Stolen Cab • Louis

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You thought living closer to work meant you would have no trouble getting to work on time anymore. Instead of being on the opposite side of town, your new flat was only a ten minute cab ride to the office. You always held to the belief that living in the city meant you didn't need to own a car. And you did really well with holding to this belief; until your upstairs neighbor decided stealing your cabs every morning was a good idea. It seemed no matter how you adjusted your morning routine to beat him to the curb, he always managed to sneak up behind you and weasel his way into the awaiting vehicle. But today would be different. You took your time getting ready, making sure your eyebrows were done to perfection and your coffee was perfect. You stole a glance out the front window every few minutes, checking to see if your neighbor had come and gone in a cab of his own. As the minutes pass by, though, you realise that you're going to be late if you don't get a move on things. Reluctantly you decide to take your chances and make your way downstairs. The lobby is clear except for Stanley, the sweet old man usually stationed at the front desk. You give him a smile and make your way out into the sunshine. Standing at the edge of the curb, you raise your hand to signal one of the cabs motoring down the busy street. A smile spreads across your face as the black motorcar pulls up. But just as you're reaching for the handle, a voice calls from behind you. "Oi, thanks for calling up a cab for me, love." You turn to see your neighbor. He's dressed casually today: Adidas track suit with a simple white tee underneath. "I'm sorry, I don't believe I did." You grasp the handle and open the door. "Oh, I think you did, though." He offers you a cheeky grin as he comes up beside you, managing to slide in the back of the vehicle. "Seriously?!" You stamp your foot on the ground in frustration. "Why the hell can you not get your own damn cab?" He leans his head out of the still open door. "If I give you your cab back, will you go out with me?" He asks with a cheeky grin on his face. "I'm sorry, what?" You stare at him slightly dumbfounded. "I said," he climbs out of the cab and leans against the door, "if I give you your cab back, will you go out with me?" He still has that grin on his face. And if you're honest with yourself, he is really attractive. A quick glance at your watch tells you that if you don't get your ass in this cab in the next twenty seconds, you're going to be late to work. "Sure." "Really?" His face lights up. "Yeah, but only if you move your ass out of the way so I'm not late for work." The smile on his face somehow gets bigger as he slides out of the way to let you get into the vehicle. Just as he goes to shut the door, he speaks up. "My name is Louis, by the way. I'll leave a message with Stanley about our upcoming date." He grins once again before shutting the door to your cab, leaving you at a slight loss for words as the cab merges back into traffic and on the way to your workplace.

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