Meeting Royalty • Niall

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"Y/N, are you ready for the Horan's? They are expected to be here any minute." You mother said as she entered your room.
"Yes mother, but I still see no point in this arrangement." You said adjusting your new gown.
"Y/N sweetheart, you have known that you would have to marry, in order to keep-"
"Our lineage alive, yes mother I'm well aware." You said cutting her off.
She sighed as she fiddled with your hair. She had married your father through an arranged marriage, it had been planned since the day she was born. When you were younger she would tell you stories about how they didn't get along, but they soon fell in love. She told you that she had always hoped that it would be the same for you, if not better. A light knock at the door caught our attention.
"You highness, they have arrive." Dena, a young chamber maid told us.
"Thank you Dena. We will be there shortly." Your mother informed.
"Yes m'lady." Dena nodded before leaving the room.
"Y/N, at least promise me that you will give the prince a chance." She pleaded cupping your face.
"Yes, I promise." You sigh.
You prepared yourself as you descended the spiral staircase. With thoughts of what life would be like with the young prince. Was he strong and brave, or was he quiet and kind? As you got closer to the bottom of the stairs you could hear your father introducing your mother and himself.
"Robert, Maura, this is my wife Liliana."
Turning back as you reached the bottom of the stairs, your father smiled, "And this is our daughter. Y/N"
You curtsied, greeting the King and Queen, when you saw a young man with thick blonde hair, standing near the window facing the garden.
"Our son, Niall." King Robert coughed, gaining the young man's attention.
Shyly returning to his father's side. He ran his fingers through his hair and smiled before reaching for you hand.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you princess." He said kissing your hand.
"The pleasure is mine." You smiled.
"Y/N darling, why don't you give the prince a tour around the garden, whilst we speak with the king and queen." Your mother suggested.
"Yes, mother." You nodded.
Prince Niall offered you his arm, and you gladly accepted, before heading towards the garden. As the two of you approached a row of stone benches, you noticed Bayard. A young stable boy, who had stolen your heart years ago. His handsome rust coloured hair, and bright green eyes were mesmerizing. His arms were strong, and his smile was as warm, as he was kind. He had recently been taking care of a young foul, whose mother had passed. He bottle fed him three times every day and bathed him every night. He had even mentioned that to you that he had slept in the stable with him. He had always cared so much, and when you saw him you couldn't stop from blushing. The prince, must have caught you staring, because he politely cleared his throat before saying,
"Pr-Princess? Is everything alright? You look a bit warm."
"Oh! Uhm, no. I'm quiet alright. Thank you, your highness." You said pulling your gaze from Bayard.
"To you, I'll always be Niall. Just Niall..." He corrected.
"Right, just Niall then." You agreed.
You sat down on one of the benches, and gestured for Niall to join you.
"The stable boy. What is his name?" Niall asked suddenly.
"Sorry?" You asked in confusion.
"You care for him don't you?" He said looking to his feet.
"Niall, I-"
"I understand, caring for someone that is..." He sighed.
"...Her name was Ella, and she was a servant to my parents. I loved her more than, I thought that I could have ever love someone. She was always so sincere, but uhm." He said starting to choke up.
"It's okay." You whispered.
"S-She got very sick. I would see her as often as I could, even taking care of her every once in a while, but one night she was just...she was just gone. "
You clasped Niall's hand, "Oh Niall, that's so awful. Ella sounded like a wonderful girl."
He nodded in agreement before standing again. He walked up to a small bed of flowers that were planted in between the benches. He kneeled down, plucking one of the small, snow white daisies that grew upon it. Inspecting it in between his thumb and index finger, he glanced up at you.
"My heart is still mending over Ella, but what of you? Of your stable boy? Of this marriage?" He asked.
"This marriage is for the good of our kingdom, not for the good of us. I know that we are going to be married. It is not up to us, but I am in love with Bayard." You told him.
Niall twirled the flower in his hand, thinking. He walked over and held the flower out as he bowed.
"Which is why I will be apprehensive in my pursuit." He smiled.
"W-What?" You stammered, accepting the flower from his hand.
"Yes, the hurt of losing Ella was great, but I promised her, as she promised me that we would find love again. Like you said, there is no stopping this marriage, and I can't not stop you from loving Bayard, but could I get you to love me?" He pondered aloud.
Your fingers traced the petals, as you felt yourself blushing once more.
"As of today, we are engaged. By your twentieth birthday, I hope that we could love each other and repeat our vows with pure hearts." He smiled, kissing you hand once again.

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