Walking Dead • Louis

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Where were you when it happened?
It's a common question now really. Like where do you work? Or how's the weather today? It's a new way to start conversation with the people you meet on the road. It's a question every one has an answer to. Where were you when the spread started?
Well, I guess I'll give you my answer. I'd heard about it on the news. Stories about an illness, spreading rapidly from person to person. They threw around the words reanimation and resurrection lightly. They made it seem like something far off, that a majority of people would never see. Like a aggressive cold. Not doubt to snuff any panic.
The first time I saw it, I wasn't ready. I was just finishing the notes from our lecture that day when I glanced out the mammoth windows to the campus grounds. Near the far end of the open area. There are thick woods. They came from there. They ran out, some with limps others dragging their feet. They charged across the lawn and attacked the students sitting enjoying their free period.
From inside it all looked like an elaborate and extremely distasteful prank. Until I saw the boy who sits next to me in lit class get his throat ripped out by one of the bastards. It shocked me out of my seat, literally. I fell to the ground in a shower of notes and study guides.
"Is there a problem Mrs. Tomlinson?" The professor asks with a look that screams, how dare you interrupt my oh so very important class with your dramatics. At this point every pair of eyes in the room are on me. But I can't make the words come out.
"There, there wa-was there. The guy h-he-" my muttering a were cut off. "Oh my god. Someone help, they're killing her." A blonde in the front of the class is standing now. One of her neatly polished hands is raised to her mouth. Her other is pointing out the windows to the bloodbath that's unfolding.
But I couldn't take my eye of that boy. He was just fine an hour ago. They just bit him, and left him there to bleed out on the campus lawn. I can see him laying there choking in his blood. He stops moving. But only for a second when he seems to just get up. On the other side of the lawn two girls are being cornered near a fence. A hoard of the crazy people swallow them.
The prefectly trimmed green lawn is eerie, covered in sploches of dark blood.
When his head came down he left a spidering crack, a bloody face print at the center. Panic sets In, I grab my book bag and flee to the nearest door. Sure it looks kinda wimpy to be the first person running for their life. But I don't want any part of what's going on out there.
Luckly I know my car is parked outside a door on the opposite side of the school. I run, and run. Past the math department, and the AG rooms. There's a small parking lot always packed full.
Navigating the parking lot is easier said than done. I'm halfway through the lot before I see it. My cute little silver neon, parked next some asshole who obviously doesn't know why the lines are painted on the ground.
I know there's enough room to get in- if you had the time. Which I don't. Because from a few cars down, a few stumbling figures are approaching me.
"Oh shit, oh shit," I wedge myself between the cars to the door. By the time I'd m dented assholes door with mine and hopped in, they made it to my window. These things must not have any common sense, because they don't even try the door. Which is a plus, because I did t lock it before slamming on the gas and driving over the curb into the street.
I speed home that afternoon. And the worst part is, I don't remember one second of it. It's not far. But I don't remember any stops. Any turns. I don't remember driving past the elementary school. I don't remember seeing any other cars. All I know is I'm at home now, and the first thing I see when I walk in. My brother stripped nude walking from the kitchen with an arm full of snacks.
"Louis, God damnit!"

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