Soundtrack Series • Take Me Home • Little Things

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Harry: You're in the kitchen when there's a knock at the door. "Sydney can you get that?" You hear from the back of the apartment. Of course she isn't going to come out to answer it. She's probably still got someone in the bed. You put the milk back in the fridge and grab your bowl of cereal on your way to the door. You take a spoonful of Reece's Puffs and open the door. Your eyes grow wide as you focus in on who is standing on the other side of the door. You forget how to chew the food in your mouth and begin to choke slightly. "Are you alright?" The accented voice questions as you try to get down the cereal. You nod and begin to breathe again. "I just wasn't expecting to see you here," you admit as you step back and allow him in. "It's nice to finally meet you; I'm Harry," he says, extending his hand. You hold your cereal in one hand and finish his gesture. "Oh, no worries, I know who you are." He smiles and walks further into the apartment. You're sure he knows his way around this place, so you aren't bothered with his meandering. "What are you doing here?" You question. He turns on the balls of his feet to face you once more. "What am I doing here?" He repeats as if the answer is obvious. You say nothing as you wait for an answer. "Well you told me I needed to come and see her, so here I am." "Oh." "You weren't actually expecting me to show up, were you?" He inquires, slightly disappointed. "Not really," you answer, shaking your head. "Is she in her room?" You nod and as he begins to walk in that direction you quietly send a request up for there not to be anyone else in the room. You stand at the end of the hallway, watching him walk into her room. You quietly follow after him, standing outside the door to hear their conversation. "What are you doing here?" She asks, just as you had. "I came to see you," he tells her. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" "I've never told you when I am coming over," he reminds her and you can sense a smile on his face. "I came to talk to you," he continues, getting straight to the point. "About what?" If she knew about the conversation you and Harry had on the phone a few weeks ago you aren't sure she would be letting you live with her still. "About us," he says simply. "What about us? Harry there is no us." Ouch. "Since when?" He quickly counters. "There has always been an us. You're just apparently choosing to ignore it." "What is that supposed to mean?" "It means that you are out at all hours of the night, bringing a different guy home every time, and that's not you." "What has Sydney been telling you?" She growls and you know you are officially done for. You probably shouldn't continue to sit here through this conversation. You would be smart to start packing, but you've got to know how this turns out. "It doesn't matter, what does matter is you behaving like this. Going out with people that you don't even like, sleeping with people you don't even know. Why? Have I really hurt you that badly?" She doesn't respond right away and you can tell she's getting emotional. "Listen, I'm sorry if my actions have brought you to this. But that's why I'm here, to make it better. I want to try and fix this. I want to get back to the way things were." She scoffs at him. You want to shake her; he's actually making an effort to show her, just like she has wanted him to do and she's just brushing him off. "(Y/N), I love you. I'm sorry I've been doing a shit job of showing you, but I promise I love you, absolutely everything about you. I know I've done wrong by you by distancing myself from you and not giving you the attention you need and deserve. That's on me. But you can't keep this up. You aren't being true to yourself, you're running. You don't need to run anymore, because I am right here. You can't run from me anymore." You're certain the tension in that room is at its max and you're sure by now that there are tears, more than likely from both parties. "I know being together isn't an option, and I'm not asking for that. All I am asking for is that you stop putting yourself through this. I am going to do better. I am going to be here for you, in any way you need me to be. I'm going to be here." He's telling her everything she's been wanting to hear from him for ages. You just hope she chooses to act on it, and in the right way.
Liam: It has been the longest month of your life. Has it even been a month? You aren't sure. You sit in the dark, it's been a long day. There's lots of snoring around you, and you still aren't sure how these people can sleep in a place like this. You've been with nothing but your thoughts since coming back to your dorm. You find the irony of an area like this being called a dorm almost amusing. If you weren't miserable, you could laugh. You think about her every day, how you screwed up and how she got away. The night she left replays in your mind every single night. It's one of the main reasons you don't get a lot of sleep. You miss her, and yes getting caught with drugs was stupid, but you had no other way to get her attention back on you. You're sure she doesn't think about you now. You know she went off with him. She had nowhere else to go. She definitely wasn't going back to her parents. You wonder if she's on the road with him, or if she's in London at his house. She had mentioned him asking her to move in before, but surely she isn't living there. How is it that even after everything he's done he is the one that is getting his way in this situation? Does she not remember him sabotaging your relationship? Why is she letting him get away with that? You shouldn't be in here. You should be out there, with her. You still love her so much. You've never stopped loving her. She was everything you wanted. But now she's gone. Now she's with the person who's wanted her longer than you've even known her. It shouldn't be like that. It should be you. "You going to sleep?" The guy on the other bed asks. You can see him looking at you, and you're sure he's probably been watching you lay here awake for a while. You shake your head. "Why not?" You had become somewhat friends with him over the weeks. You have to have someone in here to talk to. "Mind's too full, mate," you say as you run your hands across your face. "You're going to just have to let that bird go, mate, she isn't worth it." "She is, though. She's worth it all." "Mate, you're locked up, and for a while. I've been there done that; she's gone." You don't want to believe him but you know it's the truth. You haven't told him the full story about her yet. Leaving out her friendship with Liam is probably the best idea. Although you wouldn't mind him sending some of his friends on the outside after him. That was mean. She wouldn't like you thinking like that. "Mate, stop thinking about her." "I can't," you reply honestly. This is the last place you want to look like a sap. You roll over, not wanting to continue this conversation. You've got a lot of time to do before you get out of here. She's the only thing keeping you going though. Thinking about getting out and getting back with her is what gets you out of this bed every morning. It certainly isn't the food, or the company around here. You close your eyes and that night comes back into your mind. You didn't want her to leave, even though you were shouting at her to get out. You didn't mean it; it was the drugs. It was always the drugs. They brought you here. They are keeping you here. Anger begins to boil within you. Your fist meets the wall in front of you with force and you feel the bones in your hand crack. You can't be bothered to scream out in pain because it's a better emotion than what you've been feeling lately anyways. "Going to have to get that checked out in the morning. I heard it break from here," you hear from behind you. You don't bother rolling over. You don't want to talk. The sensation of pain goes away as you begin to think about Liam winning in this situation. You had done so much to get him back into her good graces and look where that has gotten you. You pushed for her to give him another chance. Why would you do that? Why would any guy want his girlfriend to be friends with someone like that? Especially knowing that Liam wanted to be with her and that he was very much against you, how could you be so stupid? You continue to lay in the darkness. It's going to be another long night. Not having the person you truly love around hurts more than the realization that you're in jail. And the fact that you were the one to push her away makes it even worse. Is this how Liam felt?
Niall: This place is looking amazing, and it's all thanks to her. She's been here almost every single day working to make everything perfect. You couldn't ask much more of her. Except to love you. You had to go to extreme measures to keep her around, not your usual style, but it was all in good spirits. She deserves better than what that guy is giving her. He's never around, and you don't ever see her on the phone with him. She's with you now, standing in the kitchen, looking over the rest of her plans for the master. You can't help but watch her. She's so beautiful. You're certain her boyfriend knows this, and probably even appreciates it. You have nothing against him, honest. You just know she can have a more stable life with you. This isn't about him; this is about you. Yes, you are in the wrong for trying to come between their relationship, but how else is she supposed to see that you're the right choice. "What are you staring at?" You hear, and you come out of your thoughts. You smile, "An angel." You have always had a way with words. Her face flushes as she smiles and shakes her head. You enjoy embarrassing her. "Shut up," she scolds as she looks back down at her plans. You get up from your spot in the now finished living room. "It's lunch time, you know," you tell her, reminding her that she's been working nonstop since the early morning. "I'm looking up curtains for your room right now," she informs you as she continues to scroll through options on the iPad she keeps with her at all times. You have the mind to pull it away from her, and gett her attention in other ways, but then you remember your thoughts. You have nothing against Niall, you're sure he's a great guy. You have friends that have partied with him and have had nothing but nice things to say about him. But you know spending so much time away from him is wearing on her; you can see it. You take a step back from her, giving her space. "What do you want and I will order it?" This is all about compromise, and not posing a threat. She's willingly spending all of this time in your apartment, and the last thing you want to do is come across too brash and have her do all of her work at the office. "Whatever you want, I don't care. You know by now what I like and what I don't." That is true. You still haven't cooked a meal in the new kitchen. You're waiting for the right time to ask her. You're sure something like that would bring up a lot of memories for her with Niall. You don't want to do that to her, so you will wait and just order out for now. "Carnegie sound good?" "Only if you get an apple pie for dessert," she says, perking up with a smile. "Of course I am," you tell her, walking back into the living room to grab your phone. You take a seat across from her at the bar as the line rings. "Hi, yes, I would like an order for pickup please." "Yeah, can I get a Reuben, with macaroni salad, and some onion rings? And can I get a-" You look up to make sure she doesn't want something other than what you are ordering. "Turkey club with no lettuce and the mayo on the side, with cole slaw, and fries." A smile comes across her face and you know you've gotten it right. "And can I get one of your apple pies, please?" "Yes, a whole one." She giggles across from you, quickly putting her hand over her mouth. "Alright, thank you," you tell the girl on the other end and hang up. "A whole pie?" She questions you. "You'll want some for dinner, too." "And you know I'm staying for dinner?" She questions with a smirk. "You aren't going to stay?" You counter, innocently. "Of course I'm going to stay. Who else is going to figure out which curtains go best with the duvet?" "See that's the question I was asking myself." She smiles, pushing back the hair that had fallen in front of her eyes. You love seeing her smile. "I'm going to go ahead and go. I'm sure it'll take me the entire half hour to get there with the lunch traffic." You get up from your seat at the bar and head to the master to get a pair of shoes and your wallet and car keys. "You want me to go with you?" You hear her call out. She doesn't usually ask to leave with you. "That's up to you," you tell her, leaving the air open. Then you remember her situation. "You might as well just stay here though, I won't be gone long." You don't want to make things between her and Niall any more distant than they already are. It hurts her too much.
Louis: It's been the hardest week of your life. Saying goodbye to your husband was inevitable, and you knew it was going to happen soon. His condition never stopped getting worse. This entire house is in a deep state of sadness. You've seen Ethan around, helping with what he can. But (Y/N) hasn't been out of her room since the funeral. You expected it. In fact, you weren't even sure if she would get out and go to the funeral. You know she's hurting and you wish you knew how to show her that you understand her situation. You know she wouldn't ever believe you though. She doesn't need to be in this house. She needs to get back on the road with Louis. She's spent all the time she needs to spend here, and you can see that it's only been hurting her. You don't want to see her slipping back into the depression she just got out of a couple of years ago. That was hard on everyone around here. You walk past the bedroom you haven't been able to go into for a week now, stopping in front of (Y/N)'s door, knowing you should just walk in because knocking won't get a response. You knock anyways and listen for anything from the other side. Nothing. You open the door slowly, waiting for her to protest. The room is pitch black. "(Y/N)? Are you awake?" You ask gently. "What is it?" You hear from under the duvet. "I want to talk with you for a minute." "About what?" "Can I open the curtain while we talk?" You ask, skipping her question. "I guess," she answers reluctantly. You walk over to her window and let the mid-day light into the room. You go back over to her bed, sitting down on the edge and she sits up. You take a deep breath. "I think you've spent enough time here," you reveal and confusion comes across her face. "You should go back with Louis, you've spent enough time here with us." "Are you serious?" She questions. "I know you haven't been happy here, how could you? But no matter what you are thinking, it's been nice to have you around. It's time for you to go now, be happy again. Your brother won't agree, but this is coming from me. I know you aren't meant to be here on a regular basis, no matter how much I want you to be. That's just not your personality and I get that. Ethan doesn't, and I know he's been harsh on you but you have to know that he cares. Both of us care even though it's been tough for us to show it." You pause to see if she has anything to say, but she just seems to be overwhelmed by the revelation you have just shared with her. "So pack up your things and call him so he can fly you over." "I haven't talked to him in weeks," she reveals to you. "Well I'm sure he's just been busy. I mean he is across the ocean, traveling to a different city every night. There isn't that much time to talk, I'm sure." She doesn't seem very convinced by your words. "You have to remember at the beginning of the tour you were with him, so you didn't have to worry about calling and keeping in touch." You hope you're getting through. You know that they have a very special relationship and that he has been the only one making her smile these last few months. You know she needs to be with him. "Call him," you repeat with a smile. A small smile forms on her face in return. You get up from the bed and walk back over to the window. "You can leave it open," she tells you. "I'll need the light to pack." "Yes you will," you say with a smile. "I love you," you assure her as you walk to the door. "I love you, too," she says in return. Your heart jumps. You cannot even remember the last time she told you that she loved you. You continue to smile at her as you walk out of her room and close the door behind you. You hope that this is the beginning of her getting back to the way she used to be. You feel so bad that being in this house has brought her down so far. You're sure though, that this is the way to go in getting her out of this. You return to the kitchen to see Ethan sitting at the table. "So you're just going to let her leave like that?" He inquires with anger in his tone. "She has to Ethan; this place is too depressing for her. I know you can see it. She doesn't need to be here." You know he doesn't understand. "It's for the best."

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