Soundtrack Series • Up All Night • One Thing

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Harry: "How mad are you at me for dragging you here again?" You question playfully as you step off of the tube and into the busy station. "Mad? I'm not mad," Harry responds honestly, and you smile. You know the last thing he wants to do is play tourist, but you don't live here. You're pleased to see he understands. Even though he's taken you around this city plenty of times, you've never really gotten the true experience. It's always been personal drivers and private viewings. You don't spend a lot of time having the so called 'normal' experiences. Suggesting you take the underground this morning was your first step towards those experiences though. He was more than willing to take you up on the offer. "Anything you want," he had said. You were certain he would protest at least a little. He even knew his way around the stations and stops, getting off at the right stops and switching lines when necessary. You've always been annoyed at how easy everything is for him, no matter now little time he had spent actually doing whatever it is he was. You had always held a fascination for the royal family, Diana, in particular. Kensington Palace was one of your favorite places to go while in the UK. You went every time you came over. Most of the time sans Harry; he was always too busy to accompany you. "I love this place," you say as the two of you walk onto the grounds. "I know you do," Harry responds, taking your hand. You turn to him and smile. You walk down the gravel pathway towards the entrance. He opens the door for you, letting go of your hand to walk to the front desk to purchase tickets. You stand back and smile. Everyone around quickly recognize his presence. You walk up to him, knowing they were less likely to come up to him if they see he is with someone. "Would you like a tour, my lady?" Harry questions in a stronger accent than usual, holding his arm out. You gladly accept his offer, and the two of you begin your walk. You've seen and read everything here several times before. That doesn't mean, of course that you do not stop and smile at the pictures of Diana and Will and Kate on the walls. Oh the life they lead. Harry's arm finds its way around your shoulder as you walk through the corridor and up to the next floor. "God, I love that dress so much; it's so gorgeous," you say as you stand before the display of some of Diana's most popular fashion statements. "Yes, you are," Harry says into your ear, leaving a kiss on your cheek but ever so slightly grazing your lips. On purpose, of course. You turn your head to look at him. "So smooth," you tease with a smile. Harry shrugs as if to say 'yeah, I know', and you can't help but laugh. He presses a kiss to your forehead and brings you even closer into him. You know there are eyes on you; you would have to be blind not to see them. It doesn't really bother you though. You have no desire to put space in between you and Harry at the moment. You are in one of your favorite places in the world with your favorite person in the world. So why not let the world know?
Liam: Whatever it is that you have done to these people, it is not going away. You sit in bed, Liam to your right, asleep under the covers. You had promised to put the computer away an hour ago. Liam had fallen asleep though, so you continued to browse. It was nothing you should be reading at this time of night. This is the type of browsing that causes you to question everything. You don't want to question anything about Liam. However, when so many people are saying the same thing about you over and over again, it's hard not to wonder what on earth you had done to set them off, and so harshly for that matter. The light on the nightstand still illuminates the room as you scroll through your mentions on Twitter. According to everyone you had gone too far. It was past Christmas, and you had officially overstayed the 'welcome' they had allowed you. After your run-in with the fan a few month back who had told her story about Liam asking her to convince you to stay until Christmas, everything they have sent you since the 26th of December has been an eviction notice. You are officially no longer welcome to live with the person who continues begging you to stay. Liam is only one person. Yes, a very important person, but the thousands of other people, who have a lot of influence as well, are the ones you are hearing louder. You've never let it get to you like this. Then again, you've never had this much. You've always had those people who talk shit just because they can, just because you're around Liam and they aren't. You could handle those. But according to them you're changing Liam, and in the wrong way. You're imposing on him, and you're using him. You hear that one the most. You're taking advantage of everything he is able to provide you, so much so that you've gone to the extent to take over his living space. You're the most hated thing in this fandom at the moment, surpassing the evil paparazzi, and Niall's ex-girlfriend. When they stopped talking about her, after seeing Niall so happy, but continued their trash talk about you, you knew you were in this for the long run. At least until you get out of Liam's house. That is still something you have to do. You can't stay here. "I thought you said you were going to sleep soon?" A tired voice questions from under the covers. You turn to see the back of Liam's head, he hadn't bothered turning around to scold you for not following through with your word. But then again, that's what everyone online was doing. You ought to be used to it by now. "I'm going now." You don't dare mention to Liam that you had stayed up to read the hate his fans were sending your way. He would be furious with you, even more so than if you said you had been looking for places to move to. He thinks you're stronger than you actually are. But of course, he's never actually put thought into what they're saying. You have always admired his ability to ignore the negativity, even when it is right in front of him.
Niall: It's been a week since your letter to Niall left your hands. You have no idea if it's gotten to him yet; you didn't expect a response. You aren't sure what you expect anymore. One thing you know you didn't expect is Stephen walking off of the elevator and towards your office. You don't need this right now. You barely found enough energy to get out of the bed this morning. He doesn't say a thing as he walks past everyone else in the office. "I need to talk to you," he says, shutting your door behind him. You definitely have no energy for this. You have no idea what he supposedly has to talk to you about, but you know you don't want to hear any of it. "I have so many things to do; right now really isn't the time," you tell him, rubbing your hands over your face with no worry of messing up your make-up, you hadn't worn any in weeks. "Well this can't wait," he assures you. "Of course it can't," you counter in a tone of annoyance. "The way you have been acting lately just isn't you," he begins. You scoff. "How the hell do you know how I am?" He looks at you in confusion. "Are you forgetting that we've spent months together," he reminds you. Your stomach turns; that's the last thing you needed to be reminded of at this point in time. You were in the middle of trying to get Niall to hear you out, and you certainly don't need Stephen in here bringing up the reasons why you were in the middle of this struggle in the first place. "I've been trying to forget about all of that," you tell him with as much attitude as you can possibly collect. "See, why are you acting like that? You know I still have feelings for you, you know I haven't just stopped loving you." You wish he would just stop talking. He doesn't know how to do anything but complicate things. He's the one that loves you while you're begging for the one you love to give you a chance to speak. You couldn't have even come up with a more twisted situation in your imagination if you were asked to. "Why are you here?" You inquire, your voice now defeated. "I am just trying to remind you that I am still here for you; I never left. I know you think you're going through a hard time, but you still have me." "I think I'm going through a hard time?" You repeat, surely you hadn't heard that correctly. "My life is completely over, and it isn't a fucking walk in the park. You can't expect to come in and tell me that you still have feelings for me and me just forget that the love of my entire life, which is not you, won't even talk to me." Stephen only looks at you after your rant. You can't help but hold his gaze. There is still something there, of course there is. You wouldn't have jeopardized your life if there wasn't. You won't admit it though. "You'll come around," Stephen says as he gets up from the seat across from your desk and exits your office. You don't want to be around to see if his statement comes true.
Louis: His arm is actually around your shoulder as you walk down the sidewalk towards your dinner destination. There is a genuine smile on your face, and his eyes are squinted as he laughs at the conversation the two of you are having. You're sure there are cameras around, but you haven't noticed them since leaving the house a few hours ago, nor have you seen Louis searching for them either. You hand is clinging onto his by your shoulder as he opens the door to the restaurant with his free hand. "Welcome, Mr. Tomlinson; your able is awaiting you both," the host greets. Louis lets go of your hand and removes his arm from your shoulder only to retake the hand of yours that was beside him, something he's never done when the two of you walk to your table at a restaurant. The two of you follow the host through the dining room, past the eyes and up to your table, a corner circular booth looking out over the entire dining room. It wasn't a private area of the restaurant like Louis usually went for. He had never been much for having people watch him eat. He holds his hand out to your side of the booth, and you smile and slide in. He goes to his side and slides to the middle. "Well get over here," he urges, and you scoot closer to him. "No need to act like we don't like each other," he jokes. "Ah, Mr. Tomlinson, it's nice to see you with us again," the owner says as he walks up to your table. You could always count on a visit from an owner at a restaurant like this; they love to show their faces, and take pictures like those too. You expect the request for one to come after your dinner, at least they had enough respect for the two of you to wait until you had taken advantage of their services. "It's nice to be here again, mate," Louis responds, putting his hand on your leg under the table, squeezing ever so slightly, letting you know he's glad to be seen with you. "Let me know if you need anything at all from us; I will be sure to personally make it happen," the owner offers. "Sure thing," Louis says with a smile, and just like that the two of you are left alone to look over the menu. "Today has been nice," you say, not bothering to make a decision on dinner quite yet. "Yeah?" Louis says with a smile. "Yeah, I'm not sure what's made the difference, but today just seems to stand out for some reason." "Well I'm glad you've had a nice time," he responds, but the look on his face says he's got answers to your uncertainty. No need to try and get it out of him just yet. You know you should just enjoy this time with him. Today hasn't been forced; you haven't had to act. You have felt genuine emotion coming from him today, and the last thing you want to do is to question it or make him think that you don't appreciate it. You will get your questions answered eventually, whenever you decide to ask them. Just not now.

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