Soundtrack Series • Up All Night • More Than This

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Harry: He hasn't said anything yet, but you're certain he's giving you his 'you look incredible' look right now. He's been waiting on you in the living area for a half hour, but there is no trace of frustration on his face. You just couldn't decide on a dress for the night. He was taking you out, out tonight. Fine dining at its best. You weren't always the biggest fan of high class French cuisine, but tonight he had assure you things were special. You weren't entirely sure what that meant, but you agreed to go with him. And now he's leading you to the awaiting car. The door is already open for you so you slide in as Harry walks around to sit behind the passenger's seat. Once the car is moving you feel his hand slide under yours. He takes your fingers between his and brings your hand up to press a kiss to it. "You look very nice," he says as he pulls your hand away from his lips. "Thank you," you say with a smile, "You look very nice, as well." You watch the glossy streets of London pass as Harry's thumb slowly draws circles along the side of your hand. The car soon comes to a stop and Harry quickly gets out of the car to escort you into the restaurant. There aren't many people around as you step out; that will change on the way back out. You take his hand, and he leads you out of the chilled winter air and into the warmth of the restaurant. "Ah, Mr. Styles, we have been expecting you," the host greets with a bright smile. Your fingers are still laced around his as the two of you walk through the empty side of the very posh French restaurant. This was clearly Harry's request. You have never not seen this place full to the brim with people. "Your table," he says as he sits the wine list in between you. "Choose whatever you like," you tell Harry, knowing he would much rather make the decision. You know since you were not given menus, Harry has already made specifics for dinner. "You sure do know how to make someone feel special," you acknowledge, looking around at the perfect ambiance surrounding you. "I may have made a few calls, but it is certainly worth it to be able to be here with you." You shake your head in disbelief. "You're too good to me," you tell him. "You deserve the world." Before the conversation gets far too mushy, your waiter for the evening steps up to the table. "Your first dish will be out shortly, which wine will you be having tonight?" "Can you just ask the chef to make the decision? She knows which one will go best with this meal. We will have a bottle of whatever she chooses." The waiter smiles, surely pleased with the tab Harry is racking up right now. "I will let her know." "Thank you." Once the waiter has left the table Harry's eyes fall on you once again. "You know that I love you, right?" He inquires, and your heart jumps just at the sound of him saying the words 'I love you'. You nod your head, of course you know that. His hand comes from his lap and he wraps yours tightly into it. "I'm not sure how much of a long shot this is at the moment, but I'm going to go with my heart right now." You are frozen. What could possibly be coming out of his mouth next? "I want you to be with me in every way. I know we have been acting like we are together, and I have enjoyed that so much. But I want more from you. I want everyone to know that you are mine." He continues once he knows you have no words prepared for him. "I guess what I am trying to say is, will you give me the greatest honor of officially being your other half?" It's the question you've been waiting for him to ask again. A smile forms on your face; you know exactly what to say.
Liam: There's absolutely nothing you can afford, no matter how general you make your search. London is just too expensive. You're going to have to get out of the city. There's no hope for your bank account if you don't. "What are you doing?" Liam questions as he walks into the kitchen. You look up from your laptop. You don't want to tell him. You know what he is going to say. "You're looking for places, aren't you?" He continues once you don't answer his question. Your eyes fall. "You know you don't have to go," he reminds you. "I can't stay here, Liam. I really can't," you reply, trying to ease his feelings into your way of thinking. "You can stay here with me; we can be together," he reveals. "Together?" You question, unsure of exactly what he meant by saying that. "Yes, we don't have to be just friends," he continues. "Liam, you can't be serious?" You inquire, unsure of where this idea of his has come from. "Of course I'm serious; you won't have to worry about what people say anymore. No one will be talking." "You know that sounds ridiculous, right? Of course they're going to keep talking about me. They're going to say I manipulated you into a relationship; they'll hate me even more." "You can't think like that. The least you could do is try to see if it would work." "Liam, do you hear what you're saying?" You inquire, but he says nothing so you continue. "You're asking me to say I'm in a relationship with you just so my life can be a little easier. There is nothing real about any of that. I think we both know that a relationship isn't for us." "We don't know that," Liam counters, having only taken into consideration the last part of what you just said. "Liam," you repeat, desperate for him to hear you out. "That's just not the way to do something like this. What happens if we get into a big fight and decide we can't live with each other?" "Don't be stupid. We've been living together for months, and it's been fine." "We haven't been pretending to be in a relationship though," you acknowledge. "I wasn't talking about pretending." "Liam, please. We've been friends for years, and not once have we ever actually considered a relationship." "Well maybe it's time to do that?" You stare at him, dumbfounded that these words are actually coming out of his mouth. The two of you are so great at being friends, a relationship has never even crossed your mind. "I think you need to realize what you are saying before we continue this conversation any further." You close your laptop and climb down off of the barstool you had been sitting at for the last hour and a half. "You're really just going to walk away?" Liam questions, and you look over at him. "Right now? Yes." You can't continue to have this conversation with him, knowing that it isn't going to go anywhere. No, you don't want to go back home, but you certainly aren't trying to mess up the best thing friendship you have ever had. Liam storms out of the room before you have the chance to leave it yourself. You roll your eyes. If he can't accept that you cannot stay with him then you don't belong here anyways. You have to get a place of your own for yourself and for the good of this friendship. Liam will eventually understand; he has no choice.
Niall: There shouldn't be wine on the counter. There shouldn't be takeout for two on the table. But there is, and you're the one that brought it all together. There's a knock at the door. You shouldn't be going to open it. The person on the other side of the door is only trouble. It makes no difference now because you're walking to let him in anyway. "How are you?" Stephen asks, and you only look at him. You take a step back and let him into your flat. "Are you going to answer me?" He questions as he makes his way to the kitchen, following the smell of the afternoon you had brought together for the two of you. You don't respond yet again, and he sighs. He knows it will take you a little while to warm up to the evening. It's been a while since you have done anything like this, even with him. You follow him into the kitchen area and go straight for the wine. You're going to need something to get you talking. "You know, this is definitely something I could get used to. Coming over in the afternoons and seeing you like this." "You think so?" You question. "I know so," he responds, a genuine smile on his face. Having someone smile at you does bring comfort. You haven't had that in a while. The pity smiles don't count. You get two glasses from the cabinet and bring them back to the counter. As you pour the two of you drinks for the night, Stephen gets plates for the food. "Going to the living room, I assume?" He asks once he has dished the Italian food out of the containers. You nod and follow him with the wine. "Did you have a good day?" He questions as you find you place on the couch and flip through channels on the TV so you have to talk less. "It wasn't bad, just very busy." "Busy is good," he assures, trying to keep the conversation going, knowing he was going to have to if he wanted you to talk. "Do you enjoy this?" He questions, and you look away from the television and over to him. "Enjoy what?" "Spending time with me like this." You look away from him to think about your answer. He's impatient though. "Because I can come around more often if I am somehow making you feel a little better. I know I can only do so much at this point, but if you get even a little bit of happiness out of this I would like to continue." If you didn't get some happiness from being around him he wouldn't be sitting across from you on the couch right now. If you didn't enjoy his company even just for a bit, you would not have invited him to come over. "I can help you. I can show you that the good in life isn't gone. You just have to let me." You look over to him. He has always tried so hard to be there for you and to help you out in any way he can. Yes, he's the one that brought you into this situation, but he's trying everything he knows how to make it better. There's nothing your heart wants more than to be happy. But you always thought that your happiness was coming from Niall. Every time you were with him, the bliss you felt what indescribable. That bliss is gone now, and you aren't sure that you will ever see Niall again. But there's someone sitting here in front of you promising to do everything in his power to make your heart full again. Yes, it will be work for him. It was nothing for Niall to make you happy. He isn't Niall, but he's trying to show you he can be just as good, if not better. You don't want to think about better, though. There's no one that could ever be better.
Louis: You can't help but stare, sometimes you just find yourself caught up in his features. He doesn't know you're looking at him which helps your cause. He's on the phone, business call, and he's pacing around the house trying to get the deal on the other end worked out. You aren't sure of the purpose of the call, but you can tell it is very important. You love watching him work. It is a completely different role for him. His usual goofing self takes a backseat to a very stern and punctual businessman. You have to admit it's very sexy. As he walks across the living area, your eyes follow. You have been in this house all day, but you can't think of anywhere else you would rather be. You're by his side, supporting him, and you know this is where you belong. "Can you get me a tea, please, babe?" He asks of you, holding his hand over the phone so his request is only between the two of you. You smile and get up from the couch to walk to the kitchen. He's about to make a deal. He always asks for a tea when he's about to make a deal. This is going to be good for you. Louis making a deal means that he's going to be in a fantastic mood for the rest of the afternoon. You may even be able to suggest going out to dinner which hasn't been an option because he's been stressed about making this deal, whatever it may be. It means money, that's all you know, and you know that Louis loves his money. You bring Louis his tea, and he presses a kiss to your cheek as thanks. Everything has been going so well lately between the two of you. You are working as a team to get this new life of his up and running, and you feel like it's been fairly successful. There's been many a night you have gone to bed on your own while he remains downstairs in the office working. But there's always a smile on his face when you walk in at three in the morning with a cup of tea to relax him. You can't help but wonder if things are mutual. Is he starting to feel like this could be an actual relationship? He's sure acting like it, but who knows if you have to have something in writing before it's set in stone? You don't want to question it too much. The last thing you want to do is to start pushing him away just when you feel he is warming up to the idea of actually being together for real. You watch as he continues to pace, the steaming cup of tea in his free hand. His words suggest the call is coming to an end. You watch as he thanks the person on the other line and tells them to have a great afternoon as well. He brings the phone from his ear and slides it into the pocket of his grey sweatpants. He turns to you, a smile forming on his face. You rest up against the back of the couch as he walks over to you. "Guess who's got a big fat check coming in the mail?" He questions, stepping into your space. "Let me guess, would that be you?" You reply, matching his smile with one of your own. "Correct." "I am so proud of you," you assure him, grabbing the sides of his sweater and pulling him into you. "We should go upstairs and celebrate all of your hard work," you tell him, your voice soft and seductive. "Have I ever told you how much I love the way you think?"

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