Your Child Walks In On You Having Sex

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I'm so sorry😂🍆

"Harry!" You gasped.
He grounded his hips against yours and kissed your neck. After weeks of running around with the kids, you and Harry finally had sometime to yourselves.
"You're so sexy, Y/N" He said with a husky voice.
He thrusted into you, making you moan out and leave scratches down his back. Just when you were about to reach your peak, Harry pulled away.
"Harry? What's wr-" You started.
You gaze moved over to the door frame where your daughter stood. She was all sleepy rubbing her eyes with one hand, and holding her favourite bunny in the other. Her little pajama dress was twisted, and her hair, which you had put into a ponytail earlier, had fallen out.
You and Harry quickly covered yourself up, and tried your best to look inconspicuous.
"Darcy? What's wrong, love?" Harry asked still pressing himself against your back.
"I heard mama yell. Are you okay mama?" She asked, almost falling over she was so tired.
"Yes baby, I'm fine. Go on back to your bed, I'll come tuck you in. Okay?" You said.
"Okay." she said in a whisper, before shuffling off to bed.
"I'll be right back." You assured Harry, grabbing your robe.
"I'll be waiting, but let's lock the door next time." He laughed.
"Shit, baby. You're so tight." Liam moaned.
Liam had just gotten back from tour and while the two of you were waiting for your son to get back from school, you wanted to have a little fun.
"Liam! Oh god!" You moaned into the sheets.
He thrusted himself into you, and moaned loudly. You were so close to reach your climax and Liam was getting close as well.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair, "I'm so close, baby."
A loud knock at the door, cause you to jump. Liam jumped back and covered himself as quickly as possible, while somehow managing to toss you a sweatshirt.
"Yes?" You sighed, as the door flung open.
"Is daddy in there?! I saw his shoes by the door!!" An six year old James yelled from behind the door.
"Uh-yes he is bud, he was the bathroom. He'll come to see you in a minute." You quickly explained.
Liam looked at you and sighed, "Rain check?"
"Rain check, babe...Now go and say hi to your son." You giggled pointing at the door.
After all of the kiddos were off in bed, you and Niall were ready to have some fun. You pulled Niall into the bedroom and started giving him a strip tease.
He smirked, "You're looking hot tonight, babe."
You laughed, "I've been dying for the kids to go to sleep all day today."
"Oh yeah?" He said raising an eyebrow.
"Yeah" You laughed.
"Come here, baby" Niall said patting the bed.
You walked over to the mattress and pressed your hand against Niall's chest. You crawled onto his lap and straddled him. You could already feel the bulge growing under his trousers. He began kissing your neck, and you let out a small moan.
"Ni- I want yo-" You started.
"What are you doing?" A small voice chimed.
You scrambled for your robe that was laying on the side of the bed, and threw it on. The small voice had come from your youngest daughter, Katie.
"Katie! Baby, what are you doing out of bed?!" Niall said to your four year old daughter.
"What's going on?" You're 5 year old son asked, rubbing the top this blond head.
"What are you kids doing out of bed? I told you twice already." You said sternly.
"I don't feel good" Katie whimpered.
"She woke me up!" Dean said pointing at his sister.
"Okay. Okay. Everybody's got to go back to bed. Katie I'll get you some medicine, but after that you have to try and go to sleep." Niall said.
"Okay daddy." She said rubbing her eyes.
"Alright dad...Hey! Tomorrow can we go play some football?" Dean said jumping up and down.
I smiled and looked at Niall, he nodded and said, "Of 'course we can."
"Sick, night dad!" He said running off to bed.
Niall got up to help Katie, but before he left he grabbed you by the arms, and kissed you.You knew that the way he pressed his lips against yours meant that he wanted you.
Pulling back he smirked and said, "I'll be right back, okay babe?"
"Ooh Tommo...", you called from your bedroom.
Louis finally had gotten some time off from work, while the kids where off at friends houses for the night. Leaving the two of you, with the house to yourselves.
"Yesss?" He yelled mockingly.
"I've got something for you!" You said taunting him.
Louis came into the bedroom,but caught his breath, trying to play off and excitement that he had about your 'surprise'. He looked you over, and smirked.
"So what do you think?" You asked raising an eyebrow.
"Very. Hot." He said biting his lip.
You motioned for him to come closer, to soak up the fact that you were wearing on of his snap backs, and only that. He raised his eyebrows and tore off his shirt. He crawled over you and flipped the hat around on your head. He began kissing you, as he grasped you breasts. He moaned against your lips, making you let out a small moan as well. Somewhere in the fog of it all, Louis had managed to slip out of his trousers, and was in the process of taking if his boxers when you heard a voice coming from the doorway.
Your oldest son, Jeremy waltzed into your bedroom, only to be absolutely horrified. Louis threw his boxers back along his hips, and you covered yourself with a blanket.
"Jeremy! What are you doing home!!" You blurted.
"I FORGOT MY BLOODY PHONE, BUT I WISHED I'D LEFT IT!! OHMIGOD!" He said backing out of the doorway.
Louis looked at with a poorly hidden smile. You slapped his arm, and pointed at the door. He groaned, knowing that you wanted him to talk to your son. He put his t-shirt back on, and walked towards the door.
"Don't go anywhere." He said with a wink.
"Z-Zayn!" You gasped as Zayn thrusted into you.
He grabbed your hair, and pulled it back, kissing your neck. You bit your lip as he ground his hips against into yours.
"You're always so tight baby." He said nibbling at your neck.
"LOCK YOUR DOOR!! OHMIGOD THAT'S DISGUSTING!" Your 16 year old daughter shouted in a single opening and closing of the door. Since the bed was pressed up against the wall, neither of you had a clear look at which of your three girls it was.
"That was Abigail, yeah?" Zayn asked covering himself up.
"Yup....I'll go talk to her.." You said getting up from the bed.
You pulled on one of Zayn's sweatshirts, and some pants, and started to walk away. Zayn grabbed your wrist and spun you around
"Can't it wait til' morning?" Zayn said raising an eyebrow.
"No Zayn...unless you're wanting to pay for years of therapy." You said pushing him back.
"Don't you think that I'm not going to finish what I've started once you get back." He said biting his lip.

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