Little Talks (Of Monsters And Men)

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Harry: Though the truth may vary, This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore.
The wind blows on her face. Her hair is all messed up, just like he likes it.
"I can't believe you'd do this to me!!", she says in a furious voice. She's standing up next to the border of the boat. It's a sunny day and even though it was supposed to be a romantic get away, Harry was dealing with some "loyalty problems".
"I didn't do anything! It's all rumours!", he shouts in a manly voice.
"Oh you can't escape every crap you make with the rumours!", she says with in a sassy tone. With her arms crossed she listens to his clumsy words mumbling across his red beautiful lips.
"I-I didn't meant to! I mean, I didn't do it! Why would I do it? Why don't you believe in me! It meant nothing! I love you... I was drunk! I was on drugs!"
"YOU DON'T DO DRUGS!", she interrupts him with a scream.
"KEEP YOUR VOICE DOWN!", he screams back already annoyed.
Out of the sudden the sky gets stormy and a large amount of rain starts falling down with no warning. The waves get bigger and bigger. And finally the boat goes out of control, shaking in a huge strength.
Harry takes control of the boat and tries to take it to shore but the wind is to strong.
"Y/N, hold on to something!", he screams still trying to command the boat.
She holds on to a rope that was tied up to the side of the boat. The wind gets stronger, rain falls with no sign of quitting.
"Harry can you take us to shore?", she cries out.
A huge wave turns the boat upside down. The panic takes over the both of them. She tries to swim but her legs are too weak and she feels herself drowning. He looks down and sees her loosing eyes calling for help in the immensity of the ocean. His heart beats faster, her heart beats slower. With no time to think, he dives in her direction and reaches for her arm. She's loosing concuiouness. He tries to swim as fast as he can.
He finaly reaches the surfice and pulls her back into the boat.
With mouth to mouth resuscitation she starts coughing up water and opening her eyes. A lot ot water is drowling down her chin and mouth, but he's so happy she's safe that can't help but to give her a passionate french kiss. He gently grabs her face and kisses it repeatedly.
"Oh god, you're alive.", he whispers to himself. She realeses a weak laugh and kisses him back.
"I'm sorry.", she says under her breath.
"shhhh... You don't have to apologize, I'm the one who has to do that. I'm so sorry. I love you so so so so much.", he hugs her and continues to whisper down to her hear."I truly love you. And knowning now how easy it is to lose you... God! makes me wanna love you even more!".
She smiles against his chest.
Liam: Soon it will all be over, and buried with our past, We used to play outside when we were young, And full of life and full of love
There was no anger. No shouts, nothing. Just a killing silence roaming the room. They were both in opposite sides of the living room, packing their stuff.
"I can't believe it's ending like this.", Liam strikes.
"Liam, don't you start. It is what it is. Don't fight back.", she says grabbing an old radio and putting it inside a box, next to the some old shoes she used to wear when they started dating.
"Don't fight back?! I'm trying to safe this relationship!", he turns at her now standing up.
"There is no: relationship. We're done.", she tries her best not to cry and to keep her words straight and cold. She can't back off now.
"Why are you talking like that to me? Now that we're through we can't be friends? Is that it?" he started walking to her, she could feel his footsteps coming closer.
"Liam. No. We won't fight anymore. I won't do this again. I don't want us to be even more hurt! Can't you understand that!", She says standing up and leaving the room. Doing her best to avoid eye contact. She knows if she looks at him, she won't be able to stop the tears. He follows her and grabs her arm before she could leave the room.
"Don't.", she says under her breath. He stares at the ground not letting her go and whispers:
"We used to play outside when we were young, full of life and love. What happened to us? What went wrong?"
"Let me go.", She couldn't even say his name or she would drown on her own tears. He releases her arm and lets himself fall against the wall. He starts crying facing the ground. She keeps walking. Her lips start shaking and her legs fading. With her lats forces, she opens the front door and says:
"Soon it will all be over, and burried with our pasts.", she walks out and the tears fall down her face with the ferocity of a million exploding stars.
Zayn: Now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around
I'll see you when I fall asleep
She's laying agaisnt the kitchen counter, all alone, just playing with her fingers while thinking about him. She knows he only means danger and insecurity. All the fame, all the shows, all the hate that may come with the pleasure of having him. It's too much to handle. And she's to weak...
"You're like a flower. So beautiful but so fragile.", he said to her one time. She smiled thinking about that memorie and then the tears decided to fall. They were so many and so frustrated! The anger started running through her vains. She stared at the her phone for a while.
The apartment was completely silent, no sound to be heard, except for her deep desperate breaths. She got up and ran to the bed. Grabbed the phone and started calling him without saying a single word.
Suddenly his voice is heard from the other side of the line.
"Hi, love! what's wrong?", his voice happy and relaxed.
"I-I need to talk to you.", she said fearing his answer.
"Hum, okay. What's wrong?", his voice got deeper.
"I don't think.", she stopped for a minute and found herself biting a pillow. She thrown the pillow away with a furious move and continued "I don't think this is going to work. Us."
"What?", he half shouted "What do you mean? What did I do wrong?", his voice cracking.
"You're... I don't think...", the damn tears started falling again. "Shit, Zayn. Don't make this even harder!"
He didn't say anything. At least he knew when to shut up.
"You're...", she tried to kept going but it was to painful.
"Famous. Say it: I AM FAMOUS. I KNOW! So what? that doesn't change the way I feel about you! I don't care if you're no model or no super celebrity! I really want this to work! Please don't give up on me. Don't give up on us...", he said.
She was now laying across her bed, grabbing her legs next to her chest to stop the crying. She couldn't bring herself to say anything. So he kept going:
"Please wait for me. Please hang around. I love you. And even though I'm away on tour, I see you everyday when I fall asleep.", his voice was now calm and full of desperate love.
She smiled, like she didn't smile for a long while. She then started to giggle. With tears still falling down her cheeks and contained giggles still trying to escape her lips she said:
"I will. I will wait for you. I love you Zayn! I really damn do!!"
The stairs creak as I sleep,
It's keeping me awake
It's the house telling you to close your eyes
You're laying in bed, trying your best to fall asleep. But it's useless! You know how Niall likes old houses and all, but that was scarying the shit out of you! The stairs wouldn't stop creaking and it was keeping you awake.
You reach for your phone in the darkness and dial his number.
"What's up?", his voice makes you shiver.
"Baby I'm scared... The stairs creak as I sleep, it's keeping me awake!", you cry out.
"It's the house telling you to close your eyes!", he laughs.
"Niall, this is not funny! Come over! QUICK!"
"k.", he hungs up and you ask yourself if he was really coming.
As the time passes you start guetting even more freacked out.
"Fucking house...", you mumble under your breath.
You hear keys strulling inside the keyhole. You stand up and pray to God it's Niall. The house is now silent. You can almost hear the blood running throught your vains. The door opens with a loud noise that makes your whole body tense. Your heart beats faster and faster, you don't even dare to breathe until you hear Niall's voice.
"Love I'm home!", his voice calms you down and makes you sigh in relief.
"Up here!", you answer.
Niall runs up the stairs and throws his jacket to the floor. As soon as he gets to the room he starts taking his clothes off.
"Hum... what are you doing?", you ask confused.
Niall stops for a minute and smirkes at you.
"Well... I drove all the way here. I was hoping once I got here, I could take you all the way too."
You start laughing so hard your stomach hurts. It's a nervous laugh, he recognizes it very well.
"I love that laugh of yours... you really are a princess.", he slowly says while looking at you from top to bottom.
"Indeed I am...", you chuckle as your eyes get darker with desire.
He's now standing right next to you, he grabs your waist and gently kisses your cheekbones. His hands travel across your back, making shivers run up your spine. He gently grips your face and starts kissing you with slow movements. You grab his neck and groan feeling the chills inside your belly. You know he feels them too.
"Oh Niall... I love you", you whisper into his lips.
"I love you more, I always have."
I watched you disappear
All that's left is a ghost of you
Louis writes a letter sitting down on his desk:
"It's been four months since the love of my life died of cancer. And there was nothing I could do. Like there's nothing I can do now either.
It's been four months since the last time I saw that marvilous smile.
That unic smile that made a rainny day look like summer.
It's been four months since the last time I saw those eyes. Those filled with secrets deep blue eyes. I didn't like them because they were blue, it was way beyond that.
It's been four months since the last time I saw that perfect light skin, soft like rain but warm like sun itself.
It's been four months since the last time I saw her beautiful perfect body. Perfect to me.
It's been four months since the last time I saw all of that and much more.
I miss her everyday.
I watched her desapear into sickness and now all that's left in this empty house is a ghost of her. Of us.
And I'm so deeply sorry, but I can't live like this anymore.
Having said that, I shall leave tomorrow, get out of the state and run away from our nightmare. I hope she forgives me."

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