Leave Your Lover • Louis

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Pack up and leave everything, don't you see what I can bring. Can't keep this beating heart at bay
Although you and Louis have only been dating for a few months, he knew. He knew that you are the one he wants to wake up next to every morning. He wants to make dinner for you, and take care of you when your sick. He wants to have children with you, and teach them how to walk and talk. He wants a life with you. It was 2 months into your relationship when he first let 'I love you' slip out. After One Direction announced their world tour. They had a party, at which you both got hammered. After a drunken stroll back to his place, you crashed together on his bed, a tangle of limbs. Just before he slips off to sleep he utters the words, "I love you Y/N."
So it wasn't a surprise when he announced he had a "gift'" for you.
"Where are we going Louis?" You giggle pulling at the blindfold tied around your head. His hands are low on your hips, guiding you down the street.
"Don't worry Y/N I know you'll love it." You can almost feel the smile on his stubbly face. "Alll-most there," He says stopping you and turning you to the right. "Ok, you can look now."
When you pull of the blind fold, you find yourself standing in front of a beautiful house, with big windows, and a cute green lawn. The door on the house is decorated with a huge bow. A sign perched in the grass has SOLD proudly splayed across it.
"Tada" he cheers holding his hands out toward the new home. He bought you a house, the same house you'd bring up every now and then when you drive past. You'd say how you could picture yourself raising children.
"Louis," you gasp, still trying to catch your breath. "This is too much." You and Louis just started dating and you were in love. But is this moving too fast? "We just moved in together, and you want to buy a house. You can't just buy me a house Lou. That's.. How much did this cost, oh my god LOUIS! You can't spend all your money like this you need to save." You were stopped suddenly when he kissed you.
"I love you Y/N. Even though it hasn't been long. Even though it cost me some money. I know that your the one I want to be with. So I bought you a home. I bought us a home."

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