Soundtrack Series • FOUR • Act My Age

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Harry: He had given you the warning. He had told you he needed you to be with him, as more than a friend, in order to be able to stay away from her. You hadn't done that, though. You had come back home to LA, there was no way you were staying on the road with him. You had a set rule about only staying for three days. Why would this situation be any different? Once he realized that though, she returned. She had resurfaced almost immediately after you told him there wasn't anything else that was going to happen between you and him. You didn't think he was actually being serious when he gave you the ultimatum a few weeks ago. You were certain he would realize that he could be by himself for a while, or at least on the road. That wasn't the case though, and as a result you hadn't talked to him in days. The moment you saw that she was back you erased his messages from your phone; you didn't need the temptation. You had also shed a few tears, out of frustration of course. It never seemed like this situation was ever going to fix itself. When was he going to see? Clearly not anytime soon, because he apparently thought everything was fine between the two of you, despite the lack of usual communication. He had invited you out tonight. He and the boys were in LA for a show. It was an important show and everyone was going to be there. He knew you weren't that interested in seeing him in concert, you had done that several times. So instead, he invited you to the after party, it was a big show, and the boys would be celebrating with their family and friends long into the night. You hadn't returned his call and didn't even make it through his voicemail entirely. You wanted nothing to do with him, and you certainly weren't going to be going to an after party with his family and friends. None of those people would want to see you after you're sure he told them about you ditching him in Australia, which wouldn't have gone over well. So you were staying at home tonight. Normally you would go, he's your friend and no matter how stupid he acted you would support him. That urge wasn't present tonight, you couldn't even stomach the sight of him, not with all the emotions he had made you feel over these last few weeks. You had already seen a few videos from the night and debated on actually pressing play. Did you really want to see what all you were missing? 'The boys singing Act My Age at the after party for their show tonight - they're all so drunk!!' You aren't sure why you still follow these update accounts; they had never been much use to you anyways. You stare at the video. The thumbnail was pixelated but you could pick Harry out regardless. You don't want to click on it, you don't want to know. You made the decision to skip out on tonight for a reason. You want to show him that this isn't the way to go. That there are many more alternative routes than the one he has decided to take. But why would he listen to you? He had only said he would stay away from her if you were around, and you made the decision to ignore that. This wasn't on him. You close your laptop and push away from the desk. You have to find something to do. You need something to take your mind off of where you should be at. Wait, no. You shouldn't be there. What are you thinking? He has to know that you don't approve of him going back to her. You are his best friend, and he has to know that you do not agree. But does he even care?
Liam: You shouldn't be here. But then again, Liam had been your friend for as long as you can remember. What was so wrong with supporting him? Possibly the fact that he had spent the last month or so trying to ruin your relationship in the worst possible way, maybe take that into consideration. Well you had, yet you still find yourself here in Los Angeles. You had allowed your thoughts to take over a few days ago. After your dream, you couldn't get Liam out of your head. You didn't want a life without him in it. No, it wasn't going to be in the capacity that he wanted, but you couldn't live without him. You remembered him talking about the show tonight. It was a big one. When you got to the ticket office, he still had one reserved for you. You were certain he didn't think you would show up and just forgot to give it to someone else. Regardless, you took it and watched the show. It had been awhile since you had seen a show. Australia seemed like such a long time ago. You missed being able to see him in this environment. Everything came so natural to him on stage. He was happy up there, so genuine. It was just a shame that there was such an inner struggle the moment he walked off. You had gone virtually unnoticed at the gig. You had gotten a few looks, but no one asking who you were or to take a picture. You didn't want Liam or anyone else for that matter knowing that you were there. The same goes for the after party you are about to step into. You can hear the loud music blaring just outside of the banquet hall that is hosting the event. You didn't really want to go in. You stand to the side and watch familiar faces walk past you. Familiar as in Hollywood royalty, no one you had to worry about knowing your face. You take in a few deep breaths before grabbing the door handle firmly and entering the party atmosphere. You had arrived late, the contemplating outside had assisted in that. You look around at all of the faces. Most everyone here you had met, or at least been told about by Liam. His parents were to your left, you don't dare go over there. You're certain they knew nothing of what their son had been up to these last few weeks, and the last thing you wanted to do was let them know you were here. You can see Niall's girlfriend up close to the stage, you're sure she's happy she gets to see him again. Liam had told you about their new living arrangements on your run in the park a few months back. You weren't sure how they were going to handle it. They were a strong couple though; you had always admired them. They were making it just fine. The boys take the stage, and everyone in the room cheers for them just as most of them had at the show earlier. They all had drinks in their hands and smiles on their faces. Even Louis had a smile, something must have changed with that situation. "Thank you all so much for coming out tonight and supporting us. The show was incredible and we are so grateful for every single one of you," Harry begins, and you're in shock to see him smiling over at who you thought was his ex-girlfriend. Apparently she was back. The drama within this band was almost too much for you to handle on a normal day. These are the reasons why you spend most of your time in Wolverhampton. Irish music begins to play, and you know what is coming up. You weren't expecting them to sing at their own after party, but if they were going to, it was definitely going to be this song. You look over at Liam, he was having a great time. He had been all night. You wish you could tell him you were here. So he would know that you were here to support him. But by the looks of it, he was doing fine on his own.
Niall: Your heart could not be happier, even if it tried. Being in LA, watching Niall up on that stage, a beer in his hand as he stands with his bandmates, tonight had been a great night. It was only getting started though. "Thank you all so much for coming out tonight and supporting us. The show was incredible and we are so grateful for every single one of you." Harry was always so good at making the speeches. He's looking off stage and you follow his gaze, as does everyone else in the room. Oh. He's apparently back with her again. You were sure when Niall said his LA friend had traveled out to be with him that her time was up. Apparently you were wrong. You hadn't even seen his LA friend around, surely she would be here; her place isn't even that far away. You bring your attention back to the stage as the familiar music beings to play. You loved this song, and you know Niall did as well. As they all begin to dance around the stage, their drinks spilling slightly (they had already had too many) you turn to head to the bar. Niall had gotten a head start, and it was time for you to catch up. You make your way through the crowds of people, being stopped every so often by a familiar face. Everyone was so happy to see you again. You know almost everyone here. Being with Niall for the last five years has introduced you to a lot of faces, a lot of these faces. Even the famous ones knew you and congratulated you on your job in New York. That was something you never thought you would be able to say. Small talk with Hollywood's most popular residence about your own life, it was never even a thought a few years ago. Oh, how things have changed. You reach the bar and put your cocktail request in with the bartender. You turn to face the crowd, you have always loved to people watch at events like these. While Niall and the rest of his band continue to sloppily serenade their family and friends you notice a girl walking up to the bar looking a little lost. Her face seemed familiar though. You had never seen it in person though. Who was she? She steps up beside you, and you focus in on the stage, your eyes running over each of the boys to find of which one she was connected to. Louis. "Hey," you turn to her and greet. Your cheerful opening catches her off guard a bit but she smiles and then her eyes grow wide. "Oh, wow. Hi!" You were used to this reaction. You had gotten the same one from Zayn's girlfriend when the two of you first met, similarly like this. There's another one you hadn't seen tonight. "How are you?" You ask, genuinely wanting to know seeing as she seemed so lost. "A little overwhelmed," she admits and it shows. You nod; you understood completely. She was still new to all of this. All of these people used to intimidate you as well. "Yeah, but you get used to it eventually," you assure her as your cocktail is placed beside you. You take the glass and sip. Exactly what you needed. "I'll see you around, yeah?" You ask, and she nods. You head back to your seat up at the front. You are so thankful for moments like these. Yes, you had hit a rough patch, but who doesn't? Distance does that to people. But your relationship wasn't about distance; it was about moments like this. Moments that mean so much more after spending nearly two months apart. Every emotion was multiplied by ten the moment you were in one another's presence again. You are so happy to be here right now, your life was finally straightening out just as that blonde on stage had assured you all along.
Louis: "Yeah, but you get used to it eventually," she says, and you just nod. You aren't sure how anyone can get used to this, but you will believe her until you are proven otherwise. She has been doing this for a very long time after all, much longer than you had even known who Louis was. She had been in this lifestyle, with Niall, for five years, and you admired her so much. You probably seemed like a total idiot when she introduced herself to you. It had taken your mind a few moments to process her. She was just as famous as anyone else in this room as far as you were concerned. Now she lives in New York, on her own, working at a very famous design firm. You almost envied her life. Or was it her relationship? She walks off to go back to her seat by the stage, and you are left at the bar to watch Louis on the stage. Yes, he had a drink in his hand and yes, he had been drinking it, and the three before that, but he was happy. You could see the smile on his face, and it was so genuine. You were starting to get used to that smile. You were so proud of him. He had been high energy all day, from the moment he woke up; he was so excited for the show they had just finished. Having you around has really helped him. You wondered if these people around you had noticed a change in him. Liam had told you about the change he had observed but you wondered if Louis had just been acting like that around his bandmates or had all of these other people experienced a reclusive Louis. You take your drink from the bar and return to your seat by the stage, opposite of Niall's girlfriend now that you notice. You were sat with Harry's girlfriend. She had been on tour with him for a few of the past shows and the two of you had connected quickly, being the only two girls your age around, and being the only two around that were actually dating the boys. You knew she had a reputation, it was hard to miss that fact, but you couldn't see what was so wrong with her. She was so nice, and was always up to help you with studying or if you just needed someone to talk to on the road. She had offered up her time whenever you needed it. She seemed like a great person. So you sat with her, despite the looks from the people around you, Niall's girlfriend included. She clearly knew a lot more about the situation than you did. You sip on your drink and try not to spit it back out as the boys stumble and slur their own drinking song. Clearly they hadn't had much practice at this one particular performance. They were having the time of their lives. You look forward to more of these. You were heading back on the road immediately after tonight, back on a plane and back across the ocean. You know you have a long way to go to reach the status of the girl sitting across the stage from you, or even the girl sitting beside you at the table. They had put their time in and now it is your turn. They had all of the answers while you had all of the questions. Questions that you would more than likely be finding out the answers to yourself. But that's what you looked forward to. This was a new journey, life on the road with the one you love more than anyone else. You look around the room and can't believe how far your life has come. If it weren't for that boy on stage, the one with already way too much alcohol in his system, you would still be back in Cannes. No, you hadn't forgotten the responsibilities you had left back there, but this new adventure was too good to pass up.
Zayn: If he sees you, everything will be ruined. You aren't supposed to be here anyway. You had told Gwen you were going with your family over to the States; it was lie of course. You should never lie to your best friend. But there was no way she was going to let you leave the house to fly to Los Angeles to see him. The last thing you needed to do was see him. It was your idea to leave him in the first place. Why would you need to see him? She had said you were having separation anxiety but that it would eventually go away. Well you had given into it before if ever had the chance to go away. You look around the crowded room. This used to be your life. You know most everyone here, so staying in the back and out of the way is key. You see his mom and sisters over in the front close to the stage; you miss them so much. To the left of them is Niall's girlfriend, you had yet to say anything to her about the split. You figured Niall would do that for you. You missed her just as much as you did Zayn's family. She was your rock on the road. The two of you had been around for a long time and it showed. But now she was on her own at the top. The closest one she had now was Harry's on and off again girlfriend who you can see is now back and sitting when Louis's new catch. They were friendly together. Typical new girl. You can see Liam's friend, the one from Wolverhampton, sticking to the back wall. Something must be going on there as well. You think about going over there and finding out what was happening, but she clearly doesn't want to be noticed as much as you don't. You watch the boys take the stage and immediately regret walking into the banquet hall. Zayn had a drink in his hand, and it was nearly empty. You could tell they had already let him have too many. The thought of what happens when he drinks too much fills your mind. They all have smiles on their faces, Zayn included, but you know how deceiving that can be. Harry begins to speak, but you can't seem to take in anything he is saying. You can't take your eyes off of Zayn. You shouldn't be back here in the dark. You should be up there in the front, sitting beside Niall's girl, laughing along with everyone else in the room. Instead you are back here, at your own will, eyes glossing over with tears and all you can do is stare. But your feet begin to slowly move. They are pulling you towards the stage. They want Zayn to know you are here. Do you want Zayn to know you are here? You aren't stopping them, so possibly. You continue to move closer into the light, now moving through the crowd. You can't take your eyes off of him. Even when the music begins to play nothing breaks your stare. Your feet continue to pull your forward. You are getting closer and closer to the light. If anyone in his family sees you doing this, it's over. If Niall's girlfriend sees you doing this, it's over. If he sees you doing this, everything is over. It's Zayn though. He does this to you, he always has. Everything in you has been telling you for the last four odd months to turn around and leave. Yet, you stand here, nearing closer to the stage with him right in front of you and your eyes unknowingly locked on him. The moment his eyes meet yours the entire room stops. Your world crashes around you. His drunken gaze meets your teary one, and it is a disaster. You should have never let this happen. You quickly back up out of the crowd. You have to get out of here. He isn't going to follow you, but he definitely saw you standing there. He definitely saw you.

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