He Meets Your Parents (Punk)

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Harry: "That was fun." A voice came behind you and warm hands encircled you. His chin resting on your shoulder. You and harry, your boyfriend, had just come from your parents' house and to say the least you enjoyed it. Your parents were the kind who wanted the best for you and things and you, and Harry was worried they wouldn't like him. Although for different reasons, harry was insecure They though they wouldn't like him because of his image. He wore his signature leather jacket and his tattoos peaked out the top and he declined to take out the septum piercing. (You thought they wouldn't like him because of the previous boyfriend your parents wanted for you), and that and of course they hadn't met him after three months. You tried as hard as you could to keep harry away from them. But now there's no escape, as you were in town at the moment. You arrived there expecting the worse, but your parents surprised both of you by accepting Harry and talking to him as though they met him countless times already. Harry relaxed and enjoyed the evening, forgetting that he ever said they would judge him on his image. "Yea it was." You say smiling and kissing him.
Liam: "Are you sure they won't mind me" you sat down the water you were "Of course Li, they won't mind." You wanted to groan but that would make Liam more anxious. He was preoccupied with the thought of your parents not liking him due to the amount of tattoos he has and the lip ring he just got a few days ago. To you he was in fact very hot with these and you couldn't imagine him without the additions. "Liam," "– Y/N what if they don't approve? What if they say I'm not good enough for you?" You shook your head "No Liam, they're going to like you. I'm sure..." You sighed and looked at the door. Soon enough the door to the restaurant was opened and your parents walked in. You stood up and greeted them giving them a hug each. "Hi Mom, Dad" they smiled "And you must be Liam, it's nice to finally meet you." He nodded nervous "Same to you" Your mother smiled and pulled you in for another hug. "He seems really nice, and he's really cute." You smile and nods as you sit and enjoy dinner, watching your parents treat Liam exactly like you knew they would.
Niall: "I don't think they'll like me" You turn your head, and frown. You were on your way to meet your parents at their condo, yet your stubborn boyfriend had other plans. "Niall, yes they will." He huffed clearly not believing you. You wanted them to meet Niall, it was way past due. After dating for over five months, you begged him to meet them, and every time he declined. And you didn't know why. "What if they judge me?" You shook your head "They're not like that. Why, would they judge?" He shrugged "I mean ... I'm like this and your like ... that" You smirked "If you mean super hot then I don't mind, but what? Niall c'mon of course they'll like you" He held your hand small hand in his. "But I mean, I have all these stupid tattoos and piercings. Won't they not like that?" You looked at him. Sure he had an immense number of tattoos and a decent amount of piercings on his beautiful face but that made him unique and even more special "Oh Ni -" you stopped and turned the corner to the destination. You squeezed his hand "Come on." You two went up to the large door and knocked. After a few seconds it swung open revealing you mother with the biggest smile on her face. "Oh darling!" she hugged you tightly and grabbed you blonde boyfriend. "You must be Niall oh dear what a cutie" You giggled as she dragged you both in "Sit, sit, I'll bring some cookies." You sat just as your dad came into view. "Ahhh there she is! And who do we have here?" Niall stood up, his hands a little shaky. He cleared his throat. "Niall, sir" You dad laughed and pulled him in for a hug. "Nice to meet you son, about time you come to visit" Niall visibly relaxed his posture came back to normal and you smiled. " I know , sorry it took forever" He had come back to your side and sat down, once your mom came back with the cookies. You kissed his cheek, and whispered. "Told you so," He smiled and took a bite of the pastry, winking at you.
Louis: "I can't believe you dragged me here." You rolled your eyes, "Relax babe, it's just my parents." "Just?!! Just nothing, they're the people who gave birth to you, who made you!" He groaned. "Yea" You shrugged. Louis coughed a bit, "They are like... like the supreme. They are expect the best for you. I'm not like your last boyfriend-" you stopped him with a glare "No, your not. He was a prick and an insensitive jerk! He had the image." You scoffed, Louis swallowed hard, taking in everything that you are saying. "So! He went to rich parties and had upscale friends, who all wore knit sweaters, and sat on their high horses with their heads in their bums." he looked to the ground. His sleeves are rolled up, the way you liked them. Exposing several of tattoos. He was afraid your parents would reject him, saying he was too "punk" for their liking. You hugged him "It's –" Suddenly you heard your dad's loud voice. "Y/N!" You stood up and Louis groaned "Daddy! " you beamed. Hugging him as he held you tight. "How's my girl?" He asked looking at Louis. You smiled "Alright. Mom, dad, meet Louis. Lou my folks." He stood up "Hi" he gave a weak nervous smile. Your dad pulled him in for a hug "We hug in this family." Your dad whispered, earning a laugh from Louis. The dinner went fine as you knew it would. Louis found out that your parents really didn't care about his image, as long as he treated you right.
Zayn: "Such a pleasure to meet you ma'am." You watched as your boyfriend, Zayn, greeted your step mom and dad. You wouldn't help but smile "Hi daddy, hi mom." You glanced over at Zayn and could see just how nervous he was. He was fiddling with his hands and picking at his nails. You wrapped your hands around his." I'm sorry we were late, I had a wardrobe malfunction." You admitted. Your dad dismissed it "Ah I understand," You nodded while your parents stared at Zayn" Tell us about yourself son." He looked up, his amber eyes meeting yours. You could tell everything about Zayn in under a minute, but tonight you stayed quiet. He was nervous, thinking about all the reasons he wouldn't live up to the potential of a good future son in law because of how he looked. Tattooed arms and adorned with piercings in the brow and nose Zayn was the Adonis of punk and rock and roll. You wondered how you got so darn lucky. "I'm an artist" He broke out. "An artist! So you draw and paint?" Your father asked. Zayn nodded. "I have a friend that owns a gallery. How about we go there sometime and look around. And maybe you can show me some of yours." Zayn smiled, and his body relaxed. " I'd love that." After dinner your dad hugged Zayn and said " You got a nice young man here y/n ! He's a keeper." Zayn gently squeezed your hand. "I know."

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