Earned It • Niall

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So imma care for you you you,imma care for you you you
"Count," he breathes deeply into your ear. "I want to hear you." You can hear him back away from the bed, his bed. The bed that you are bent over and tied down onto. Your arms are above above your head, the tie that holds you is loose enough for you to flip over and move around. but you would dare.
It's dark, due in part to the sweat soaked blindfold he has tightly tied around your head. Not even the little bit of light that did illuminate the room beyond, dared to shine through the dark fabric.
Your hair that took you over an hour to perfect, was now thrown back into a sloppy pony tail. The dress, that took all day, and over 60 texts to agree on with your best friend, is now in a heap near his front door. If you'd know this is what you were doing tonight, you would of just skipped the dress all together and gone for the lingerie and trench coat look. But it's to late for all that now.
You can hear him walking around in the room behind you, shedding clothing faster now that your not piled on top of each other. And you can only imagine what he looks like, all worked up from the steamy make out session that led to your current position. He always like to be in control, of all the little things about you that make him a bit crazy.
It brings you back to one of your first dates. He ordered all the food for you. He made sure you finished everything. And somehow he managed to get you all worked up in a room packed with people. He reached over the table and let his fingers trace your face. Without dropping those beautiful blue eyes he said, "It drives me crazy when torture those perfect lips." The moment the words left his mouth, you released your bottom lips from between both rows of teeth.
SMACK! The sting of his palm hitting your bare bottom brought you right back to reality. "Count to five," He said again, louder this time, from somewhere further off.
"One," you stifle out, the pain has subsided and its crazy that you find yourself waiting more. but it doesn't come right away. The way that your hearts beating You can't even hear if he's in the same room. "Niall?"
SMACK! "Two!" you yelp in reaction, and they keep coming. SMACK, "Three." Every spank leaves your ass stinging. Smack, "f-four." You stutter out. Before you reach 5 your legs are starting to tremble. The weirdest part is that nothing hurts. It's like being blindfolded heightened every sense. Every time he lets his strong fingers trial across your skin it gives you goosebumps.
"Yer so sexy y/n," he isn't as close as you imagined he would be. "Yer ok?" He's always so concerned.
"Niall," you want to tell him not to worry but he just keeps talking.
"Im not hurting you am I?" He's getting closer. "Because we can stop if ya want."
"Niall!" Everything gets silent for a second. "Don't worry. I would tell you." You say between breaths. Damn getting spanked is kind of a work out. Just as you catch your breath. SMACK!
"Five." The last number barely squeaks past your lips and your legs give out. He's everywhere and nowhere all at once, and before you know it he has you flipped back over. The blindfold is untied and on the floor now. And its bright. You can just barely make out Niall standing there.
He seems to be breathing just as hard as you are. His chest is glistening with sweat. His bright ocean eyes are now cloudy with lust. He takes a step toward you just admiring the sight. He runs a hand through his hair, exposing his dark roots, and licks his lips before saying.
"It's my turn to take care of you."

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