Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Loved You First

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Harry: His house reflects him perfectly. You can see him in every single art piece, throw pillow, and area rug. It has been your compound for the last few days. Tour is officially over, and now you don't know when you are meant to go home. It isn't like you want to go home, though. You roll over to discover an empty bed on the other side. You sigh deeply. You have this rule that when you're together and he has to go, you don't want to know when he is leaving. It's strange, and he has never been a big fan of it. But you have never liked knowing when he would be leaving. You have assured him it is better this way. You push the plush duvet down to your sides and bring your legs out from the warmth. You've got to figure out what you are going to do today if Harry isn't going to be around. You walk straight to the en-suite. You need a splash of water to wake up. You run some cold water into your hands and bring your face down into it. As you run your hands down your face you look up to notice a message on the mirror. 'Brunch? 11 at Granger? If not, lunch at Battersea?' You go back into the bedroom after drying your fact to catch the time. You weren't going to make it to brunch, but Battersea? That's a bold move. So many people travel to Covent Gardens on a daily basis, even you knew that, and you had only been a couple of times. 'Just woke up, Battersea it is. I'll be on my way in about 15'. You drop your phone on the bed and return to the bathroom. Lunch with Harry meant no matter how simple it was meant to be, it was going to be turned into a big deal. You go for the classic look, simple make-up keeps the fans at bay. If you go out looking to impress them with your look it's going to come across trying way too hard. And that's a no-no with them. After you've finished in the bathroom you return to check your phone. 'There will be a car waiting for you x'. You smile, he's always one step ahead of you. You replace your sleepwear with a pair of jeans and a sweater, slipping on some boots as well. You look around the room to make sure you haven't forgotten anything, not like you need much you're only going to lunch while he has a little bit of free time. You smile at the driver as he opens your door. "Thank you." He smiles back, and you get in the car. You aren't in the car for very long before it stops outside of an executive building. He must be doing serious things today. As soon as the driver gets out of the car, Harry is walk down the steps to greet him. He shakes his hand. He presses a kiss to your cheek after sliding into the backseat. "It's about time you woke up," he teases as the car heads towards lunch. He tells you about what he's been doing all morning on the drive to Covent Gardens. "Hope you don't mind walking a little," he says once the car is stopped and the doors have been opened. "It's fine," you assure him with a smile. You do your best not to draw attention to yourself as you walk to the restaurant. You put your arm through the crook in his, and he keeps you close as you walk. It doesn't take long for you to feel the eyes falling on you. "They're looking at you," he tells you in your ear with a smile. You simply shake your head. "I don't blame them; I mean, you look gorgeous today," he compliments, and you feel your face flush red. "That's enough, Mr. Styles," you assure him, letting him know this isn't the time or place for him to talk like this. You don't need HD pictures all over the internet of you blushing while Harry whispers in your ear. Once inside the small restaurant, even more eyes fall on you. You wish you could have recorded the girl at the counter's reaction when she looked up and saw Harry standing in front of her. You simply smile though once her eyes come over to you. You take your seat and wait for your lunch. "You do look very pretty today," he repeats. You shake your head, looking down with a smile. "Hey, I can't help that I'm still in love with someone so good looking." You look up at him, the smile gone and shock has replaced it. "Don't talk like that," you tell him. "I said I can't help it. But don't worry, it's been going on for a while now; I'm used to it." You look at him, clearly upset with his words. He only sends back a cheesy smile.
Liam: Days off are nice, really nice. Business Liam is put to the side, and relaxed Liam steps in. All relaxed Liam wants to do is sleep past 8AM, and not have to worry about a schedule. You aren't sure how he is going to take you waking him up with this breakfast, but food is food, so that should count for something. You had woken up before him, you always do. When Liam sleeps, he sleeps. That's always been the case with him, ever since you can remember. You begin to plate the food in front of you. It wasn't anything extravagant, it's still only a weekday, but everything on this plate was a favorite of his. You bring out extras from the fridge, and grab some silverware and a napkin before heading back to the bedroom. You set the tray on the table outside of Liam's room and open the door. You had closed it so the noise you were making in the kitchen wouldn't wake him up. You walk in to find him exactly where you had left him a couple of hours ago. A smile stretches across your face as you admire his sleep. You are the luckiest girl in the world to have him in your life. You set the tray on his nightstand before walking around to your side of the bed. You crawl in and feel the immediate warmth from Liam. He's facing away from you, but you can fix that. You run your fingernail down the back of his neck, slowly and softly. He shivers under the covers and turns onto his back. You smile, mission accomplished. He's still asleep, though. You run your nail around the outside of his ear, resting your head closer to him. "You know if you keep doing that I'm going to be forced to take action," Liam says, his eyes still closed. You bite down on your lips to try and hide your smile, of course he was awake. Sneaky bastard. His eyes slowly open, and you watch as he adjusts to the light and turns over to look at you. "Good morning," he greets, his voice deep and scratchy. "Hi," you say with a smile. "Have you been cooking?" He inquires, catching onto the smells. "Why don't you look over there and see," you instruct, nodding towards his nightstand. He turns his head and sighs. "You are incredible," he comments as he begins to sit up. You remain down in the bed, the covers now closer to your face. He brings his breakfast onto the bed, and you grab the remote from your side to find some morning entertainment. "What is the occasion?" He asks as he begins to eat. "Nothing really; you would do it for me." He nods. "You're right. I would," he says with a smile. "I have, actually," he adds. "I know you have, and now it's my turn." You had cooked for him before, and even food in bed, but it's becoming something you do as a thank you, or just because. There's no rhyme or reason. You just want to always show Liam that you appreciate everything he does for you, everything he has always done for you. "What do you want to watch?" You question as you flip through the channels. "Something that isn't going to have my face on it anywhere." Any other person saying that would sound arrogant, but for him that's a legitimate request. "Undercover Boss it is," you say, leaving it on Channel 4. "What?" He says with a laugh. "Well you aren't going to show up on this now are you?" "You're right," he admits, taking another bite. "I know I am," you counter. You settle in beside him to watch the American television show. You wouldn't mind at all not moving from this spot for the rest of the day.
Niall: You've done nothing for weeks. Nothing but check in on Niall at least. You've watched his interviews, his shows, even videos of the fans meeting him. Anything to have him in your life, if for only a few seconds. Everything in your being hurts as you watch him smile with fans who don't even bring up your name anymore. They used to always ask him how you were, now you disgust them. You close you laptop. You'd been online for hours now. You look around the disaster area that is your apartment. It was clear to see that someone's life had fallen apart in here, your life. You've got to get out of this place and get back to work. You know you have to. But you haven't even found the strength to open the door. You've unlocked it a couple of times, food delivery and the few times Kati came by to check on you. You haven't stepped foot into that corridor though. Speaking of Kati, you have to call her. You know you have to get back to work, you won't be able to stay in New York if you don't. You definitely can't go back across the ocean, you have no where to live. You get up from the dining table where you had spent hours watching Niall live out his life without you. Your phone sits on the kitchen counter. You hadn't chucked this one at the fireplace yet. You unlock it to find even more messages from even more people you don't want to talk to. Your phone had been kept on 'Do Not Disturb' because after the world found out about you it hadn't slept, just like you. You ignore the random call that was coming in and scroll through your contacts to find your boss. You take a seat on the floor in the kitchen, sitting your phone on speaker beside you. You listen intently as it rings. "(Y/N)?" Kati question, unsure if it is actually you on the other end. "Yeah, it's me," you answer defeated. "Oh my goodness, what is wrong?" What an almost laughable question. Everything in the entire world is wrong now that Niall isn't in your life. You decide on a less elaborate and heart breaking answer. "Nothing, I guess. I just needed to talk to you about something." "Oh, of course, anything at all." She has been very supportive of you in this. She hasn't pestered you about coming back to work and has allowed you plenty of time figure out what your next step is. As she should, seeing as she was the one that introduced you to Stephen with the intentions of the two of you becoming close. She didn't intend on anything like this happening; you can't put that on her. This is still all on you. "I want to come back to work," you begin. "Okay," Kati answers hesitantly. "But there's absolutely no way I can finish that flat," you reveal. You aren't sure how she is going to take this news. Everything about Stephen's flat is your idea, your design. Having someone else come in and try to do you work for you would be nearly impossible. "Okay, yes, of course. We will work something out. If you feel like you are ready to come back, we will give that project to someone else. That's no problem at all." She's being modest, it's a massive issue, you know that. You've been putting this phone call off for days because of the chaos your request was going to add to her life. You can't go back there though. You would quit your job, your dream job, before you would step back into that place. "Are you sure?" You inquire, even though you know she isn't going to tell you how much you've just now messed everything up, again. "Oh yes, babe, it's okay. We want you back here if you are ready to come back. You are a part of our family." This brings no warmth to your heart. You would rather be a part of Niall's.
Louis: Eyes, there are always eyes. You should be used to this by now. Everyone in London knows who he is, trying to ignore that fact is pointless. You wonder if people can read you. Louis can, so who is to say that other people can't as well. Every time you are out, what you are doing is always present in your head. You are constantly thinking about what everyone around is seeing. Do you looking loving enough? Is there a twinkle in your eye when you are listening to him talk? Is your smile big enough, or too big, when he is stopped by fans? Your mind runs a million kilometers a minute when you know people are watching. Right now you sit across from him at the lunch table at one of his favorite places. No matter how far in the back he requests to sit, people are always going to be trying to see your interaction. Not because they think something is up, at least you hope not, but because Louis Tomlinson is in the same restaurant, and that sounds good to their friends and family. "You're thinking too much," Louis reveals and you come back to reality at the sound of his voice. "Sorry, it just happens sometimes." You know better than to let your face show your emotions, so you immediately move on. "So where else are we going today?" He laughs at your urgency to change subjects. "You know it's okay; you don't always have to be putting on a show. Yeah, people can see you, but no one is that happy to be around me all of the time." This is not the conversation you need to be having here, not where people can see you. "We're doing this for us," he reminds you. You look up at him, fighting the urge to cry. "I'm doing this for you," you counter. "What is that supposed to mean?" He inquires. You shake your head. "I don't want to talk about this here," you tell him. "Well too bad, what do you mean you're doing this for me? You said you needed a distraction from your family." You really do not want to talk about this here. "I know I did," you agree. "Okay, then how are you doing this for me?" You let out a sigh, he wasn't going to let this go until you told him what was on your mind, no matter who was going to pick up the conversation. "I guess I only thought I needed a distraction. I guess I told myself that I did in order to be more okay with staying around for you." "You should have said something," he counters, his voice almost angry with you. "You should have told me that your feelings had changed." He's starting to sound like he cares about you. "It's not that my feelings have changed. Louis, I have loved you for months, and I'm just now figuring out how to deal with that and then deal with you not feeling the same way, for your sake." You were throwing a lot at him, unsure of how he was going to respond. He never liked you talking about your feelings towards him after the night you had left the bus. "For my sake? Why? Why do you care so much?" You can't help but laugh as you fight back more tears. "I have no idea," you reveal, and you can tell your words hurt him slightly. "I do, though, and that is all that matters. You need me here, and so I will be here. I am strong enough to put how I feel in the back of my mind. I do love you, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to see you happy." "Even if it means that you aren't?" "Even if it means that I'm not."

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