Jealous • Zayn

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"La, la, la, la I wanna go hoooooome to sleep!" You sing tiredly, in the car, leaning against the back of the seat in front of you puckering your lips expecting your boyfriend Zayn's lips to meet yours; he kisses you softly from the seat in front of you caressing your cheek. You break away closing your eyes hearing the sound of the rest of the boys getting on the bus, "Y/N, this is our friend *insert name of super cute guy here*" Harry introduces you as the mysterious sexy guy takes the seat right next to you, "Y/N!" You greet him holding out your hand, he takes it and shakes it flashing you a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you!" He states, "Aww the pleasure is all mine love!" You quickly reply biting your lip blushing slightly from this attractive guy, "So umm you single?" He asks you quietly, "HEY GUYS!" Zayn yells climbing over the back of the seat to sit in between you two; he drapes an arm around you with a wide, cocky smile, "Zayn..." You trail off, "What are you doing?" You ask knowing that he was interfering for a reason, he leans in to whisper, "Because You're Mine...All Rights Reserved," in your ear.

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