Stay High • Niall

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He watches you from the dressing room door, his body leaned against the frame. All the boys were hanging out at the venue before their, This Is Us interviews, and show that night. You're sat on the black couch, against the arm next to Zayn, your cold feet squeezed under his bum, in hopes that they will warm up. It's not weird, Zayn is one of your best friends, that's actually how you met. Niall crossed the room to where Zayn is sitting, hands in his lip fiddling with the wireless Xbox controller. He ducks down to whisper into the ear farthest from you. Probably trying to play some dumb prank during the show tonight.
"Yeah, it should be in my bunk," Zayn chuckles while looking at me with an amused look on his face, "good luck with that." There is no doubt in your mind that they were talking about you. Niall pops up, "Thanks bro," he says planting a kiss on his cheek. He locks eyes with you, nodding toward the side door that lead to the tour bus garage. After you pull your feet from underneath zayn, you follow him outside into the blinding sun. The crowd of girls camped just out side of the gates started screaming and snapping pictures. You cross the lot, and into the massive garage, then up into the first tour bus.
"What are we doing?" You ask as he goes straight back to the bunks.
"I have an idea," He yells from the back before emerging from the back with a small wooden box. "I had Zayn roll this for me," Niall informs with a smile, pulling a blunt from the box. "Want to?" His eyes darkened, truing almost gray and he raised his eyebrows.
"Niall, I've never," you started rambling. He knows that you've never dome it before, but every now and then he asks you if you want to. Wait a minute, "You have an interview in an hour and a half." He plopped down onto the leather couch next to you.
"It's OK, I'll take care of you." He says in the most reassuring voice. That kind of the reason you've never done it before. You were never really with the people you trusted, but you love Niall and he loves you, so why not? His gaze is intense as he waits for you to respond.
"OK," you squeak, sitting up on the sofa, watching as he pats his pockets for his lighter.
"Do you trust me?" He asked, and you give a weak nod. You found yourself sitting on Niall's lap facing him, legs on either side of his body, The joint is pinched between his thumb and forefinger, while he takes a huge pull. His eyes flutter closed as he inhales, lifting his there hand and motioning for you to lean in. Before you knew it you ad locked lips with him, and he is blowing the smoke into your mouth. After the first hit you could feel it, a tingling feeling in your fingers and toes. Your eyes already slightly glazed over. When it was gone he slumped back on the couch, the bill of his hat hiding his eyes. But his hands went to your hips, holding you in your place on his lap. Every time his fingers grazed the bare skin there it sent sparks thought your body. Any other day you wouldn't have thought twice about it but right now your high and horny.
You grind your hips down onto him, his grip tighten on you and he lifted his head. You can see him trying to piece together what you're doing. Your whole body tensing in anticipation, as you grind down onto his newly formed bulge. You let your hands fall to his zipper.
"Y/N," He says quietly, "What are you doing?" His voice is husky and his eyes are dark. Another wave of arousal hit you, and in that second, nothing else mattered. "I need you Niall," you moan leaning down to smash your lips to his.
"Oh god, Y/N" He groans pulling your shirt over your head. And attacking your mouth again. Nipping at your bottom lip and letting his hands roam up your chest. You start sucking and biting small bruises on his neck, and up to his ear lobe.
"I wanna ride you Niall." You whisper into his ear. He practically growled and grabbed your bum, lifting you off and standing to take his pants off. He was painfully hard against his boxers just the look in his eye was making you hot. He kicks off his shoes before his hands are on you again.
"Take it off," he groans against your collarbone, "take it all off, i wanna see ya."
You pull your loose shirt over your head, letting it fall into a pile on the floor. He sits back down, watching darkly as you strip for him. He cant help but readjust in his shorts once your naked. "I love you so much," he says. Yous straddle him again and lean in for a kiss. One of his large hands find there way between your legs.
"Niall," you gasp at his touch, "ah Niall. I need you Niall." You moan into his mouth. With that he pulled down his boxers and lined himself up with you. The feeling that followed sinking down onto him, is indescribable the high running through you intensifies.
"You're so beautiful," he breaths, "oh god." His moans turning you on even more. His head fell back against the couch and his eyes fell shut as he matched your thrusts. The warm felling in the pit of your stomach gets stronger and stronger.
"I'm gonna—Niallm im going to, AHh-" You moan as you feel your body release.
"Niall?" Harry's voice comes from the door. "If your doing what i think your doing, then you're very busy. But I thought I would tell you we have a press thing in 15 minutes."

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