Walking Dead • Liam

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"What the fuck is taking so long?!" Caden huffed laying on the horn.
"Babe, calm down! It's probably nothing." I insisted.
"If it was nothing, we wouldn't be here!" He said punching the horn twice more.
"It's only been 10 minutes. Honestly calm down." I sighed.
"10 minutes too long...actually you know what? I'm going to check it out." He said proudly.
"What? Caden, no!" I said trying to pull him back inside.
"It'll just take a second, I'll be right back. Just uh- listen to the radio or something." He smirked, before heading further down the road. I couldn't help but laugh. That was just like Caden, sticking his nose in places it didn't belong. I clicked on the radio.
"Like a bull chasing the matador is the man–" *static interruption*
"This is an emergency broadcast announcement. Local authorities from surrounding area have reported human corp....corpses, reanimating and infecting the living. Homeland Security has declared a severe threat level. Please remain alert. This is not a drill. May God be with each and every one of us."
The message was on repeat now, blaring from everyone's stereo, echoing for miles. I got out of the car, looking for Caden. He couldn't have gotten too far, especially with all the traffic.
"Caden?!" I yelled.
Police sirens began shrieking further into the city. People started getting out of their cars to try and get a glimpse of what was happening. My attention was suddenly focused to the screams of terror and gunshots ringing off in the distance.
"Caden!" I screamed again. I saw running back towards me, along with a number of others.
"Y/N! Get in the car! Get in the car now!" He screamed, flailing his arms above his head.
"Shit." I hissed jumping back inside. I locked the doors and waited for his face to show up in the passenger window.
His first came down, shaking the glass, "Open the fucking door!
"I'm trying!" I told him fumbling to reach the lock.
"I-" was too late. The mob of people behind him had forced him to the ground, trampling him.
"No!" I screamed snapping up from the backseat of the car.
"Hey! You're okay, you're okay!" A woman said grabbing the side of my face.
"Who are you? Why, Where's Caden?" I said starting to cry.
The woman, who had obviously been taking care of me, was clearly confused. She looked to the man occupying the front seat.
"Liam, she awake. We need to pull over." The woman told him.
"Right." He nodded.
His hands were shaking, but he was able to pull the car over with out a problem. After turning the car off he turned around, looking at me.
"What's your name?" He asked.
"Y-Y/N." I whispered.
"I'm Sophia, and this is Liam. We uh- were going to steal your car, to get away from those things." She told me, grabbing Liam's arm.
"Zombies. Walkers. Lurkers. Whatever you'd like to call them. Haven't you seen them yet?" She asked.
"No. Me and Caden we going to see my parents." I explained, sitting up.
"What day was that?" Sophia asked.
"Tuesday. Why?"
"Y/N, it's Thursday." Liam said.
"What?!" I snapped in disbelief.
"It's Thursday afternoon. Liam and I found you inside your car. You were still breathing, and you didn't have any bite marks, so we wanted to wait to see if you woke up." She said.
Flashbacks to someone moving you from the front seat to the back were racing through your mind. It must have been Liam. My eyes shifted quickly to him, back to my feet.
A loud snarl, quickly caught all of your attention. A Walker tied up to a near by tree had began screaming. Craving the flesh, our flesh. I pressed myself up against the window.
"We need to keep going." Liam said flatly.
Soon enough we were back on the road, driving. Hoping to find anything, or anyone for that matter. The three of us sat silently for nearly three hours, when Liam pulled into a rundown bed and breakfast.
"You two, stay here while I go and check it out. Lock the doors." Liam said, reaching over to the passenger seat. He pulled a bloody baseball bat into his lap. He gave me half hearted smile, before getting out.
Sophia clenched my hand as we watched Liam walk up to the old abandoned B&B. I promised her that everything would be fine, and there was nothing to worry about. Liam made his was to the back of the building and disappeared for a few minutes, only to reappear at the front door.
"See, everything is fine." I said.
Liam waved for us to come inside. Sophia grabbed the keys, and handed them to me. My keychain, filled with memories of Caden and I. A picture of us hanging in a cheesy heart frame. We crammed into this small, disgusting photo booth at a carnival a couple years back.
"Caden? Right?" Sophia said.
"Uhm yeah...he's- was my fiancé." I whispered, tracing the photo with my finger.
"We should probably get inside." She said.
I agreed and followed close behind her. Liam secured the door behind us and leaned the baseball bat against the door.
"I think it's best if we stay here for the night, but I'll need to move the car." He said looking to me for the keys. I removed the picture and stuffed it in my pocket before handing the keys over to Liam. Disappearing for the second time that night.
My thoughts wandered back to Caden and the last image I had of him. The number of people who kept running over him, nearly made me sick. The idea of Liam and Sophia stepping over him to steal my car, drove me crazy.
"When you two came up to take my car, di-did you see him. Laying there I mean." I asked.
She looked confused, "There wasn't anyone around when we found you. Not even Walkers."
"Everyone got out of there pretty quickly." She added.
"We have to go back..." I tell her, my breathing thin.
"What are you ladies talking about?" Liam asked, as he walked back inside.
"What the fuck are you talking about? No way." Liam said.
"CADEN! HE COULD BE OUT THERE! WE HAVE TO GO BACK!" I insist, pleading for their help.
"It's to dangerous Y/N, and we can't be wasting fuel." Liam told me calmly.
"I DON'T CARE! WE CAN'T JUST LEAVE HIM!" I scream, tears now streaming down my face.
"There could be Walkers swarming that place by now! Besides if he is still alive, he wouldn't have stayed on a major roadway." He pointed out.
"Liam..." Sophia sighed.
He pulled at his hair in frustration, "...We'll leave in the morning, but we'll have to get supplies. Loads of them, fuel too and if we don't find him, then we have to keep moving. Understand?"
"Thank you Liam!" I cry, quickly pulling him into a hug.
He patted my back, and cleared his throat, "Try to get some sleep while you can. We should keep watch, just to be safe."
"Why don't I keep watch first? You've done a lot for us today..." I said.
"Yeah, thanks." He said, retreating to one the upper bedrooms with Sophia. Leaving me alone in the darkness of the lobby.

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