Walking Dead • Niall

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"Shhh shh shh–".
The only thing that can be heard are the far off snarling, snapping dead, and our shoes skirting across the broken pavement.
The city looks like a war zone. Deom the massive car sized in buildings and the corpses spread as far as I can see.
"It's just around the corner. In that alley theres a door. It's heavy but you can get it open. Run there. Don't turn around. Don't look back. Don't wait for me. Ill get in. Just shut the door. You have to go now." His voice sounds so serious, much more now than you've every heard it before. Every trace of emotion is sucked out.
No, no, no. Im not leaving him here. We don't split up that's the rule. Im not leaving him, not here, not now, not after all this .
"N-n-no no... No. Im not going without you. No!" The words shake out of my chest. "You have to come m-" My pleas were cut short by the ever so addicting feeling of his lips against mine.
"Y/N, I love you. So much. I need to keep you safe. And in order for that to happen you need to listen to me." His lips meet mine again, but only briefly. "Y/N, please go. Please go, so I have something to fight for." It's amazing how everything in the world has crumbled to nothing. We get covered in sweat and dirt, blood, and who knows what else. The world is just, a wasteland. But even through all the mourning, insomnia, paranoia, the brilliant blue spark in his eyes never dimmed. Not even once.
"Y/N, are you listening to me? If I don't make it back before morning, you need to go back to camp.You know the way we've done it a hundred times. Go now."
Those were the last words he said to me after they attacked.
So I did what my gut told me. Listen to Niall. I got across the street and into the alley, I can see the door he was talking about. You wouldn't notice it unless you knew it was there. It's barely open, but just as he said the door locks solid and heavy.
Maybe he was following me, I thought. Maybe he just needed to loop back for something. Then I heard it.
'BOOM' An explosion eruprts from what looks like a few blocks over. The parking garage that's attached to the mall begins to crumble. The street shakes under my shoes.
"NIALL!" I could stop the name from coming out. From that point on my actions felt more like a dream. Like I watched someone familiar muscle the door open and close it tightly behind her. Like it wasn't me remembering everything I've learned in the last eight months, and making sure the small room was secure before I slid to the floor and cried.
But all I can hear now is my heartbeat is a heavy thud that you don't usually notice. With my flashlight I scan the room again despite how badly my hands are shaking. A table, a sleeping bag, a bloody bandage and a shit ton of empty metal boxes, no bigger than a lunch box scatter across the floor. Im in a bank vault. Id seen them many times before. This ones obviously been raided.
"Niall," my scratchy voice won't let out much sound now. The sobs won't stop. not even after my ribs feel broken and sore. This is just like Niall always doing everything for me. Trying to help me like his life depends on it. He can't die like this, not for me, he's better than that.
As I sit on the cold vault floor my hands move to my swollen stomach.
"He loves us so much, your daddy would do anything for you. To meet you. To make sure you're safe. Don't worry baby he always comes back." I say out loud, in hopes that maybe, the baby can hear me. But really I think I'm trying to reassure myself.
The crying doesn't stop... All night.

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