Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Half A Heart

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Harry:You have no idea this conversation is about to happen. If you did there would be absolutely no way she would be talking to him; the phone would be out the window in a second. But you're asleep, and she has stayed up to make this call on his time. "Hello?" Harry answers, not recognizing the number. "Hi, Harry, this is Sydney." "(Y/N)'s roommate?" He questions. "Yeah, hi. I'm sorry to call, is this a bad time?" She's never talked to him before and her nerves are showing. "No, I can talk. Is something wrong?" Sydney takes a deep breath and begins her reasoning for the call. "I'm really worried about (y/n)," she states and waits for a reply. "Why, what's going on?" "She's been out every night for the last three weeks, bringing a different guy home every time." Harry says nothing at the news and Sydney doesn't know what to do. "Are you there?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm here. She's really doing that?" "Yeah, she just got in an hour ago, and I'm sure there's a guy in the room with her." "Why is she acting like that? Do you know?" "Yeah, of course I do, you." "Me?" "Yes, you. She's doing this to forget about you, to get you off her mind." "Why does she need to do that?" "Because she's in love with you, but doesn't want to screw up the friendship by being in a relationship." "God, she's so overdramatic," Harry comments on your behavior. "Yeah, tell me about it, but I can't handle her acting like this anymore. You've got to step in and do something." "What would you suggest I do? I'm not over there for another month." "I don't know, just please do something. You have a connection with her that no one else has, surely you can figure out something to do. Call her, talk to her, tell her that you are there for her and that-..." "Don't you think I've already done that a million times?" "Well clearly you're doing something wrong because she's acting out, and I can promise you it's to get the attention back that you aren't giving her." "That's ridiculous, I tell her all of the time how much she means to me," he insists. "When was the last time you showed her?" Sydney counters, not knowing the exact answer but knowing it's been too long. Harry sighs deeply. "Exactly, you're the only one that will be able to get through to her. She hasn't listened to me about anything in weeks." Harry says nothing. "Please, for her?" Sydney knows of nothing else to say. She's pleaded her case and yours as well to him. "I honestly don't know what to do. I don't know how to show her; I've done everything I know to do." "You have not!" Sydney counters quickly. "If you had then none of this would even be happening. Harry, she's sleeping with a different guy every night; do you want that?" "No," Harry snaps in frustration. "Then get here and show her how much she means to you!" "I can't! I won't be there for another month." "Well I suggest you find a break in your schedule and come to see her. I'm not sure just telling her anything is going to work this time around, not like it worked any of the other times. You aren't a very good communicator." "Wow, well thanks for the positive words." "I don't know what else to tell you. She needs you Harry. She needs you."
Liam: You were used to this flat before you came to stay a few weeks ago, and you've been left alone here more times than he's been around. You lay in his bed now, he won't let you sleep anywhere else. "My flat, my rules," he would always say every time he would drag your bag out of the guest room and into his. The TV on the wall is on, but you've got it turned down low. You're just with your thoughts now. Liam has called to check in on you at least once every day, something you are getting used to again. He's been back in your life regularly for a few weeks now, but it feels like he never left. At least that's what you're telling yourself. You won't ever be able to forget the past, but forgiving is a different story. The phone rings, bringing you from your thoughts, and you smile as you look down at the screen. "Hello." "Hi, how is everything going?" "Just fine," you answer with a laugh. "What's so funny?" "You just never open with that when you call," you point out. "Yeah, you're right. Have you gotten out today?" "No," you answer truthfully. "(Y/N), come on," Liam teases. "I don't want to go out. I'm fine right here," you assure him. "You've been in that flat for a nearly two weeks straight. You should get out and explore. When was the last time you got out and explored London?" "The last time you and I were together in London," you answer thinking back. "Exactly, so get out!" "Geez, you're awfully bossy this morning," you tell him, bringing the phone down to put it on speaker as you lay back down on the bed. "I'm just trying to get you to get out. You've got an entire city outside and you're staying in watching Netflix I bet." He isn't lying, you've been binge watching television shows ever since you walked in. "I know you better than you know yourself; you're forgetting that." "Oh, I haven't forgotten anything like that," you assure him. "I'm sorry I had to leave you so soon." "Liam, you've said that every day since I've been here," you remind him with a slight laugh. "Yeah, I just wish I could be there with you." You smile at his kindhearted words. "Yeah, I know, but you know I'm doing just fine." "The next time I get a break, you know I'm there," he tells you. "Well I would think so; this is your place you know." "Yeah, I miss that smart ass attitude for sure." "Of course you do." This conversation will go on like this for hours if you would let it, subtle hints of flirting and telling one another how much they're being missed. "Did you just call to check in or is there another reason?" You inquire, pushing the conversation along. "Just to check in, you know how I am." Yes, you definitely do. "Well I'm sure you have better things to do and more important things to do." "Never," he answers quickly and honestly. You know that isn't true. "Well I know that you have an important job to do and most of the time it doesn't involve me." "Well that can be changed quickly," he assures you, and you can't help but laugh. "I was wondering when that was coming," you admit with a smile. "And you know I am going to keep it up," he tells you. "Yes, I know." "Well as long as you know that I'm not giving up on this, I can handle that for now." "Good." "But only just for now."
Niall: It felt strange walking passed everyone's offices when they were actually in them. You had been spending most of your time at Stephen's place, and the only time you could get back here was after everyone had gone home for the day. You can see the piles of paperwork on your desk before even walking into your office thanks to the glass wall separating your space from the center cubicles. Amongst the paperwork was a vase of flowers, gorgeous tiger lilies. You take a seat in front of your desk neverminding the stacks of paper as you smile and open up the envelope resting against the crystal. You're certain you know who these are from without it though. 'I cannot begin to apologize for not being around when you need me. I know our situation is different now, but that still does not mean that I shouldn't be making every effort to be with you. I'm sorry for ever thinking that putting space between us would be a good thing. I was stupid. I'm still stupid for having to write you this instead of telling you in person. I know how much you love these though, so that counts for something maybe. Now that I'm over here I will be seeing you as much as I possibly can. I don't expect you to take time off. I know what you're doing is what you love, so I'll come to you. I love you more than anything. You are my other half; you always have been. Please accept these as my apology and I promise I will see you soon. I love you.' You sit at your desk in absolute shock. These aren't at all from who you thought they were. Tears begin to fall from your eyes as you look over Niall's note once again. Why is he the one apologizing? He has no idea what is going on, yet he is the one taking responsibility for it. A knock comes on the glass and you look up, wiping your eyes. "Everything alright?" Stephen asks as he comes in and takes a seat in front of you. "Yeah, fine," you lie, putting the card back in the envelope and putting it in your desk. "These from him?" He asks. You nod, not saying a word. "They're pretty." "They're my favorite," you reveal, running your fingers over the peddles. What have you done? In front of you sits the man you think you have a connection with, while the one you've spent the last five years of your life with is taking responsibility for your neglected relationship. This isn't right. But what other option is there? No matter how nice the man in front of you seems, he is blackmailing you. You can't say a word. You have to spend your time with him. Niall cannot know about what has been going on between the two of you and this is the only way to make that happen. "You know this situation isn't all that bad," Stephen speaks up, and you slowly focus in on him, tears fogging your sight. "What makes you say that?" You inquire calmly. "Everyone knows you are the designer renovating my place, so spending time with me won't ever look suspicious. Not that it is, because you are all business, right?" He questions with a smile, and you can't help but return it. You want nothing more than to see Niall, to thank him for loving you through all of this, for being your other half. But once again, Niall isn't the one sitting in front of you.
Louis: You could have sworn you closed the curtains before getting in bed last night. Apparently not though, as the bright light brings you from your sleep. Annoyed at the sun, you roll away from the window and bury your face in your pillow. Your mind immediately goes to Louis, as it does first thing every morning. You always wake up wondering what he is doing. He's in the States now, which means he's probably still asleep. You miss him more than words can describe. You miss everything about him and everything that came along with being with him. This life back at home is just not for you. You had spent nearly two years in France before even meeting Louis. Home is not where you belong despite the popular opinion around here. You hate waking up and wondering what he's up to. You used to be able to turn over in the bed and know exactly what he was doing, sleeping beside you. You hate having to get on the internet to keep up with his daily activities. You used to be a part of those outings. Now you're stuck to watching videos on YouTube instead of actually going to the show every night. You have no idea how the other guy's girls live like this. This is not how you saw your life. You saw yourself on the road with him, taking pictures of him with fans, smiling from ear to ear because your life was more incredible than you could have ever imagined. Now look at it. You're back at home, not even in France. You're back in England, a place you only ever thought you would visit again. You live here now, at least until your dad passes away. You don't want to think about it like that, but he's the only thing that is keeping you here. You're losing yourself being stuck here. You had spent your years in college doing your best to find who you truly were, to work out of the depression you had fell into. It's all coming back though. Your true happiness, Louis, isn't around anymore. He's away, and you can't go with him. A knock comes on your door and you groan. The negativity had started to take over your mind again, you needed the interruption. "Yeah?" "Breakfast," your brother says once he opens the door slightly. "Breakfast? Since when do we eat breakfast together?" "Just get out of the bed," he counters in frustration, leaving the door open as he walks away knowing that would at least get you up. You roll your eyes and moan as you get out of the bed. Now that the door is open you can see the food in the kitchen. What is the occasion? You haven't sat down to eat as a family in years, well before your dad ever got sick. "What's going on?" You question as you walk into the kitchen. "What? We can't have a meal together?" "Technically we aren't," you say, acknowledging your bedridden father in the next room who can't even open his eyes anymore thanks to the medicine they're pumping into him. "Just sit down," your mother says as she begins to plate food for everyone. You sigh. If this is her attempt at making everyone closer around here, you aren't sure it's working. Everyone in this house needs to change their attitude before anyone can get close again. You resent everyone at this table; they don't understand you. They don't care that you're slowly suffocating under their harsh judgment of the life you once used to live. The one that has now been taken away from you.

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