Soundtrack Series • Up All Night • Gotta Be You

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Harry: It's safe to say you've gotten used to the feeling of waking up beside him, even if he sleeps well beyond what you do. His break is officially here, and he deserves to sleep in. You quietly slip yourself out from under the covers and place your feet into the slippers that had been waiting for you all night. The floor was far too cold to walk on at this point in the morning. You turn back to the bed and smile as Harry continues to sleep. It's a little after ten in the morning; it's time for brunch. You make your way down to the kitchen, stopping in the middle of the corridor to look over a group of pictures in frames Harry had sitting on a table in front of a full length mirror. You had seen these photos every time you walked through this hallway. They were not a new sight. You pick up the only one on the table of you and Harry by yourselves. It was at the charity banquet a couple of months ago. The two of you look great, a perfect match. You can't help but admit it to yourself. The more you stare at the two of you together the more you want everyone to know your happiness. If only Harry would ask you that question he always wanted you to say 'yes' to just one more time. He only has to ask you once. You know your answer. You know exactly what you would say. "We look good, don't we?" Harry questions, jokingly, his voice still sounding asleep. You sit the picture back down where you had found it. "Yes, we do," you answer with a smile, turning to him and pressing a kiss to his lips. "Don't kiss me yet, I haven't brushed my teeth." You laugh at his modest comment. "I am so sorry," you lament with a slight smile, holding your hands innocently up in the air. "I'll get the kitchen going; you hit the bathroom," you instruct. It was time to get the day started. "On it," he says with a laugh, pressing a kiss amongst your hair. The two of you go your separate ways, and you open the refrigerator as you hear him turn on the shower. He isn't going to let you skip out on a big brunch. The kitchen is full of food for a reason. You bring out the carton of eggs, along with the ham (left over from the many holiday parties you've had these last few weeks), some mushrooms and peppers, and of course a block of fresh cheese. Nothing around this house wasn't all-natural, organic, free-range, and so forth. Only the best for this household, a household that now includes you. You take a large skillet from the pot and pan rack and place it on the stove. Next you take a bowl from the cupboard. It was an omelet morning. Before turning the stove on, you go back to the refrigerator to grab some tomatoes, still on the vine of course, and more peppers, these with a little more heat. Harry enjoys a fresh salsa with his omelet, and it just so happens that he thinks yours is pretty damn good. You pull the food processor away from the wall and plug it in. Tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, lime juice, cilantro (fresh, of course), garlic powder, and blitz. You leave the salsa mixture in the processor to sit. "I am already excited for this," you hear from behind you. You turn to see a freshly showered Harry, his hair still slightly wet. He takes a seat at the bar, and you pour him a cup of coffee. Thank goodness the coffee maker knows to start on its own. The two of you would be out of luck in the mornings without it. Mixing his coffee the way he likes it has become second nature to you. Everything to do with him has become second nature.
Liam: You know you're only making your case worse by staying here as long as you have. The fans have absolutely no desire to see you walking out of this apartment complex anymore. Not that they ever did. There's just no need to question their motives anymore. Whatever you have done to them to make them this hostile towards you isn't something that you are going to be able to fix. You just have to accept that. "I'm going to start looking for places tomorrow," you reveal, as you close your laptop and set it aside. "What? Why?" Liam questions as he walks into the living area from the kitchen. "It's past Christmas, first off, and second, Liam, I can't stay here." "You're letting them get to you, aren't you?" He questions, sitting down his bowl of party mix left over from the get together he hosted a couple of nights ago. "It's all everyone is talking about. My friends back home, who don't keep up with your fans at all, know everything they've been saying because it's all over the entertainment news. They talk about me on the TV and radio all of the time, and it's never anything good." "You can't let them get to you like that. They will eventually accept it and see that you aren't the person they think you are." "Liam, it's been months, things like this don't wait that long to blow off unless they're going to stick. If I just find another place, all of it will go away. Those people won't be outside anymore, and you won't constantly have to be asked about me." You are really trying to get him to see your side of this and how you need to take the steps to make the situation change. "You think you're a bother, don't you?" "It's not that. I mean I know me being here causes unneeded stress on you, but it's more for me. I just want everything they're saying to go away." "Unneeded stress? (Y/N), are you serious? You honestly cannot think that." You shrug your shoulders. You knew this was going to be a difficult conversation to have with him, seeing as you are sure he thought you weren't going to go anywhere. But you can't stay. You are causing far too much drama being around. He has to see that. Liam walks over to your side, sitting down on the couch with you. "You are not a burden in any way on me. I love that you are here, and I will fight for you to stay." "Liam," you begin, but he shakes his head. "No, you are going to get through this, because I am going to be right here with you." "You shouldn't have to be going through anything, this is your time to rest, and you shouldn't have to be dealing with drama. And this is a lot of drama, you can't deny that." Everything you are saying only seems to be going in one ear and out the other. He doesn't want to hear a thing you have to say about this matter, other than you are going to stay. You know this. You can't promise him that you will stay though. You know you can't stay. "Give it a little while longer, trust me that it will all blow over, and they will forget this soon." His eyes are locked on yours. You know they aren't going to just forget about you 'imposing' on his life. You know this isn't just going to blow over. You can't take the look in his eyes right now. It's breaking you. "A little while longer," you promise him, only wondering how much longer you will be able to consume the hatred being thrown at you.
Niall: There are four other wads of paper in the floor across from you. Nothing you have been saying seems convincing enough to get through to Niall. He is still yet to allow you to share your side of this terrible nightmare. You can't blame him; you just wish he would have a slight moment of weakness. You've left countless messages, all unanswered. You're trying a different approach now. You're writing your side. Well, you're trying to write your side. Nothing is working. Every time you think you have a convincing side, you ball the paper up and toss it. You know he isn't going to go for this. You have to try; you can't afford not to. With no return address, maybe he will give your letter a chance. You've never wanted anything more in your life than to just hear his voice directed towards you again. Even if it is just him telling you that you will never be together ever again and that he never wants to see you. At least he would have made the conscious decision to address you. Which is something you haven't had in months. You've stared at his name at the top of this letter countless times, anything to get the right words. You've watched him all over the internet, having the time of his life while having his time off. This was the time that he was going to spend with you over here in New York. The two of you hadn't had time together like that since he left for the show. You had everything planned, well as much as he was going to let you plan. Everything was going to be perfect. You were so close to this break before you went and ruined it all. You were finally going to be able to wake up beside him again. You were going to be able to fix him dinner again. You were going to be able to finally do everything you had been missing for the last five years. Your life was going to return to normal for a little while. The keyword in that, of course, is 'was'. Your life wasn't going to return to anything now. You had made sure of that. Writing an apology letter to the person that used to think the world of you was your new life. Tears fill your eyes, yet again, as you continue your letter. You have to finish it now. Even though you know this isn't going to work, you have to finish it for yourself. You have to know that all of these feelings are out of your mind and onto this paper in front of you. You have to send it away and across the ocean. You have to know it at least made it to his post box. You don't bother putting your name at the bottom. He's, of course, going to know who this tear-stained letter is from. You simply write 'I love you' at the bottom and fold it up. Everything you want Niall to know is on those lines. You slide the paper in the envelope and seal it shut. Nothing more you can do now. You get up from the table you had been sitting at for the last several hours and go to the office area to find a stamp. This letter has to be out of this apartment today, otherwise you won't send it. You will overthink it, just like you did those last four still wadded up in the floor. You find a stamp and slip on your house shoes to take your message down to the lobby for the outgoing mail. The people at the front desk haven't spoken to you in months. You're sure they're afraid to. Who would even know what to say to you? You push a small smile onto your face as you hand the girl behind the desk your letter. She smiles brightly, happy to see that you can even force a smile. "Thank you," you tell her softly. She nods and you walk back over to the lift. The letter is now out of your hands.
Louis: It was nice not having a hundred people in the house tonight. Holiday parties were crazy around here you learned. There were always way too many people walking around. You didn't have to clean up after them though. Louis let his money take care of that. You didn't really need a fire going, but it was nice to look at. And it was just cold enough to have an excuse for it. Louis finally emerges from the office. He had been in there all afternoon on a call. You were sure he would come out stressed, which is why you had put the kettle on for him. "Water is ready for tea," you tell him as he walks by the couch you've been laying on for the last few hours. "Christ, thank you," he says in relief. "You're very welcome." "Everything alright?" You ask once he has returned to the living area. "It is now that I'm off of the phone." That means he doesn't want to talk about it. You move on. "Big Fat Quiz is on next, if you want to watch it with me." "I'll watch anything with you," he tells you, sitting down on the couch, placing his cup on the table and his head on your lap as he lays across the other side of the sectional. You don't want to get used to this behavior from him because you aren't sure when he is going to change his mind. As the show starts you can sense his concentration is elsewhere. "I thought you said you would watch anything with me; doesn't look like you're watching a thing," you tease. "I'm watching you." You look down at him. "Why?" He sits up at your question. Oh, here we go. "Listen, I know that I have hurt you. I can't imagine how badly, but I know that you aren't going to be able to trust me with your emotions for a long time." You didn't want to be having this conversation now while Jimmy Carr is on television cracking decently inappropriate jokes. "Louis, we don't have to-" "We don't, but I do," he interrupts. "I have to let you know that even though I am never going to be able to make up for what I have done to you, I am going to try my absolute best to try and show you that I do genuinely care for you. Because you deserve to have someone care for you, and I want you to see that that person is me." "Louis, you don't have to do this. It's okay. I have accepted what we are, and I am getting better every day at getting used to it." "You shouldn't' have to get used to something like this though. I want you to get used to feeling wanted, instead of needed." You had heard Louis tell you a lot of things, but these words in this tone, you had never. "Louis, you really don't have to say those things," you assure him. "Will you stop telling me what I don't have to do? You know I don't like that," he says, and you laugh at his pretend anger. He leans over you, wrapping his arms around your back, pulling you into him as he keeps most of his weight off of you. He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead and then your lips. "I want you to know that you are the best thing to come around in a long time. I know I've done a shit job of proving that, and you shouldn't even believe me when I say it, but I'm going to prove to you, however I can and whatever it takes, to show you that I mean it." You can't help but smile. You know you shouldn't look too far into his words because like he said, he's messed up, and you shouldn't even believe what he is saying because who knows where it's coming from. But a smile won't hurt you. A smile is what you need and Louis has brought that smile to you.

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