When He Gets Drunk

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Harry: When Harry gets drunk he turns into a stumbling mess. Holding onto you to stay upright. He always keeps his composure though. He knows there are always people watching him, always someone ready to take a picture. So he hangs his head and reaches out for you to help him keep his balance and make it to your destination. As soon as your both in a car he lays his head in your lap and you're running you fingers through his long, wavy, currently messy, brown hair. He always asks you to do things to help him settle down. "Y/N, can you. Sing. To me." He slurs while hiccuping. And so you do, even though your not that great at it, and you know he won't remember the next day. Most nights he falls asleep before you even make it home.
Liam: When he gets drunk he gets a little angry. That usually the only time the two of you fight about anything. His temper is much shorter when he is drinking. Basically anything can escalate into an argument. He always manages to say something that makes you feel like shit, but is quick to fix the messes he's made. Wether it be kisses, cuddles, hugs, or your least favorite, expensive gifts, he will make up for it. "Y/N, I'm so sorry baby. I didn't mean it like that." He keeps his eyes on you.
Niall: When he gets drunk his mood swings from cute and cuddly to determined and horny. What starts as him simply standing behind you with his arms wrapped around your stomach Or a quiet night cuddle on the couch. Becomes him breathing hotly in your ear. "You look amazing tonight." He almost always leaves behind a few unexplainable hickeys and soft bruises where he may have gotten a little bit eager. His PG praises turns into dirty pillow talk. "I just want to bend you over the couch right now. Watch you squirm." It's uncanny how well he operates while drunk.
Louis: When he gets drunk, he becomes the exact opposite of his usual, bubbly self. The more he drinks the less he says. He gets from outgoing and wild. To a small shy, tamed version of himself. He doesn't like to stay out much when he's reached his limit. And you can always tell, by the way he retreats the the stillest corner of the room. "Are you alright Lou?" You always ave to ask in case theres actually something wrong. "Can we go home now Y/N? Im just not feeling all these people." He says nervously looking around, the packed club. Even though it was his idea to come, you don't mind leaving. I would much rather being feeling you."
Zayn: When he gets drunk he tries to hide it. Despite the flush in his face, the glazed over eyes and slurred speech, he doesn't like to admit that he may vey well be hammered. It wouldn't be a problem, except he thinks that he can function "just fine" while intoxicated. You just think he doesn't like to ask for help. Like tonight, as he's trying to step into the elevator, he runs into both Alberto and the elevator door. "Stop Y/N, I'm that not drinking," he tries to say as he grips onto the handrails to keep his balance, his head hung while he tries to deal with the spins. Before you've even reached the 15th floor, he's fallen straight onto his ass. "Babe," hiccup. "Maybe I am a bit drunk."

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