Soundtrack Series • Midnight Memories • Story Of My Life

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Zayn: After the last few days you had experienced, it was so nice to be home, well Gwen's home. It had practically turned into yours as well. Half of the things in the refrigerator only you ate, and you had laid claim to half of the sink in the bathroom. Gwen assured you she didn't mind and that you could stay as long as you wanted. You had lived with her once before, not in this apartment though. The two of you were roommates at college, and she knew everything about your living habits. It was nice to live in familiarity. She hadn't asked a single question about your trip, and you were certain she knew you had lied to her about your reasoning for getting on a plane and leaving all of a sudden. Your family didn't even like Los Angeles, and she knew them well enough to know that. She hadn't questioned you though, and you were thankful. It was a mistake anyways. He had seen you and it had ruined everything. You never should have gone. A break up is a break up. It means you aren't around one another and you certainly aren't flying across the ocean and an entire country to see one another. Not that he would do that for you. You sit in your room, the door closed, while Gwen worked on some things in the living room. Your eyes are drifting as you rest on the bed. The jetlag was still not out of you yet. You could use a nap, it wouldn't mess up your sleeping pattern too bad. You settle down in the bed as the idea of a nap becomes an even better idea the farther down into the covers you get. A loud buzzing on your wooden night stand interrupts you. You bring your arm out from under the covers and shine the screen in your direction. You immediately come back out from the covers to sit up in bed. A name like his does that. You stare at the screen as it continues to ring. Do you answer it? Why would he even be calling? Of course, you know why he is calling. You slide our finger across the screen and hold the phone up to your ear. "Hello?" You answer, as if you aren't sure who is on the other end. "Hey," he responds simply. Okay, maybe he had forgotten about Los Angeles. You were prepared for him to come firing questions right out of the gate. "Can I ask you a question?" Maybe it won't be about Los Angeles. Maybe he wants to know about which pajama pants you've been favoring lately. Your thinking brings silence and he takes it as the go ahead to continue. "Why were you in LA?" Of course he wasn't going to be asking about your sleeping attire, you knew that well enough. You could hope though, couldn't you? You aren't sure of the answer to give him. You could lie. But how could you possibly come up with a lie that seemed legitimate? "Yeah, about that, I was with my family and we were staying in the hotel that was hosting your party. I didn't even know it was you all until I walked in." Something like that would not go over very well with him and you know it. You might as well be honest with him. Tell him the reasoning for making the split second decision to take him up on the invitation he had extended to you months ago when you were still together and more importantly, still happy. The truth always goes over well. Go ahead and tell him. "I just wanted to see you."
Harry: You check the time as your phone continues to buzz in your hand. The late hour only means one thing these days, he's drunk. There was once a time when you would answer calls like these. Not now. You're past wanting to put up with his pointless rambling. He hadn't been taking the hint though. This was the third time this week you had ignored his drunk call. You can't deal with it anymore. The change is heartbreaking. He seems to be doing alright. He isn't bothered by the fact that he only calls you when he's had too much to drink, or that he hasn't been staying with you while he's been in town. His show was less than fifteen minutes from your apartment, yet he hadn't even mentioned staying with you. All you got were a bunch of slurred phone calls and voicemails after the fact. It hurt you, of course it did. He was your best friend, the one person you told absolutely everything to, but now it feels different. He had let his ex back into his life, even though the last time you had actually talked to him he couldn't be bothered with her, he had still let her back. He had yet again gone against everything your friendship stood for, simply because you said you couldn't be in a relationship with him. What was so wrong with that? You never caught on to why he had reacted so hastily as soon as you gave your final answer. The phone buzzes again, it was one of his persistent nights. You aren't going to give in though. You can't talk to him like this, it hurts too much. Knowing he only thinks about you after he's had a few too many, that just hurts too much. You would like to put genuine thought into how either of you had let your friendship fall this far, but that isn't something you need to be thinking about. You're too emotional. You've never shed a tear over Harry, until all of this drama came along with this girl. You are certain he's never cried over you. You had never given him a reason to. Once your phone buzzes for a third time, you wait for it to stop and switch it off; you're done for the night. Sitting in silence is a bad place for you. You never know what your mind is going to get into, but you're certain it is going to have something to do with Harry. It always does. Why does it always have to be Harry? You need someone else. A thought like this had never crossed your mind. That's what you get for sitting in silence. It's the truth though. Now that Harry obviously doesn't want to be around, you need someone else. You've lived most of your life as a recluse, not minding to always stick to yourself except for the times that Harry came into town. And even then, when he went out you would stay in. How is letting someone else into your drama going to help? You are only opening yourself up for more heartache. If the one person you thought was never going to break your heart, shatters it without worry, there is absolutely no hope for anyone else. Stupid thought.
Liam: The resounding 'No' you had given him still echoes through your mind. You had been harsh with him over the phone, but you were only letting your emotions do the talking. There was nothing wrong with that. You take your seat on the plane; it was well past time to get out of Los Angeles. You still couldn't believe that you had even traveled out here. What a waste of time. You had thought that you were here to support him, because even after everything he had done he was still your friend. That didn't seem to matter now that you sit and think about it more. You had missed the flight you had booked to get out of here, which was unfortunate to say the least. America doesn't really like it when you don't leave their country when you say you will. You had gone through so many questions with a very stern man while sitting on your plush hotel bed. You weren't sure how many ways you could apologize for sleeping through an alarm. You're sure you had tried every way in the book, but he wasn't having it. He had booked you on the next available flight out, one with a six hour layover in London. You could drive home in that time. But you didn't have a car in London, so you would have to sit and wait. This would only give you more time to think about Liam. Liam was a dangerous subject these days. He had drained absolutely everything out of your friendship in the last few months, and you hated it. It was never meant to be like this. He could argue all he wanted that Mark was the cause of it all, but you know he can't possibly be that thick. He had certainly acted that thick, so his actual thought process was up in the air. You had never gotten the explanation you had wanted for the cause of it all. He had only given you his bullshit about Mark "not being the right one for you" and that the distance he had put in between the two of you was a "good thing". You wanted nothing to do with him at that point, and he knew it. You were disgusted. Never did you think you would harbor such feelings towards Liam, but at that point how could you not? You lightened up once you had finally made it to France, just as Mark had planned. He was quick to take your mind off of everything as you spent the days exploring the city. However, the dream you had of Liam twisted your mind, and in the worst way. Your first thought after fully waking up from it was that maybe you were being too harsh. Hence why you got on a plane to fly to LA. But you are leaving now, everyone is walking through the aisles and putting their carryon's in the overhead bins. People are finding their seats, while others are settling in for the eleven hours you are all going to be stuck together in this metal tube. Eleven hours. That's eleven too many. You are going to have to find something to keep you busy. You can't afford to keep thinking about Liam. You have no idea where your friendship stands as of now. You had told him that getting back to the way things were before was not possible. You genuinely believed it. You pull the book you had left out of your carryon from under your seat. You were ready to tuck into a different world. A tap on your shoulder keeps you from even opening the cover. "Are you (Y/N)?" The girl sitting across the aisle asks with a smile. There would be no escaping your world on this flight.
Niall: Groaning was not going to make the alarm stop screaming in your ear. You were used to the alarm though; you had heard it all weekend. You roll over once you are finally able to reach your phone. Your arm reaches across the bed, but only hits the mattress it had left on the other side. Your eyes open only for you to shut them with a deep sigh. The bed is empty. Of course it is, you are back in New York. The bed is always empty. You aren't sure what you were expecting when you woke up this morning. Niall certainly wasn't going to be lying beside you; he's back on the road, on the other side of the world by now. You had dealt with this feeling before. It was a regular occurrence with your old life. Your old life, that doesn't even sound right to think about. How can you have an old life when everything still feels relatively the same? It isn't though and that's the problem. It's only felt the same. You've spent so much time with him these last few days that you were starting to get back into the routine of the life you left to pursue your dream. You bring your arm back into your chest, no need in reaching for something that isn't there. You have to get out of this bed, you have to be at work in two hours. Why did you say you would come in today? You had just gotten back across the country last night and the amount of sleep you had now completed was definitely not enough to function in a work environment. You couldn't call in though, you hadn't been in the office at all since Niall had been in the States. That hadn't been a problem, up until today. Your progress on the Washington Square project depended on you getting out of this bed. But you had absolutely no motivation. Niall isn't a morning person, but somehow when he's around you, he became one. The silence you had been lying in is ruined with the sound of your phone yet again. It wasn't your alarm, however. You stretch to the night stand and pull the phone from the charger. "Morning," you answer groggily, sleep was still impeding you. "It's time to get up," he says cheerfully. "Uh uhh," you whine, rolling over and pulling your legs into your chest to keep all of the warmth in. "Come on now, you can't be late for work." Why was he so reasonable at this ungodly hour? Oh, of course, he was probably in midafternoon where he was; wherever that is, you're too tired to think. "Since when do you call to make sure I'm up?" You inquire. If you aren't careful you are going to fall asleep with this phone pressed against your face (wouldn't be the first time). "I used to always call to wake you up," he reminds you. "Yeah, when I was back in London." "Well what's the difference now?" He questions honestly. You had no answer for him; it was just so nice to hear his voice again. You hadn't really even been away from him for that long. It was just the time you had spent away from him before LA that was bringing back all of these emotions. You wanted to stop time then and just be in that moment forever. Not being able to see him, at his request, was killer. But Los Angeles was a fresh start, another one. You were certain that everything between you and Niall was going to work out. You had been doing it for this long, so what was actually going to stand in your way of continuing? "Come on, it really is time to get up," he insists. This would be much easier for him if he was actually here with you, but then again the roles would probably be reversed. You groan and shift once again in the bed, rolling over to the edge of the bed and sitting up. "Are you sitting up now?" "Yes," you answer reluctantly, and he can hear the annoyance in your tone. He laughs and you can't help but smile slightly. His laugh could make even the sluggish of mornings better.
Louis: You had gotten the call only a few hours ago that had brought you to the airport unexpectedly. You had just started to fall asleep after the long night, the wake up call only a few hours ahead of you. It's safe to say you missed that call. You are meant to be flying in the completely opposite direction, headed to Asia. England was not Asia, and not the place you wanted to go, but you needed to be there. Your mother had woken you up saying that your dad had been rushed to the hospital and that it wasn't looking good. You had immediately sat up in bed which in turn had woken Louis. By the time you had ended the call, tears were falling from your eyes and you were hustling to get out from under the covers to pack everything up. You had left most everything in the room with Louis, but you needed something to carry on so you wouldn't be stopped by TSA. Louis had offered up one of his small gym bags he had brought with him from the bus on this short stay in Los Angeles. You could see the worry in his eyes, but you admit you weren't sure if it was from the phone call or the fact that your spring and summer plans had just been changed dramatically. The same look in his eyes from last night is still present; he is broken. There's nothing either of you can do and he knows it. Maybe that is what is hurting him the most. Throughout this time you have been able to spend with him he has had a lot of say in everything. That isn't going to happen anymore. You have to go. You stand in front of him, the security line waiting. You didn't have much time to spend saying goodbye. You weren't meant to be saying goodbye so you aren't even sure how this is supposed to go. You are looking in his eyes, just as you have been since getting into the car with him a half hour or so ago. "I want to go with you," he says stepping into you. "I will call you when I land," you respond, not wanting to even entertain his idea. His head falls, hurt that you ignored his plea. "Babe," you begin, lifting his chin with the tips of your fingers, "I love you." He nods but he is lost. It's almost like he's forgotten how to function, even with you still standing in front of him. It's like just the thought of you leaving has rendered him helpless, or more accurately, hopeless. You don't want to think about that though, you have to go. You lean into him, pressing a kiss to his lips and he kisses you back, defeated. "Come on, cheer up," you insist. You have no idea what sort of condition your dad in actually in thousands of miles away, but you certainly didn't need Louis acting like this. He needs to be your support system right now, not the other way around. He kisses you one final time before you have to step away. You face him as you take a few steps back before turning around and heading into the security line. You turn around as the officer checks your passport and ticket. His hands are stuffed into the pockets of his gray sweatpants. You send him a kiss, and he just nods. He isn't even going to wave back. You take your passport and ticket and turn around. You hadn't expected to get a call this morning and you definitely weren't expecting your ticket to be sending you back home. You aren't sure what this is going to do to Louis, but obviously the process has already begun. You can't think about that now, though. You have to get on that plane to be with your family. Surely he understands.

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