You Have A Nightmare

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Harry: Your running from someone. A man. His menacing voice right behind you. You cant see anything except the ground in front of you, and you fall. Stumbling you try to get up, but you find your self stuck. His laugh getting closer. You get the all to familiar feeling that your trapped. Suddenly the laughing stops. Harry's hands are wrapped around your arms. Lightly shaking you. "Y/N! Y/N baby wake up." When you open your eyes he can see tears spilling down your cheeks. He pulls you into his chest, holding you tight, and slowly stroking your hair. "It's ok, your safe here baby."
Liam: You sat up straight in your bed. Breathing heavy, still horrified by the dream you just had. Liam's sleeping body sprawled out on the bed. His light snores are comforting, but you know that you wont be able to get back to sleep. You don't want to wake Liam so you quietly climbed out of bed and found your way to the living room, book in hand. You wrapped yourself up in a blanket, and started to read. You were so enthralled in your book that you didn't notice Liam walk into the room. He kissed your neck, drawing your attention. "What are you doing out here?" His raspy voice is intoxicating. "I had a nightmare." You reply shutting your book. He sat on the end of the couch. "Want to talk about it?" You shook your head. "Come here luv." He opened his arms and you crawled into them. You fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
Niall: You sit up in bed, screaming the images from your nightmare flashing in you mind. Your hand searches the bed for Niall but you find nothing. Suddenly he bursts through the door, eyes wide with panic. He quickly crosses the room to your side and sits on the bed in front of you. "What's wrong Princess?" he asks scanning your body. Tears forming in your eyes you tell him about your dream. By the end of the story your where cuddled into his chest. His tee shirt soaked in tears. "It's ok Y/N. I wont let anyone hurt you." He kissed your cheek and started to sit up. "Stay with me?" You asked anxiously. He immediately pulled you closer to him. "Nothing would make meh happier."
Louis: His POV Y/N fell asleep watching a movie, while laying on my chest. Her beautiful hair spread messily around her face. I could watch her sleep all night. She started to fidget in her sleep. "Stop, no. Stop." She groaned in her sleep. She was having a nightmare. Sweat forming on her forehead, her eyebrows furrowed. I reached up and started to stroke her hair. "Shhh luv. It's ok" She pulled her self closer to me. Still sleeping. I kissed the top of her head trying my best to comfort her. I never want her to be frightened, or hurt. "Louis ," She sounds panicked. "I had a-a" She must have woken up. "I know luv its ok, I'm here."
Zayn: His POV Its 4 am just started drift off in the big hotel room Niall and I shared. A vibrating noise and light brought me back to consciousness. Y/N's picture flashed across the screen. Bring across the world from her sucks. There isn't one day I don't wish I could be there with her. "Hello" I answered my voice a bit horse. "Zayn" She sounded scared. "Yeah babe, are you ok?" "Yeah I just had a bad dream" I sighed relieved that she was ok. "About what babe?" "No, its fine we don't have to talk..." "Y/N tell me." I groaned stopping her mid sentence. Her voice is beautiful I could listen to her all night. "You met someone else while you were on tour and never came back." She thought I left her. "I will always come back to you. You mean more to me than anything in this world."

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