Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Best Song Ever

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Harry: You have no idea what time it is. It hadn't been long since you had fallen asleep you are sure. The loud ringing coming from your nightstand had broken your sleep though. You roll over, your eyes barely open. You reach out for the phone, struggling to actually pick it up. It was way too early. "Hello?" You answer sleepily, your head collapsing back to the pillow once you had put the call on speaker. "(Y/N)!" The voice on the other end shouts way too loudly for this time of night. "Hi," you return, just wanting sleep. You did not want to have to deal with this right now. You wondered how many drinks he had had before making this call. You were sure he was going to ask you why you weren't at the party last night. "I've got to tell you about this girl I met tonight." Oh. "Harry, do you know what time it is?" You ask, you had no interest in sitting up and listening about which chick he had picked up tonight. But wait, isn't he back with his ex? He shouldn't be picking up anyone. "Yeah, but this will only take a minute, I promise." The tell tail sign that this was going to take well beyond a minute. You sigh, he had already woken you up. "What happened to the blonde?" You ask, referring to his ex. "Doesn't matter. What matters is this girl I met tonight." He was really on about this girl, but you wanted to know what had happened to the one he had gone back to. The one that had ruined everything. "Go on," might as well get this over with, the sooner he does the sooner you get back to sleep. "She was amazing, long brown hair, green eyes." Clearly those things made her amazing because that was it on the description. "She danced with you, didn't she?" You inquire, knowing that was the key to keeping his attention in the club scene. "Yeah, it was amazing." Drunk Harry's vocabulary always lacked in every way. "That's good to hear," you say, humoring him. You still wondered what had happened to the blonde (you couldn't be bothered to think of her as anything more). You took her absence from his story to mean they had more than likely gotten into it while they were here. She had probably flown back to London; that's what she does when she gets mad - she runs. She was always so quick to prove something to him. But on the other end he was no better. If they had fought and she had gotten on an airplane, that was only just last night. Everything about this relationship was so dramatic. "Yeah, she's amazing." He literally could not say anything else. She must be a real catch. You're sure when the ex finds out about his rendezvous while she was gone, she will be making his life a living nightmare. Serves him right you suppose. Why are you even still on the line with him? "I'm going to go Harry," you say, at least having the courtesy to tell him you were hanging up. "No, why?" "I get that you don't know what time it is, but I am very much aware. I'm going back to bed." You hear him groan dramatically. Overselling it was another trait of drunk Harry. When he says nothing more you end the call, placing your phone on silent before turning back over in bed. You had never been a fan of drunk Harry.
Liam: You know what he wants, and you haven't even picked up the phone yet. And you aren't going to. You shouldn't have even come; this was a terrible idea. Los Angeles was the last place in the world you needed to be. You need to be back home, in Wolverhampton, with Mark. There was a reason you had come here, yes. But now that you are sitting in the empty and dimly lit hotel room, you can't seem to find it. You keep remembering the smile he had on his face up on that stage last night. He seemed so happy with life. Maybe he was. You hadn't spoken to him in the longest time, how would you know? Your phone stops buzzing but indicates that he has left another message. Another message you aren't planning on listening to. You were sure you had gone unnoticed, which confused you as to why all of a sudden he was so interested in getting ahold of you. Sitting here alone was not one of your smartest plans. The last thing you needed to do was go one-on-one with your thoughts. That had gotten you into a lot of trouble in the past. It had brought you here, in fact. You can't get that smile on Liam's face out of your mind. Seeing him so happy again, it did something to you. It made you forget everything he had put you through these last months, everything he went through to get rid of Mark. It was all pushed back in your mind as you looked up at him. He was the Liam you had always known. Your phone buzzes yet again, and you turn to stare at it. Just pick it up. You know who is on the other end, and never once has it scared you to talk to him. You take the phone in your hand, pressing the screen to answer the call. "Finally, thank God," you hear him say as you put the phone to your ear. "Hi," you answer timidly. "Why do you sound like that?" He questions. "Sound like what?" You return, trying to sound more confident than your voice would allow. "Like you were scared to answer the phone." "I don't know." You knew exactly why, because you were. You weren't ready to have this conversation yet, hence why you had ignored him up until this point. "Can we talk?" The dreaded words, words you did not have time to hear. You had to be up early to catch your flight to England, and Liam's talks could go for hours. "I don't really think there is much to talk about." In fact, there was way too much to talk about. "We need to talk." He was right, but you still weren't ready for it. He had apologized endlessly leading up to now, and until this point you weren't sure you had accepted any of them. "I just really want to work towards getting this back; getting us back. Do you think that we could make that happen?" You take a moment to think about the question. Do you honestly think that, even after everything he has done to you in these last months, things between the two of you can get back to the way they used to be? "No." Your answer was short and to the point. You bring the phone away from your ear and end the call, staring at the screen. Things between you and Liam would never be the same.
Niall: Your hand is holding tightly onto his. You never wanted this night to end. The show was amazing; everything you had hoped for as a reunion of sorts for the two of you. This after party was even better. It had been so nice to catch up with all of the familiar faces. One in particular though, and that one was attached to you by the hand. "Have a good time tonight?" He asks as the two of you climb into the awaiting SUV. He had kept tabs on you all night, asking if you were enjoying yourself. Of course you were. "It was amazing. It's like being on tour all over again." He smiled and nodded to the driver to head back to the hotel. It really was like being back on tour. You had missed this atmosphere so much. You loved the shows, every one. You were one of the lone members of the group that got more and more excited with every show. 'It's the same show over and over, how are you not tired of it already?' You got that question often. You weren't sure you knew the answer, you just loved being in the crowd, singing, dancing, and genuinely enjoying the show Niall was putting on. You will admit that you are exhausted now. It's been such a long night, longer than usual. You didn't want it to be over though; over meant going back to New York and leaving him. You clung onto his hand as the car pulled into the hotel's parking garage. The door is opened for you, and you get out. Niall gets out on his side and walks around to meet you. He takes your hand once more, and you make your way over to the lifts. You curl into his chest as the doors close and he selects your floor. "Tired?" He questions with a slight laugh as he begins to rub your back. You nod into his chest. "You never used to get this tired after a show," he admits, and you pull back from him only to roll your eyes and return to your spot against him. "You're forgetting it's nearly four in the morning, and I haven't been on tour with you since last year." "You're losing your touch," he jokes, but continues to rub circles into your back. The lift chimes and the doors open up, and you sluggishly pull away from him. You walk a few steps behind him as he leads the way to the room. "Come on, get in," he urges, laughing at your pace. You immediately head for the bed. You just needed to shut your eyes for a bit. You would open them, you have to after all. You have to change, take your makeup off, spend the rest of the night cuddling with Niall. Because just as soon as you closed your eyes for good, the morning would come, and you would have to leave. That is the last thing you wanted. "No, no, up," he insists, pushing on your legs that were dangling off of the edge of the bed. You groan into the mattress and roll over onto your back, slowly sitting up, only to hunch over in front of him. He lifts your face with his fingers on your chin. He leans down and presses a kiss to your lips, bringing your eyes all the way open, only to close again, this time not out of exhaustion. You would never get tired of his kiss. It was exactly what you needed in order to keep the night alive. The morning would have to wait.
Louis: This is certainly a night you wouldn't be forgetting any time soon. You had been on tour with him for a few months now, but none of it had compared to what you had been introduced to tonight. Being in America was a completely different atmosphere for you, much different than the Australia and Japan you had just been to. You had met people tonight that you had only seen on television and in pictures. You had genuinely enjoyed yourself. But most importantly you had seen a smile on Louis's face. It had lasted all night, which is something you're sure you had yet to see on this tour, or ever really. Everything about this night was so special. "Back to the room?" A voice asks, coming up behind you. You feel arms snake around your waist and you lean back into them. You turn around in his embrace to face him. "Party over already?" You joke. He looks around at the nearly empty ballroom. "Yeah, I think it's definitely time to go. We've got to get back on the road after tonight." That's right, Asia was next, and you were scheduled to tag along. "Let's go then." You take his hand, and he leads you out of the emptying room, saying his goodbye's to the few people that were still left as you made your way to the car outside. "That was so incredible," you compliment once in the backseat beside him. "Yeah? You had fun?" "It was so great. I've seen a handful of shows so far, but that one topped them all. And then that after party; that was just awesome. I've never been around anything like it." He likes your answer. It pleases him to know that he can give you a life like this and that you are so excited about it. You know things like this come naturally to him, but it is going to take a while before you can consider what happened tonight to be something normal for you. You know it will happen though, and that seems a little daunting. You witnessed it tonight with Niall and Harry's girlfriends. Everything came so natural to them tonight, while you walked around like a lost puppy. You're sure they experienced the same reaction to that sort of atmosphere, and that their life now is something you have to look forward to in a sense. You know you will have to spend a lot more hours on the road with him, way more than you had already, but you are prepared. Everything is set for you to travel with him for the rest of tour, and you could not be more excited if you tried. The adventure you are about to head out on is going to change your life for sure, in the best way possible. "Get some sleep guys," security says from the front seat, as the car comes to a halt in front of the lifts in the parking garage. "When is the wakeup call?" Louis asks, as he gets out of the backseat. "We've got to be at the airport at nine, so you're going to get a call around seven." Louis groans at the time and closes the door behind him. You are already over by the lift waiting for the doors to open when he rejoins you. "Seven," he says annoyed. "You've had worse," you assure him. "Yeah, but it's already nearly four." You look over at the time on his phone. You hadn't even realized the time. Tonight had been such a whirlwind. "We can sleep on the plane," you insist, trying to find the silver lining somewhere. He nods and smiles, even though he is going to have to take a lot of sleeping pills to make that happen. You smile back, taking in his now exhausted features. You lean up and kiss him as the doors chime open. You had three hours before the life you hadn't even dreamed about started up once again.
Zayn: You wouldn't be sitting here in terminal eighteen if things hadn't turned out the way they had. The party would be ending now, meaning you and Zayn would be heading back to the hotel; the rest of the boys and their girlfriends would be doing the same. You have never really been a fan of the convoy the lot of you were made a part of when traveling to and from things like shows and parties, but it was a part of his job so you had always taken it in stride. On the way back to the hotel you would be laying up against him, he always liked that. He would be tracing your shoulder with his finger. "How was tonight?" He would ask. You would turn up to look at him with a reassuring smile. "It was awesome. The show, the party, everything was so great." You would make jokes about how he was too drunk to dance, but ignored that fact and went straight to the dance floor. He would insist that the music that was playing was some of the greatest he'd ever heard. But it was always some ridiculous upbeat pop track that had annoyed him a few hours prior. Alcohol has always made him do crazy things. Once back to the hotel, he would make sure to grab your hand as soon as you were out of the car. He was always one to make sure everyone around, no matter who they were or how many, always knew who you had come with. But it was never a question; everyone had always known who you were. You'd been around long enough to earn that recognition. Nevertheless, Zayn would still insist on taking your hand. You would get up to the room and he would collapse on the bed, it never failed. At this point you usually went straight to the shower. No matter how much fun you had just had, you wanted to get it all off. You would reminisce in the shower. It was a great place for thinking. You would go back to the show. Remembering all of the little gestures he would do on stage to get your attention, things he knew would not fail to make you smile. No matter if he was on stage in front of thousands or not, making you smile used to be his top priority. After your time in the shower, you would always come out to trays of room service, always. You were never sure how he would get it up to the room so fast, you had assumed it was his connection. But every time you would place an order, it took ages. He was usually sitting on the couch in front of the television, some obscure show blaring from the speakers, so loud you were sure everyone within a ten mile radius knew his television show preferences. You would sit down beside him, knowing you only had a few hours before the two of you had to be out of this hotel room and on a plane headed to another city. Neither of you cared though, you never had. In a life like this, time is such an obscure notion. It didn't really mean a whole lot to either of you. You knew where you needed to be and when you needed to be there, all of the moments in between were left for interpretation. You and Zayn had always been the best time interpreters. Right now though, there was no time for interpretation. You know your flight back to London leaves in an hour. You know you aren't heading back to the hotel to take a shower and cuddle on the couch with Zayn while the two of you ate your weight in chocolate and cheese sticks. You are at an airport terminal, alone.

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