Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Over Again

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Harry: This definitely was not your idea. Sitting in front of a computer talking to him is absolutely not what you want to be doing. It hurts too much. He wanted to see you though, and you aren't ever going to tell him 'no'. "You look nice today," he opens up with as soon as the screen clears up. "I just woke up," you say shaking your head, knowing he was just being nice. "Well that doesn't matter; you always look nice." You roll your eyes with a smile. "Tell me about what you did yesterday," he urges, wanting to feel like a part of you even from across the Atlantic. "Yesterday?" You inquire as you think back twenty-four hours. He waits for you to continue. "I went to the office to see Dad. He asked how you were, obviously; pretty sure he's in love with you." Harry laughs and you continue going through your day. "I had a late lunch with Mom because she got held up at the studio; she asked about you too. And then I came home and waited for Sydney to get back. Then we cooked dinner together and watched movies all night, you know how we do thing around here." "Yes, I definitely do. How are your parents?" He always has to ask. He probably cares more about how their days are going than you do, and he isn't even their child. You need to step up your offspring game. "They're fine. Dad just sold the massive building across the street from his office. That was a big payday, and Mom been working with some new people I think she's really excited about. All people I've never really heard of, but knowing you, you're best friends with." "I do recommend to her a lot to people I meet." Of course he does. "Of course you do." "What? She's fantastic at what she does, and you just said she was excited." You guess this parent talk is working a little. You haven't thought about how much just sitting here having filler conversation hurts you. Well, until now. Your eyes drift from the screen and Harry notices immediately. "What's wrong?" You look back up to find him intently staring into the camera at you. "Nothing," you answer shaking your head. You can't tell him what's going through your head. You don't want to show this weakness. "I think you know that I can read you better than that," he reveals, and you just look at him. "We have to get that fixed," you admit, trying to lighten the mood. "Seriously, what is wrong? You've been acting off for ages, and I want to know why." He is getting serious now. The concerned look on his face is telling you that. "It's nothing, I've just been worried about Sydney." You have to lie, you can't talk to him about how you feel. That will bring everything out, everything he doesn't need to worry about. He doesn't need your emotions distracting him. You just hope you can lie well enough for him to believe you. But you don't have the best track record.
Liam: You've cooked breakfast for him on several occasions, many of those in this very kitchen. However, this time it feels different. You've been staying in his flat for a few months now, and the things you do around here are now starting to feel more domestic than they used to. You're sending him to Manchester this morning, and you're getting emotional about having him leave. You've never been like this. This has always just been his job, it's never been a part of your life. He's making it your life now. He is slowly but surely getting you sewn into his lifestyle as if this were more than just a friendship. "Full English?" You hear a sleepy voice say from behind you. His hair was sitting on his head instead of standing tall like usual. His face was scruffy, and his eyes were barely open. "You need to go back to bed," you advise him after taking his look in. He had only been away from tour for two days, he definitely didn't need to be up this early. "Not when you're cooking," he counters. "I'm not even close to being finished, go back to sleep." He shakes his head and climbs up on the counter to watch. You continue to work, but find it very distracting to know that you are now being watched. "You know this isn't really how the kitchen works," you tell him. "What do you mean?" He inquires as he reaches in for a mushroom. You smack his hand and explain. "Everyone in the kitchen should be cooking, not sitting around watching and putting their grubby hands into the food before it's time to eat." "I disagree," he says, reaching in before you can stop him. His eyes nearly close as he smiles wide at you. "You're ridiculous," you comment as you walk over to the fridge to get the meat. "Did you go shopping for this?" "Well I didn't grow it in the back garden that you don't even have, now did I?" "WOW! It's too early for that, Miss," he teases. "It's also too early for your ridiculous questions," you counter with a smile. "Ouch, and to think I used to believe that you loved me." "And to think," you tease, but with a serious tone. Liam quickly jumps down from the counter, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Take it back," he says as he pulls you away from the stove. "Liam, I'm trying to make you breakfast!" "Take it back!" You can't help but laugh at his extreme actions. You try your best to wiggle your way out of his grip without having to say anything. His arms are too strong though. "Let me go or you're going to be eating burnt food!" He plants his feet firmly at the edge of the kitchen, not budging until you give him what he wants. "Liam, I'm serious, let me go," you say firmly. "You really aren't going to tell me that you love me?" He questions, his tone is no longer playful. You turn around to face him as he grip around you loosens. You look into his eyes, you can see that if you take this any further you will be hurting his feelings. You smile. "I love you," you say simply. Even though you know it's what he wants to hear, it makes you feel pleased to say it. You never want him out of your life again.
Niall: "So we can take this part of the wall out, replace the bricks, and you won't even be able to tell they were damaged." "You're going to take out that much of the wall?" You didn't like what you were hearing. The exposed brick in this flat was one of it's nicest features. It had been a part of the design well before Stephen even put thought into this place. "Well, you see we can't just take out one without having to take out a few more because of how they are laid." You sigh deeply, you want nothing to do with this news. "Are you sure you can match the brick exactly?" this was your main concern. The wall absolutely has to look untouched. "Yes, I talked with the people who constructed this building and they looked back in their files and gave me the name of the place where they got the brick and we've already placed the order for the exact ones." You were easing up now. "Okay, just please don't take down anymore than you have to. I want most of that wall in tact." "We will do our best," he assures you. You walk away feeling overwhelmed. You thought the construction process was over. You take a seat at the barstool in front of the island in the kitchen, looking over your next move for the walk-in closet you were working on at the moment. As you scroll through your options for built-ins the contractor walks into the kitchen. "Assume you want to take this, you left it in the lounge," he says as he holds your phone in his hand, Niall's name displayed on the screen. "Not sure how it got on silent, but it's a good thing I was picking up around the room or I would't have seen it." "Thank you," you say graciously, you need this call. You get down from the stool and walk over by the front door for some privacy. "Hey, babe," you greet, already relieved to be in contact with him. "How is everything?" He asks. "Stressful," you admit honestly. "What's going on?" "More construction," you say defeated. "How much more?" "Enough to stress me out. I thought we were over construction months ago," you tell him. "You'll get through it. It won't last forever." He knows he has no idea what he's talking about, but it's the thought that counts, and you appreciate him. "Yeah, you're right. What are you up to?" You look over at the clock on the wall to see what time it is where he is at. "On the bus to Manchester. I needed someone to keep me company, and you were my first option." "Are you sure I wasn't your only option?" You counter jokingly. "Even if that was the case you would still be my best option." You smile at his sweet words. You are so happy to be getting back to where you once were with him. It wasn't fun ignoring his calls and always feeling like you had to hide things from him. Refocusing your attention back on Niall was everything you needed. He is the only one that will ever make you be your best. It's always been Niall.
Louis: It isn't hard to kiss him; everything you have ever felt for him is still there. He doesn't seem to mind kissing you either. He even said he's still very much physically attracted to you. That's better than nothing you suppose. You had just kissed him before he went on stage for soundcheck, just like it used to be. You've improved your acting skills immensely. You still have everyone, Liam excluded, very convinced that you and Louis are very much in love. Maybe it would just be easier to tell everyone that you're just friends, and that you are just hanging out. Surely they would understand that, and it would be better than pretending. But just as soon as you do that, you lose everything. The outside judgement falls upon you and then you immediately regret saying anything. Pretending for the sake of your sanity is now the theme of this 'relationship'. You walk back towards the dressing room, but pass it up as you make the decision to go outside. Manchester is pretty today. There's a chill in the air, but it isn't enough to warrant anymore clothing than you already have on. As soon as you step out of the venue you know there are eyes on you. You can hear the distant shrieks of the girls that are watching you from afar. You can see them lined up along the fence and wonder how long they've actually been standing there. There aren't but a handful of them. You make the decision to go to them. You haven't talked with fans outside of the venues all tour. "You sure about that?" You hear a member of security say as you walk across the lot. "Yeah, I'll be fine," you assure him. You get up to the fence and are greeted with smiles and phones, only one of them you actually expected. "Hi, how are you all?" You greet with a smile. "Good," they say collectively. "Since there aren't that many of you, I thought I'd come have a chat. Is that alright?" "Yeah, of course!" The girl directly in front of you says. "I wish I knew a way around this fence, I feel awful trying to have a conversation with you all like this." "Oh, it's fine, we're just glad someone acknowledged us," one of them admits. "Well we definitely saw you all this morning when we got here. You all have been here for a long time." "You have no idea." The group laughs and agrees. "That ring is gorgeous," the girl in front of you points out after you had taken a seat and they had followed. "Thank you," you simply say, looking down at all of the broken promises resting on your finger. "I am a very, very lucky girl." This is where your new found acting skills come into play. "I bet it sucked not being able to go to Canada," you hear and look around to find the person it came from. "Oh yes, I was really upset with myself. That was all on me. Louis wasn't very happy with me either," you say with a laugh. "And then you got sick." "Yeah, it just wasn't a very good end to the US tour for me. Thank goodness there was plenty of time in between to recover." "I'm sure Louis took very good care of you." "Yes, he was fantastic. He did the shopping once we got back, and made sure I had everything if he had to leave. I am very lucky to have him, like I said." This is coming very natural to you. This is how you would talk to them normally, even when everything coming out of your mouth wasn't a lie.

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