Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Nobody Compares

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Harry: You didn't really think of yourself as the type to end up at one of these charity events. Here you are, though. Full length dress and stilettos to match. "You look great," Harry says as he wraps his arm around your waist before the two of you walked the red carpet. He had told you this before leaving the house, and before stepping out of the car. You had no reason to think otherwise. You smile up at him as he guides you in front of the cameras. You knew how these things worked, you've just never spent much time on things like red carpets. Harry had only taken you to two or three before, but people weren't that surprised to see you, seeing as you had been spending the last couple of weeks with him. You hear them shout his name right along with yours; they were dying for formal pictures of you both. You slowly turn with him, facing in every direction there is a camera. You know better than to smile very big. Harry doesn't smile at these things, so you have to compliment him. You have to show them you are very much aware of who you are standing beside. You feel him pull you slightly closer as he takes a few more steps down the carpet. He lets go of your waist and you turn from the cameras to look at him. He smiles and steps back, holding his arms out and gesturing towards the cameras. He wanted you to have your own moment. But if it wasn't for him, most people standing in front of you wouldn't have a clue who you were. You take center stage, though. Your hand goes straight to your hip and you pose for your life. The whole world is going to be seeing these photos, and that's not an exaggeration. After you feel like you have been standing in front of them for long enough, you move back to him. His outstretched arm welcomes you as well as a proud smile on his face. "You did amazing," he says into your ear. "I know a thing or two about these things," you assure him as the two of you move down the carpet. Once the cameras have stopped flashing in front of you, you walk into the banquet hall. Harry's arm still remains around you as the doors are opened for you. You aren't sure if you could get used to this life with him. He does things like this almost every night. All you've done with your nights for the last few years has been stay at home. This is far from your bedroom on a Friday night. "This way Mr. Styles, Miss. (Y/L/N)," a lady with a clipboard says with a smile as she leads you to your table. This is a major night here in the UK, every British celebrity you have ever heard of you are passing on your way to your table. You don't even want to imagine who you are sitting with tonight. Harry's hand remains firmly around you. "The two of you are here," the lady turns, pointing at the only two empty chairs at the table to her left. Right in front of the stage, of course. The rest of the table stands as you and Harry step up. A smile comes to his face as he greets everyone, introducing you along the way. You really have a variety at your table. Around you stands, Matthew Lewis, yes the Matthew Lewis, and his date; Gok Wan and his plus one; Nick Grimshaw, of course; and last but not least, of all the people in the world, Jimmy Carr. What a variety. After you smile and shake the hands of everyone, deciding to go around and give Grimmy a hug just as Harry did, you take a seat and let Harry make the conversation. No one at the table, not even Nick, knows you had turned Harry down once again. He's been treating you like the only girl in the world so far tonight, it would be hard to think anything negative was going on behind the scenes.
Liam: "And this is every time you go out now?" Your sister says as you exit the shop you had spent the last half hour in, only to be welcomed in the street by photographers. "Why do you think I told you to make sure you wore something you really liked, Tash?" "Yeah, that makes sense." You had told her before leaving Liam's place that if you all did encounter photographers just to keep your head down and keep walking. She had laughed at you. Things like that only happened when Liam was around and there was security anyways. "Well newsflash, Natasha, I don't get my very own personal body builder to follow me around," you had revealed to her, as if it were any real news. "Liam isn't around today so we're on our own." Needless to say there had been plenty of pictures taken of the two of you today. You get back in Liam's car, after refusing to answer questions about how long you are going to continue to live off of Liam without even considering a relationship with him. They know nothing about your life. Plus, wouldn't it be worse if you were using him and in a relationship? It didn't make any sense to you but everyone and their mother was going along with it."Do they always ask questions like that?" Natasha asks as you pull off, leaving the flashing cameras behind. "Unfortunately, yes," you reveal. "Are you serious? I mean I knew people weren't thinking very highly of you for being around so much, but everyone thinks you're using Liam?" "Yep," you counter coldly, bitter that this is what is has come to with the fans. "Damn, that sucks." "Yeah, tell me about it. At least you're only here for a visit." She says nothing as you continue to drive, the only thing on your mind being getting back to Liam's flat. "It's him," Natasha says, holding up your phone. She had been holding onto it in the store, and you had forgotten to ask for it back. "Answer it," you tell her, not wanting to have to fool with driving and a phone while your mind was on other things. "Hi, Lima," she jokes. "I hate that name," he tells her. "I know, what's up?" "Not a whole lot, is your sister around?" "Yeah, she's driving us back to your place, can you wait like five minutes, I think we are almost back." He agrees, and the two of them talk about nonsense until you pull in the garage and take the phone from her. "Well alright," she comments as you bring the phone to your ear. "Hey," you greet with a well-needed smile. "Have you enjoyed your day? I've been seeing pictures of you two all day," he reveals. "You spend too much time on Twitter." "You were trending, I had to check it out." Of course you were. "I'm sure it was all positive stuff," you say as you lock his car and head to the lift, Natasha already in front of you. "Don't let them get to you; you're better than that. You're way better than that actually. They just need something to talk about, and unfortunately that is you for right now. It won't last long. You just have to keep your head up." "They're trying to get your attention, Liam," you tell him. "What do you mean?" "By them talking about my day and making sure it trended, they knew you would see it. They want to make you think that I'm using you." "Well you have absolutely nothing to worry about there. I know better. You mean more to me than any of them ever will, and I don't ever want you to forget that." You wouldn't, you know better than to lose track of words like those.
Niall: You were just starting to get back into the routine of being back in the office. The staring has gone away and everyone around was used to seeing you again, no matter how different you looked. It's safe to say the split took a toll on your physical appearance. Kati stopped by your door every morning to check in on you; she made it seem so casual. You knew she was making sure you were able to actually work, though. That wasn't difficult to see. She has already dropped by this morning, so you have been left to work. You've got a small plastic surgeons office project in front of you. It is the first one Kati handed you when you came back. It's also the only one she has handed over since you came back. "Getting you back in the swing of things." That's what she called it. It was a far cry from the paperwork that used to pile your desk on a daily basis. You have one folder now. You're deciding on tiling options versus hardwood flooring options at the moment. Thrilling. Your eyes are glued to your desktop but are brought away by the knock at your door. Your heart stops as your eyes meet with the ones belonging to the person standing in front of you. "What are you doing here?" You question, rolling back in your chair to get as far away as possible. "I'm here to meet with my designer," Stephen says with a simple smile. "That's Kara," you reply shakily. Your heart is racing. You have no idea what to do right now. Stephen shuts the door behind him as he steps into your office and takes a seat in front of your desk, just as he had the very first time he came to see you here. "That's what we need to talk about," he reveals, the tone in his voice turning. "I'm not a big fan of Kara," he tells you. "Then you need to talk to Kati about that. I cannot help you." Maybe if you get back to work, he will see that he is not affecting you. You move your chair back up to your desk and continue to work. Stephen laughs. "You can help me, I know it." "If you have a problem with your designer, then Kati will assign you another one." "I don't need another one, I have one already." You look away from your computer screen. "Kara, but you said you didn't like her work." "She isn't my designer, of course, I'm not going to like her work." Your face is relaying pure confusion. "You are my designer, (Y/N)," Stephen tells you. Your confusion turns to a scowl, but you only make him laugh. "You look cute like that." You ignore his comment. "I am not your designer anymore," you assure him even though you know he was told this information. "See I thought you may say that. That's why I brought you this to look over." He brings his satchel onto his lap and pulls out a manila folder. "What is this?" You question as he hands you the folder. "That is the contract that you and I, along with Kati, signed. It states that you will stay on the project, my apartment, until it is finished." You look over the documents, searching for those exact words and your signature. Sadly you know it is in here somewhere. There it is, fourth page: 'All renovations will be completed, in full, by assigned designer (signature to follow), within the time allotted, unless an extension is worked out with owner.' Your heart drops. Of course you had signed this months ago. Never did you think this would be the outcome of being around Stephen. "You see, I guess this is where my dilemma is. You are my designer, yet you haven't worked on the apartment in almost a month, which puts it behind schedule. I'm willing to look past being behind schedule, but what I cannot look past is you not completing what we started." You shutter at how easily he uses that pronoun. "I have no choice but to take legal action against the firm if you do not return to the project. Don't make me do that." Stephen leaves you with the contract as he gets up from his seat and sends you a smile before exiting your office.
Louis: It is cold in the city tonight. At least your left side is being kept warm by Louis. You've been followed by cameras and fans all afternoon. Once you stepped from the house it started. You actually made a game of spotting them all day. Lunch was easy. You sat outside, under the heaters, smiling and laughing as you pointed out the people trying to 'secretly' take pictures of you. It was a fun time. It was also something friends would do, even acquaintances possibly. The two of you knew that, so in between your game you fed one another, and you even rested your legs across his as you waited for dessert. After lunch you had moved on to the shops. You're sure people are tired of seeing the two of you out shopping. It's literally all you do when you go out, unless there's something he has to do with the band. It has been a day of stopping for pictures and constant smiles. It should have been a day of sitting at home, you asking him about the future and the ring that is still around your finger. You should have been doing that. Instead he wanted to get out of the house, like he does every single day, so you kept quiet. You don't like bringing reality out onto the table when other people are around. Who even knows who is listening? The sun is down now, and you've said nothing to him other than things you would say if you were in a relationship. Anything to keep everyone's dream alive, including your own. "Where to now?" You question, unsure of the plans now. The flashes are easier to spot now. You would think they would be tired of following you around all day long. Anything to get a good picture, though. They aren't as pushy as the photographers in America, but they still ask some pretty ridiculous questions. No one has questioned the validity of your 'relationship', so as far as you are concerned let them ask what they want. You're doing your job, and that's all that matters. As long as everyone thinks the two of you are together and happy you have no reason to show them otherwise. You do that, and everything is ruined. You would have to go back home, and that is just not an option for you at the moment. Honestly, it won't be an option for a very long time. You're going to have to keep this up for a while. "Well it's nearly eleven, we can go back home, or find a club." 'Where is the best place for Louis and (Y/N) to go tonight?' You ask yourself. You always have to think of the image. You are a brand now. "Let's stay out," you say looking over at him with a smile. The cameras catch the moment between you. 'That'll be a good one,' you think to yourself. It breaks your heart to think that this is what you and Louis have come to. You're helping him and yourself, though. You have to remind yourself of this every single moment of the day. It's the only thought that forces your to put that smile on your face the moment you are greeted with fans or cameras. No one questions the happy. You just wish it was real; that, to him, you were actually the people you were pretending to be.

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