Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Still The One

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Harry: "I'm sorry." You hear as you begin to drift to sleep. "What?" You question, rolling over onto your other side to face him. He's lying on his back, his arms over top of the duvet. He turns his head to look at you. "I'm sorry," he repeats. What on earth could he possibly be apologizing for. "For what?" You inquire, sitting up slightly in order to keep yourself from falling asleep. "For every time you ever thought I never cared about you." Oh. This is going to be one of those conversations. "Isn't it a bit late at night to be talking about stuff like this? I mean, we're alright now, right?" "Are we?" Why would he be questioning things? What have you done to make him question? "What do you mean, 'are we'?" You sit up completely in the bed. You're in defense mode. "I don't know, I mean, I feel like I've given you everything I can. Granted sometimes I was a real dick. But you've seen everything we can be, yet you still stay away from commitment. I don't know what else to do. I mean, we have been like this for years, shouldn't there be a point where we move beyond this?" He's never going to let this go. It's more to him than just being in a relationship now; you can see that. You take in a deep breath and let out a sigh. You really don't want to be doing this right now. "Harry, I think you're putting too much thought into this." "But I'm not," he interrupts before you can continue. "I can't put too much thought into something that everyone else around us feels the same way about. You can't tell me your family doesn't want us to be something more that we are, because they've questioned me personally about why it's taking so long." Of course they have. They've never been able to stay away from your business if it involved Harry. "And my family loves everything about you, you know that. Not to mention literally everyone on the crew from tour. I get questions asked to me every single day." Why is he telling you all of this? Well you know why, he wants you to change your mind. But why now? Why here? Isn't this a conversation that warrants a table, chairs, and possibly dinner? Why in bed, late at night, right before you fall asleep? He continues as your brain fills with more questions. "Even after everything that has happened between us, you are still the one I am going to come home to, literally and metaphorically." Only Harry Styles can talk metaphors at two in the morning. You've laid back down to listen to him talk. You know he isn't going to let you get a word in until he has gotten all of his out. You face him as he continues. "I honestly do not know what else I am supposed to do. I mean, yeah, I've apologized before, but do you need more than that? I don't know." He's really just letting his thoughts out now. He isn't going to expect you to respond to any of this until he is completely finished. "You know how much I want this to be something more than it is, and I know that clearly isn't enough for you to want the same thing, but surely it counts for something though. Yes, the past is the past, but it clearly still has you thinking." Little known fact about Harry, when you give him a response he believes is the wrong one, he will spend as much time as he has to convincing you of what you should have said. This has always been a prime example for you. He isn't aware that you've drifted. You're finally asleep. This doesn't mean you are going to ignore his words. They will haunt you, of course, just as they always do.
Liam: "How long are you actually planning on staying?" Natasha asks as she comes from the kitchen with a cup of coffee in each hand. "And don't give me that, I've been looking for places bullshit." You roll your eyes. "He refuses to even consider any option I find until after Christmas." "God, life is so hard for you," she groans sarcastically. "I'm not sure why you would ever want to leave this place. I mean you've got a hot guy walking around, it's free, it's in the middle of London, and you've got a hot guy walking around. (Y/N), this place is perfect for you." "That hot guy you're talking about has been my best friend since we were kids, Tash." "Doesn't mean he isn't hot," she says with a grin. You roll your eyes yet again and take a sip of the coffee she had brought to you. "It's no mistake that you're here, no matter what his fans think. You can't let that get to you." "What is with everyone thinking I'm letting them get to me?" "Well they've never really had anything bad to say about you until lately, no one expects you to just look that over. They're saying hurtful things." "But I do look over it; it isn't that hard." "Whatever you say," she responds and leans over to grab the remote from the coffee table. You want to ask her how long she plans on staying. She's been here a week, and all she has done is question you about Liam. "Sister time?" Speak of the devil. Liam walks into the living area, shirtless and sleepy as always at this time of the morning. He walks straight past Natasha and collapses down on your side of the couch, resting his head in your lap. "Cute," Natasha comments as she flips through the channel. "Yeah, she is, isn't she?" Liam responds, looking up at you as you take another drink from your cup. "Well not much just her, but the two of you together." She wasn't about to compliment you as an individual, especially after you had just argued with her. "What are we going to do tonight, ladies?" Liam asks, mainly focusing on you but knowing he has to include your sister as long as she is here. "Going out or staying in?" Natasha adds. "I saw we stay in; we've gone out a lot this week," you advise. "Are you sure you don't want to go out because you don't want anymore people talking?" "Drop it, Tash," you scold. Liam was already worried about how you were taking to the new negative aura around you. If he thought you were telling your sister something other than what you were telling him, it would give him even more reason to worry. "Everything alright?" Liam questions, looking up at you. "Yes, everything is fine," you assure him, glaring at your sister once he looks away. "We can stay in and invite people over. I can cook, and Tash, you can go get stuff from the party store." "So we're having a party tonight?" Liam questions. "Why the hell not?" You say with a smile. He returns your smile; he likes parties. "I'll go get my phone and start inviting people." "Why don't you just go get your phone and we can agree on who do invite," you suggest, knowing certain people in his phone were ones you would not get along with very well. He laughs as he sits up and makes his way back to the bedroom. "You two are still made for each other," Natasha comments. You get up from the couch, taking a drink of coffee to hide your smile. Of course she was right.
Niall: Of course there were going to be photographers outside of the office this morning. They're always there waiting on you. You don't want them to follow you. They're going to, though. You have no choice, and there's nothing you can do about them. No one seeing these photos is going to like where you're going. You don't even like where you are going. But again, you have no choice in this. There's no sense in getting a cab; Stephen's flat is only a few blocks away. You had everything packed in your bag as you stepped from the lift and into the lobby of the firm. "Good luck," the receptionist says with a hesitant smile. You appreciate her gesture, though, every little bit helps. This is the first time you will be in Stephen's flat since he revealed the affair to the media. The continuous clicking begins, and you go into paparazzi mode: head down, fast walk, no words. You had zero intentions of answering any of their questions. They wanted to know everything about you and Stephen as well as how you were handing life without Niall. You wanted to scream at them, asking them how they thought you were handling it. As if staying in your own flat for nearly three weeks wasn't a big enough clue for them. They were very curious as to where you were going this early in the morning after having already made a stop by your office. "Are you going to Stephen's?" One asks, intrigued, as he continues to film you walking. They all knew this was the way to his place, but this was also the way to many other places in the city. You were approaching the complex, though. You were going to have to stop and go inside. There was no getting out of this. Your heart begins to pound as the entrance to the complex comes into view. You need to make this as effortless as possible, just like it used to be, unfortunately. As you veer off to the left, the clicks go wild, and the men start shouting questions at you. Even if you had planned on answering them, you couldn't, they were incoherent at this point. The doorman opens the door, and you walk inside to the familiar lobby. You head straight to the lift. You know you have to make a phone call. It won't be long for those pictures and videos hit the internet. Niall is going to see them. He's going to think you are back to your old ways. You have to explain to him what is going on. You know he isn't going to answer you, even though there is now plenty of time in his schedule to do so. Once back where you left off you take your phone out of your back pocket and find Niall in your contact's. You were never going to lose his number, no matter what happens between you. You're lucky to have not been blocked from his phone. You hadn't been pestering him, though, so maybe that helped your case. The rings come and go as expected and you are prepared to leave the most important voicemail of your life. "Hi, I know you don't want to hear from me, but I thought I should make you aware of something." You pause to get your words together. "You're going to see pictures," you begin, thinking back to the last set of pictures he had seen of you, absolutely horrendous. "You're going to see me going back into Stephen's flat. It's only because I have to. I signed a stupid contract that said that I have to be the one to finish this place, otherwise he has the right to take legal action, which he has already said he will do if I don't finish what I started. Again, I know you probably don't want to hear from me, but I didn't want you thinking I was writing you off or had completely forgotten about you. That will never happen. You're always going to be my only one." Those words bring you pain as they leave your mouth. You end the call and fight the urge to cry. You are right back where you started from, with absolutely no hope of Niall returning to ease any sort of pain these next few weeks are bound to cause.
Louis: He always has the biggest smile on his face at these charity events. This is a small one, very intimate. Being with the guest of honor comes with just as many perks. You get just as much attention, and are asked just as many questions. You don't mind it, though. Most of Louis's charity work is with children, so there is never a dull moment at these things. You're making your way around the dining hall; they are hosting a dinner is his name tonight. You smile as the children and teens recognize you and wave you over one by one for a chat and a picture. You don't have to fake this part of your life. You genuinely enjoy doing this. If you could do this for the rest of your life you would be absolutely content. Bringing smiles is all you've ever wanted to do, because in turn that's what brings a smile for you. "You're the luckiest girl in the world," the teenage girl that had just motioned you over says as soon as you reach her table. "Thank you." That's all you've learned to say when being told that. You find him across the room and smile. "He's pretty great, isn't he?" You question and the girl laughs. You take a seat beside her. "So what's your name?" "Katherine," she tells you. "Ah, gorgeous name," you say with a smile. "Too bad I don't always feel as gorgeous," she reveals, the smile you had given her fading. "Oh, now. There's no need to talk like that. You are beautiful. That smile of your's is stunning. Do not ever let anyone see you without that smile. You got it?" You urge with a smile of your own. Her smile returns. "Excuse me, Miss, is this lady bothering you?" You questions as he comes up behind her. Her entire face lights up, more than you would able to do no matter what inspiration you tried sharing with her. "No, not at all," she responds. "You're actually really, really lucky to have her in your life," she compliments, just as she had done with him. "You know what, you're right," he says into her ear but loud enough for you to catch as well. He bends down between the two of you and now the entire room is focusing in. "Are you having a good time so far?" "Oh yes, thank you so much for doing this for all of us; this is incredible." He smiles brightly. "Oh it's the least I can do, isn't it?" "Well either way, it's amazing that you still think of us enough to do this." She was very appreciative, and even though you know everyone else in this room is as well, it's nice to hear someone her age express it like she is. Louis stands up and opens his arms encouraging the girl from her seat. She stands and wraps her arms around him, and he holds her tightly. He kisses the top of her head before letting go and taking a step towards you. "I can't believe you get that every single day," she says in astonishment and a little bit of envy. You and Louis laugh. "Yeah, she still gets my hugs and kisses, but you're in my heart, as well. Don't ever forget that," he assures her, and she nods as she takes a seat. Louis holds his hand out for you, and you stand up and take it. "It was nice to meet you, Katherine, I'll talk with you later, okay?" "Okay!" You walk away from the table holding onto Louis. "That was sweet of you to say to her," you acknowledge, letting him know you were proud of him. He looks over at you and presses a kiss to your forehead. You love intimate events like this where he is the center of attention. All eyes are on the two of you and even though you're faking, it almost feels like it's real.

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