Liam's Sister • Harry

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"Harry? What are you doing?" You manage to ask before you're pushed up against a wall in the long dark, fairly deserted hallway at the stadium. This party is packed, were celebrating the boys first show at Croke Park. At some point within the sea of people craning their necks for their quote, photo, or interview, someone pulled you away. Your boyfriend, well not exactly, you have to keep it a secret. If Liam ever found out about the two of you he would flip.
"You look so beautiful tonight," he breathes against your neck. On of his large hands pinning your hips to the wall. His lips are pressed against the hollow of your neck. His hands travel from their place on your hips down over your bum, and grips the back of your thighs making you wrap them around him. "Y/N. You. Have. No. Idea. How. Bad. I . Want. You." he says between kisses and nibble against your collarbones. You can feel his growing erection pressing against the inside of your thigh.
"Harry," You breath into his ear, your hands winding their way to his hair, taking the locks between your fingers pulling him closer. "Please Haz, i need you." You can feel him smirk against your hot skin.
"We cant here, not now, some one could see. Liam could see." He says the same smirk still on his face, when he pulls back to look at you. The desire must have been clear on your face, because it became painfully obvious on his when he bite his bottom lip.
"Harry please, no one will see us." You beg again, grinding yourself against him, earning a moan of approval.
"You're so sexy," He growls giving in. One of his hands snake between your legs, and under your skirt pressing his fingers against you. "And you're so wet." He hums against your lips. You can feel him unzipping his pants.He expertly pushes them down just enough to free himself from his tight black jeans. His hand moves down between you against pushing your panties to the side. Just as he lines himself up, Niall's very drunk cousin Deo, stumbles by, mumbling to himself using the wall to guide him to where ever he's going, without noticing the two of you at all. As soon as he was out of sight you burst into a fit of giggles.
"No one will see us," Harry mocks in a high pitch voice.
He starts to laugh, not giggle but full on laugh when you quickly press your lips to his and whisper, "shh." He shrugs and carry you a few feet to the nearest door, which happens to be a bathroom. He struggles to turn the knob and hold you up.
"I'm gonna make you feel so good," He says as soon as the door opens. But the light was already on and who was stand on the other side of the large bathroom taking a wee. Liam.
"WHAT THE FUCK?" Liam says glaring right at the two of you. At this point there was no point in trying to hide the fact that you and harry were half naked, grinding against each other.

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