Meeting Royalty • Zayn

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The normal silence of your family's small cottage home, was now vibrating with the sounds of clashing metals, and the sounds of arrows shooting by. Your neighboring kingdom had declared war. Claiming the royal family had stolen back land, and that they were being unfair in their trade. A rather small felt of soldiers, had managed to fine your house that bordered the city. Their commander ordered you and your family to help them, or you would be kill but you refused.
"So be it." The commander sighed, giving a wave of his hand.
And so the attack began. Your older brother Warrick, who had been playing on joining the royal guard, had taught you everything that you knew about a sword. So as one of the soldiers ran up at you, you took them out without a problem.
"WARRICK! ON YOUR LEFT!" You shouted at your brother, as one of the soldiers aimed his bow towards him.
He pulled the man currently attacking him with a sword, closer letting the archers' arrows hit him in the spine. He let man's body fall to the ground, already blocking another attack. You looted the bow off of one of the dead soldiers who had collapsed behind a stack of hay bales, and began shooting back at the remaining archers. Hitting one in the neck, you checked on Warrick, his forearm was bleeding badly. You knew it would need to be stitched, and soon. It was beginning to look grim for the two of you. You couldn't think about your mother, and little sister who were hiding in the cellar.
"If we are to die, I pray that they won't be found." You thought, scanning the ground for another arrow.
Spotting one you quickly grasped it, and pulled back the string of the bow. You lined up your shot with one of the men still on their horses. You took a deep breath and...the man fell to the ground. Not by your arrow. You hadn't even let go. Releasing the tension in your bow, you turned to find a group of men all dressed in armor that bore the royal crest.
"MEN! GO AROUND BOTH SIDES. ARCHERS ON HIGHER GROUND." A man with wavy, black hair, rod in on a horse that looked almost as black as his hair.
"YES, YOUR HIGHNESS!" The men screamed.
The prince? Prince Zayn? You knew he had gone into battle before, but this seemed like nothing compare to the things he had taken part of. He jumped off his horse with ease, and knelt near you. Your bow still clutched in your hands.
"Miss, this is no place for you. Please get inside." He instructed grasping the bow.
You pulled it back towards your chest, "No my lord, let me fight alongside you and your men. My brother has taught me everything he knows." You explained, catching a glance at your brother deflecting one of the soldier's advances.
The prince followed your glance, and reluctantly nodded. He helped you towards your feet, handing you, your sword. The battle continued as you and the prince fought side by side. You felt like he was doing his best to keep you safe, among the sea of men. So when you suddenly felt a sharp, excruciating pain in your shoulder, he was at your side immediately. He ripped the sleeve to his robes and pressed it against your wound. The pain was so intense, you slowly began to slip into unconsciousness.
"GET HER TO THE CASTLE! NOW!" He shouted, catching you in his arms, as everything went black.

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