Getting Lost On a Road Trip

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"Harold. We're lost, admit it and pull over for help." You said still trying to get some service on your phone.
You were trying to find your parents new house and somewhere along the way the two of you had taken a wrong turn. Now you were driving down through the countryside, with no service, and half a tank of fuel.
"We're not lost, we just taking a de-" He started
"If you say a detour, I. Will. Hit. You." You said.
"I was going to say de-cation." He laughed.
"What the hell is a 'de-cation' Harry?" You asked.
"It's know. A de-cation, like...never mind." He stammered.
You laughed, and began digging through the glove box for a map. Nothing. Not even a napkin. Damn Harry's car OCD. You saw a gas station up ahead, and insisted that he pull over.
"Alright, alright!" Harry said, pulling off to the station.
The station was pretty bare, and it had maybe one or two workers total. He parked the car, and you made my way inside. The girl behind the counter looked less than happy about you walking in. When you got up to the counter, the girl behind began shirking. You looked behind you, to see Harry standing there. He joined you at the counter, and flashed the counter-girl a five star smile.
He nodded and pulled out a directions the we had printed out earlier, "I was wondering if you knew how to get over to this town from here."
"Oh, well your going to have to turn back, and drive three miles on the interstate, then take a left on county road six...I'm sorry can I get a picture quick?" She said quickly.
"Uh, yeah." He said.
The snap a few pictures, before you and Harry left. You started laughing, and Harry raised an eyebrow.
"What's so funny then." He smirked.
Harry smiled, "Ah she wasn't that bad."
"Whatever Harold. Lets go, we're already late." You said nudging him towards the car.

Liam: "Pull over Liam!" you yelled frustrated. You unbuckled your seatbelt and sighed. "Y/n, I..." Liam started, you put up your hand, and sighed. "We're lost admit it." You heard him shuffle in his seat beside you. You were headed for a lovely camping trip, to where you was excited about three hours ago, but not so much now that Liam managed to get lost on the abandoned roads. "Yes, but I could've sworn that I took the right turn." You turned away from him and looked out the window. You wanted to get to the camp site early, before all the good spots were taken. "Well, I told you to bring a map, you're the one who said you knew everything." You frowned, upset with him. He sat back, in his seat. "Look let's just go on maybe we'll see a car and ask for directions." You shrugged, still not speaking to him and put your belt back on. He drove forward, glancing at you ever so often. You turned up the radio, and could barly make out you his jaw tensing. Soon you spotted a car coming down the road, and Liam managed to pull them over with you. "Hi, excuse me..." Liam smiled out the window at the old couple who greeted him. Luckily they told him where to go and he thanked them. You two were on the road again except this time your on the right track. He reached across the car and grabbed your hand. "I'm sorry, I should've listened to you." He said keeping his eyes on the windy road ahead. You smiled up at him, "It's ok, I'm sorry too." He grinned squeezed your hand. You squeezed back, excited once again.

Niall: You laughed as you grabbed Niall hand, running to the car. "I'm carpooling with Niall." You want to get some time with him before you both have to stay with his crazy fun filled family for a whole week. He smiled down at you with bright blue eyes. You got in the car and so did he. You sat in the driver's seat,and pulled out of the parking lot ready to hit the road. As you drove you and Niall laughed, and talked, passing the time. You weren't really paying attention to the signs like you should've been and missed an intersection at the last minute. "Dammit ..." you muttered. "Was that the exit? Can you make a turn?" Niall interrogated You nodded, and turned into a side where you thought led back to the turn but it wasn't. "Oh just great." You kept driving looking for any signs that you saw before. You drove around for a few more minutes until Niall took over. He managed to bring you both back and into the exit safely. Soon when you arrived at the hotel everyone was staying, you and nailed laughed. "Sorry we are late, we got a little lost." You smiled and bumped his shoulder.

Louis: Fans were surrounding the car and you struggled to get through and tried not to run them over. "How do you deal with this, it's crazy?" You ask keeping your head down. "I don't know, I'm going crazy. I'm swear, I'm so scared I'm going to run over one of them" Louis laughed. "Look, turn there." He turned, as best as he could, into an alley before he hit the gas and made a break for it. "Ah this is better." He smiled. You were headed out to town for a special dinner date. You tapped your GPS power button. It didn't come on. "Louis?" You said quietly. He cleared his throat. "Yes y/n?" He replied. You looked at him, "What's wrong with the GPS, It won't come on? We need it." He shrugged and tapped the screen, trying to work it. "Hm I think it's broken. Stupid shit, I just bought this!" He groaned. "You have no idea where you're going Lou." "Ok let's see." He watched for road signs and such but saw nothing. He drove on determined to find out, but after passing restaurants and buildings with no name for the one you're looking for he turned around. "What are you doing?" You tilted your head. "Babe, let's go somewhere else, let's face it were lost and I don't see it without the GPS." He nodded "ok, yea good idea." You smiled. Soon you two just decided to go to a regular restaurant where you knew the exact destination for.

You and Zayn had thought that it would be a fun idea to walk about Rome while you had the chance. Seeing as how the boys were only going to be there for a few days, you wanted to make the most of it.
You went shopping, visited the ruins and drank lots and lots of wine. The two of you had been having a blast until, you were ready to head back to the hotel.
"Uh Z, do you know how to get back?" You asked.
"Of course. It's over this way." He said pointing a long finger and pulling you along.
You walked hand in hand down the street for a few blocks, before you refused to go any further.
"Zayn, none of this looks familiar. I think we're lost." You groaned.
"Umm, don't worry about it, it's just a detour." He said with a slight panic.
"You have no idea, where we're going do you?" You laughed.
He smirked and gave you a small wink, "Not exactly."
You laughed, and pulled out your phone to text Paul, but Zayn stopped you. He took your phone and slide it into his back pocket.
"Don't text Paul just yet. He'll be sending people to look for us soon anyways, so lets just enjoy it. Okay?" He asked with wide amber eyes and giving you a peck on the cheek.
"Alright, fine. Besides, you're the only one that I would want to be hopelessly lost with." You said before grabbing his hand, and pulling him further into the city.

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