them all. You continue to contemplate in the mirror. Strapless and formfitting, or a deep-v and formfitting. You know pictures are bound to be taken. You've been getting used to the fact that people now want to get photos of you. Mostly One Direction fans, and more than likely just to post them on the internet so Liam knows what you are up to. They've been helping him out a lot in this. Why are you thinking about Liam? You're going out tonight to get him off of your mind. You've been thinking about him far too much these last few weeks. But what is so wrong with that though? You used to think about him every day without a problem. You continue to hold the dresses in your hands as you now stare at your reflection. You see the same person you did months back. The only change is the extra concealer under the eyes to hide the bags that had formed from lack of sleep. Not having Liam in your life was taking its toll on more than just your emotions. You look over at the clock on the wall; it was almost time to go. You focus back in on the dresses. You felt drawn to the one in your right hand, the deep-v. You had worn it before to a benefit Liam had asked you to come along to. He loved this dress. He always said it was one of his favorites. You set the other dress down in the chair beside of the mirror. Holding your selection up against you. You are taken back to the benefit where you wore it last. Liam didn't let his arm fall from your waist the entire night, which, of course, started up those dating rumors he loved so much. There were tons of pictures taken of him smiling at you, or just simply looking at you when you weren't paying attention. It was a great night, and you cherish those moments. The dress in your hands brings those moments back. So should you be wearing it tonight? You aren't going out with Liam, you're going out with Mark. But Liam would love to see you in this dress, no matter who you are with, you are sure. You unzip the back and slowly step in. After zipping it back up you press the fabric down your body, straightening it out. You are instantly reminded of why Liam loves this dress so much. You look killer. You walk over to the closet to get a pair of shoes. You know there is only one option. The most expensive pair in your wardrobe, the ones with the bright red bottoms. Liam had bought them for you as a birthday present last year. You wanted to kill him for spending so much money, but you adored them and wouldn't give them up for anything. You slip your feet into the sky-high pumps and walk back to the mirror. Everything is now in place. "Wow," Mark comments as he walks back into the room. "The cameras are going to have a field day with you," he continues with a smile. Good, that was your intention tonight.
Niall: This is business, strictly business. You agreed to go out with Stephen to talk further about the renovations of his flat and there is absolutely no harm in that. The taxi ride over to him is unnerving though. You have no idea what to expect, even though you have a set agenda for how you want this meeting to go. Unfortunately, Stephen is incredibly unpredictable. "Cheers," you say as you swipe your card and get out of the taxi. You walk into the now very familiar apartment complex and get your phone out. "Does this mean you are downstairs?" He asks as soon as he answers. "It does, yes." "Well why don't you come up, I'm almost ready." "If that's the case then I will just wait down here." You aren't about to feed into whatever he was planning for you sixty floors up. "You know what? You are absolutely no fun," he reveals and you hear the lift chime. You turn to see him walking through the open door and pulling his phone down from his ear. "I was going to have you go up while I was coming down, and it was going to be a good laugh, but you went and ruined that, didn't you?" He teases. "I do what I can, you know?" You say with a smile. "You look fantastic," he compliments as he looks you over. "What's the occasion?" There's that confident smile. "Nothing special whatsoever," you remark with a smile of your own. "Ouch," he counters as he holds his arm out towards the door. "I thought we could walk to dinner, if that's alright with you? It's only three blocks." "Yeah, that's fine." You didn't mind to walk. As soon as you step out onto the sidewalk though, you begin to see hints of flashes in the distance. The sun had gone down an hour ago, making it very easy to spot them. You hadn't noticed any when you arrived at Stephen's complex, but that was probably because you had your back turned to the other side of the street where they were apparently standing. You try your best to keep your calm; they aren't in your face, so saying something to them would be highly counterproductive. The last thing you need to do is get defensive while out with someone that isn't Niall. But you aren't doing anything wrong being out with Stephen. He is your client, and that is it. You are sure you will have to explain everything once pictures surface but you do not mind that. You are working, and this is a business meeting. "Do they make you nervous?" Stephen asks, bringing you out of your head. "No," you reveal honestly. "There's nothing to be nervous about." "I'm glad to hear that," he says with a smile. The two of you continue to walk, the flashing coming at a more consistent pace. You wonder how it's you they are so set on getting pictures of. There are so many more important people living in this city, and that does not include you. The only reason they care about you is because of who you are associated with. And that person isn't even around. You suppose there's their story. "After you," Stephen insists as he holds the door open for you. You look up to see where you had walked to, having not paid much attention these last couple of blocks. "Ohh, fancy," you comment playfully as you enter in before him. "Ah, Mr. Harris, so nice to see you again, right this way," the host greets and you look over at Stephen slightly impressed. He knew how to do everything the right way, you cannot deny him that.
Louis: The suspense is killing you. You know he should be coming into the bus any minute, and your legs can't help but bounce in anticipation. You hear the door click and feel your heart about to leap from your chest. You haven't seen him in so long. You hear him coming up the stairs, and there's no hiding the smile on your face. His face shows something different though, confusion. He stares at you for what feels like ages before any reaction comes. "Surprise?" You say, your smile fading slightly. He shakes his head quickly and then the smile comes. "What are you doing here?" He questions, holding his arms out and walking over to you. You wrap your arms around him tightly. You have missed this so much. "I couldn't take being in that house anymore. I told them I would be back, but that I had to get out and come see you." "How did they take that?" "Mom was fine with it, I guess. She doesn't really say a whole lot now. Everyone else hates me for it, I think. Scott gave me the worst look after telling everyone what I was doing." Your mind travels back to the look your brother gave you this morning. The last thing you wanted to do was hurt your family during this already hard time. But the depression you had been settled around was nothing short of torture. "He told me I was being selfish," you reveal as your heart sinks just admitting it. "Don't listen to him. You have to do things for yourself sometimes, no matter what the situation is." You knew there was a reason you got on that train this morning. Your hold on him tightens as your face presses closer into his chest. "You want to go get some lunch?" He asks, and you pull back to look up at him. You can only smile, not being able to do anything except just look at him. You are just so happy to finally be back with him once again. He isn't missing a beat, getting back into the routine of you being on the road with him. "I would love that," you say as you lift your chin up to press a kiss to his lips. It has felt like years since you last kissed him. In this moment nothing matters. Yes, you have plenty of obligations back home, but you aren't home right now. You won't forget, and you will go back, but right now you just want to feel genuine and complete happiness. That's something you haven't felt since coming back home. Your heart is filling back up though. Being with Louis does that. You knew it would. You take his hand and allow him to lead the way back out of the bus and into the sunlight. All thoughts of Louis's initial reaction to your surprise drift from your mind. It doesn't matter that he acted like he didn't recognize you at first. You're sure the stress of your situation has changed your features. So his reaction was justified. "Does everyone already know you're here?" He questions, squeezing your hand in his as he loves to do. "Yeah, I called this morning and made sure it was a good day for me to come. They had everything ready for me when I got here and made sure to get you out of the bus." He shakes his head with a smile. "So sneaky." You bring your other hand to his arm, holding onto him as you walk into the venue to find security. The familiar faces bring so much relief to your heart. You know now, as you walk through the corridor, holding tightly onto Louis, that this is exactly where you need to be right now.

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