Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Does He Know

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Harry: "I've seen you around a lot, well in the magazines at least." You will never be able to get rid of the media enough for this to not be the first line you hear in a bar. You nod with a slight smile and sip on your drink. This was the only place you could think of, and you had to get out of the house. The silence was bringing around too many thoughts. "You're the girl with the shitty boyband friend," the guy continues. Your eyes move from your drink to him, your eyebrows raised at his description of Harry. "He's trash, if you ask me, not wanting to be with someone like you." Normally you would write off anyone the second they started to drag Harry. However, these words were sounding better with each sip of alcohol. "Yeah, well, you win some and you lose some," you say, downing the rest of your glass for the third time. "He doesn't deserve you anyways. He's not even that good at singing; you can definitely find better." Were you even looking for anyone, other than Harry that is? You aren't sure. But the guy in front of you isn't looking too bad, and he's definitely telling you everything you want to hear. You take his hand, the alcohol definitely kicking in. You pull him away from the lounge you had been sitting in and out of the club entirely. "Where are we going?" He asks as he grips your hand tighter and matches your pace. "You're questioning it?" He laughs and shakes his head. The driver you had gotten for the night was waiting alongside the road, the perks of coming from money, no waiting on an Uber. The cab of the SUV is pitch black once the doors are shut. As the driver pulls off you immediately bring your leg over your new acquaintance to sit in his lap and face him. His hands run down your back and you press your lips to his. This isn't how you act and you are fully aware of that. However, this isn't you; this is the alcohol. "Bet you've never been like this with that British boy," he says catching his breath. You roll your eyes and let that comment slide. He will learn tonight to never mention Harry again while with you. Your fingers are running through his hair and his hands are all over your body. The illuminating screen on your phone brings light to the car. You look down to see the screen and immediately flip the phone over; he isn't welcome tonight. You continue to get to know your new toy in the backseat until the car comes to a stop. You look out the window and see that you are now in front of your apartment complex. "Come on," you say as you climb off and open the door. You take his hand once outside and lead him into the building and over to the elevators. "This place is nice," he comments of the lobby. You say nothing as you press the button to go up. Your phone buzzes in your hand, and you look down to see a pending voicemail. The elevator doors open, and you walk in. "Twenty-two," you say as you bring your phone up to your ear. "Hey, hope everything is alright. I just wanted to let you know that I will be in LA in a few days and would like to come stay with you. Let me know if it's alright that I do. If I don't hear back from you then I'll assume that it isn't. Hope you're having a good night. Bye." You bring the phone down slowly. Harry had just asked if it was alright that he stayed with you. He's never done that. You stick your phone in your clutch; you won't be calling him back.
Liam: You've been on the road for nearly two hours now, and the outskirts of London are in front of you. In this moment you can't remember much of the fight you just had. The only thing sticking in your mind is the sound of the front door slamming behind you. You hadn't slammed it; Mark had as he shouted at you to get out of the house. You had never fought like this with him before. It was so out of character for the both of you. Tears are still falling just as they had this entire drive. You think back to earlier in the afternoon. Mark had come home and you were in the kitchen making dinner as always. You didn't mind the role. He had come in furious, though. Not at you, but at work. It quickly moved to you once he saw that you were cooking up something similar to the previous day. His eyes were red, and his body jittery. And you had no earthly idea what was going on with him. You had tried to calm him down over the food, but it wasn't successful. You wondered what had happened at work to make him act like his; you had never seen him in this way before. He had kicked you out about a half hour after coming home. You fought with him, though. You recognized that he didn't need to be home by himself with all of that anger boiling inside of him, but he wasn't having it. After the insults started coming, you knew you weren't safe. The tears began to fall as you walked out the front door and to your car, the slamming of the door behind you ringing through the neighborhood. You're in London now with only one place to go. You pull out the parking pass from your glove-box and take the familiar route to the only apartment complex you've ever been to in this city. You pull down into the parking garage knowing Liam is in town for a break. You hope and pray that he is actually home though. You take the lift up to his floor, tears still streaming. You don't want to cry in front of him, that will only bring more questions than you want to answer right now. The lift chimes and you walk to the end of corridor. You stand in front of his door, sighing deeply as you wipe your eyes and hope they aren't too red. You knock on the door, still hoping he is actually home. You stand and wait, looking down the empty corridor. The door clicks, and your attention is brought back in front of you. The door quickly opens, and Liam just stares. He knows something is wrong. He pushes the door all of the way open and holds his arms out. You immediately begin to cry once more as you walk into his embrace. These emotions were more than just the fight with Mark, these were finally seeing Liam after all of this time. You could not help but cry. Liam says nothing as he walks you in and closes the door behind you. He walks with you over to the couches where the two of you sit down. "Okay, I only have one question, well, two" he says, taking your hands in his. "One, did he hurt you?" You shake your head. "Does he know you're here?" You shake your head once again. Liam nods, satisfied with those answers. He takes his hands from yours only to help you out of your jacket. He then brings his arm around you so that you can rest on him. He turns the TV on, knowing exactly what to put on to calm you. He knows you don't want to talk yet; you've had instances like this with him before. No matter how much distance you think is between you, the two of you always seem to put it behind you once you are finally reunited.
Niall: The piles of paperwork on your desk can only mean one thing, new projects. You had started three more since removing yourself from the residential project. "(Y/N), there is someone here to see you," reception chimes in as you are in the middle of reviewing changes for a hotel in Brooklyn. "Send them up," you request, not wanting to have to leave your office. Anyone coming to see you knows how to get to you anyways. You keep your eyes on the paperwork in front of you; these projects are definitely going to keep you busy. There is no knock on the door as it opens. Stephen walks in and immediately proceeds to close the shades you have across the glass wall of your office, making sure no one else can witness this interaction. "What are you doing here?" You question, rolling away from your desk, concerned of his persistence. He scoffs slightly and turns to you once he is finished with the shades. He takes a seat across from your desk and you immediately feel less threatened. "I came to talk," he says simply. There's a look in his eyes that you've never seen before. "We have nothing to talk about it," you remind him. "Oh, we do." You are silent and let him continue. "You see, you and me, we're in this together. And because of that, you're staying on this project with me." "I'm not doing that," you assert. "Oh, but you are. You see, if you don't, then I've got a little secret to tell those people that love to take your picture, one you want to keep between us." Your eyes grow wide. "You aren't leaving me," he reiterates. "Why are you doing this?" You question in disbelief. "Because you still haven't realized that you're mine yet. You see, this façade you've been putting on for five years isn't you. I know the real you. The side of you that was in my apartment that night after the club, that's the real you. It's also the side of you that I'm assuming you do not want anyone to know about, especially that so called boyfriend of yours. He would not enjoy the news at all." "What news? Nothing happened that night." Your mind travels back to a few weeks ago but it's all a blur, you're just hoping you are right. "Nothing happened?" He repeats with a laugh. "Oh, baby, if that was nothing, then it was a whole lot of nothing." You have no idea what he is talking about. Yes, you stayed over with him and you will admit that was your first mistake, but you will swear nothing happened. No matter how drunk you got, you would never do anything like that to Niall. You sit in confusion in front of him and he can only smile. "You honestly can't remember," he says in astonishment. "Well let me tell you, I can promise you've never done anything like that with your Irish boy. Those moves are reserved for men." You are completely disgusted with Stephen in this moment. But if what he is saying is the truth, then you are even more disgusted with yourself. He has a story on you that absolutely cannot get out. It will ruin you, and more importantly your relationship with Niall. You cannot let that happen. You have been working far too hard these last five years to maintain the best thing that has ever happened to you and you are not about to let someone who just stepped into your life ruin all of your hard work. You sigh deeply as a tear begins to form in the corner of your eye. "Where did we leave off?"
Louis: This is a short break, but you will take every chance you can get to wake up beside him. You didn't go to him this time; he came to you. He came to meet your family. You almost cried when he shook your dad's weak hand, telling him how much he loves you. He had sat in the living room for hours talking with your mother, and she was fascinated with him. You knew she would be; the disapproving front she used to put on was nowhere to be found during this visit. You lay in bed now, Louis still asleep beside you. The sun was getting up and so were you. You slowly get out of the bed and walk across the hallway to the bathroom. You take in your reflection in the mirror but as soon as you begin to pull your hair up you hear your phone ring. You quickly exit the bathroom and grab your phone to answer in hopes it hadn't woken Louis up. You walk to the living room, away from everyone else in the house. "Hello?" You say before pulling the phone away to read the name on the screen. Confusion consumes you. "Hey, we need to talk," Liam says. "About what?" "Louis," he reveals. "Why? What's going on? You know we aren't supposed to be talking about him like this anymore," you remind him. "Yes, I know, but the rest of us are a little concerned." "About?" "About how he has been acting lately." "How has he been acting? He seems fine to me." "Yeah, he would," Liam begins. "What's that supposed to mean?" You interrupt. "We're just worried that him buying a ring is him trying to suppress something else," Liam explains and you are immediately appalled at his thinking. "Excuse me? You think him buying me a ring is a cover-up?" You don't even want to know the answer to the question. "Well, no, not a cover up. We just think it's a little soon for that, so there may be something else going on." "That is absurd. How can you even think like that? Why can't you be happy for him? You know he told me you all twenty-questioned him about all of it, and I didn't want to believe him. You all are supposed to be his best friends. Why would you question him?" "We were just concerned," Liam says simply. "Well you have nothing to be concerned about. Louis and I are very happy and he bought me a ring because he loves him, I'm sure he assured you of that. He doesn't just go around buying people he meets off of the street expensive jewelry." "I don't want you to think that we aren't happy that he's found you and that he feels this way about you," Liam begins and you can only roll your eyes, they have a strange way of showing their so called happiness. "We are just trying to look out for our mate." "I'm not sure what you are trying to look out for. It's not like I've ever done anything to make you question my love for him. If you need to look out for anyone it's Harry. Everyone seems to have so many negative things to say about his relationship, why not worry about him?" Liam sighs, he doesn't know of anything else to say. This is not how he wanted this conversation to go. You've gone full on defense mode on him and he knows there's no hope. "Alright, well, I'm going to go, I guess." "I think that's best," you assure him before hanging up the phone without another word. Since when did the other boys start questioning Louis's happiness?

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